Sentences with phrase «dependent upon»

It is dependent upon another for care.
Thus the identity of any «socially composite» entity is completely relative to the endurance of an established social order and dependent upon individual constituent interaction, and can not under any circumstance be regarded as something which is manifested unto itself.
He had risen from the peasantry, and to the end he understood his people and was properly restrained by his knowledge of their stubborn love of freedom and by the nature of his own position as dependent upon them.
He did it before with his claim that the achievement of vast national purposes is not dependent upon resort to force.
There is a strength in the belief in God (real or imagined matters not) that allows us to never be dependent upon the state or corporate powers.
In the later cosmology, such a method is applied to experience in general where relatedness is taken as primary, and the extensive properties of nature are dependent upon the function of the universe as a creative process, albeit such a method loses it deductive character when applied to the observed connectives of experience.
A relationship with God is not dependent upon bureaucracy.
Paul, like other ancient epistolers, was dependent upon trusted carriers to deliver their letters to recipients.
Jacques Derrida's claim that there is no thought in his work which is not dependent upon Heidegger is only a slight exaggeration.
It is not essentially connected with or dependent upon causation, final or efficient.
Only the method of science is other - directed and dependent upon a standard that transcends finite determination.
Robert Funk has observed that in the early Christian church, the apostle's means of exercising power and influence was dependent upon his establishing apostolic parousia in that community.
Remember that each breath of air we take is dependent upon God allowing us to do so.
Mathematics then, being defined in terms of the infinity of types, is dependent upon the lowest level of individuals interpreted as unspecified entities of the physical world.
But then, I guess that is one way they make us dependent upon them.
Which is appropriate, after all, since most of the ancient thinkers who have inspired her work certainly understood that our quest for eudaimonia is profoundly dependent upon the social order in which we live and think.
Mind, while dependent upon nature as the means whereby it may arrive at the truth, is nevertheless separate from nature in some fundamental sense.
There is the deep and widespread oppression of women, along with the elderly and children dependent upon women, in all patriarchical societies around the globe whereby women and their dependents are dehumanized and depersonalized by the androcentric fears and aggressions of males (sexism).
Paul is saying quite clearly that salvation from sin and death is directly dependent upon the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth.
Our study has shown, in addition, that not only do the New Testament writers show some diversity in the way in which they talk about the resurrection of Jesus, but they are not all equally dependent upon the use of the idiom for the proclamation of the Christian message.
An institution is conspicuously dependent upon individual human beings for its existence.
That is, its being is, in part, dependent upon its relations.
But why should God's goodness be correlative to or dependent upon the preservation of individuals as such, that is, on immortality?
Church education is a dependent discipline — dependent upon theological underpinnings which both judge and inspire its work.
But the specific quality of any given act of worship is dependent upon the religious outlook of the believer and the picture of the object that is worshiped; as is the god, so is the cult.
By contrast, Paul makes the resurrection of Christ dependent upon a general concept of resurrection: «For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised.
Dependent upon whether age or insight, power or skill, attitude or a set of deeds is regarded as the criterion for the possession of grace, a spiritual order will become manifest which may or may not coincide with any other competing order.
While at their highest point such activities, particularly conceptualising, are immaterial and so are not ultimately dependent upon the body, Aquinas held that in this life the whole gamut of rational activity needs various interior sense powers that come with the body.
Hartshorne views the interrelationship as follows: Our present moment of existence is dependent upon God's abstract character of inevitably knowing whatever exists, but not vice versa.
Those who defend the view that the resurrection of Jesus was an historical event in the physical world unintentionally detract from the significance of the death of Jesus, the real center of Christian proclamation, by making it dependent upon a subsequent event.
One style of faith typical of children but also frequently found among adults is founded upon a deep sense of belonging to a community in Which faith is expressed through the «heart» and belief is dependent upon external authority.
consciousness is generated from and remains dependent upon a physical brain, though it can also influence neural states.
However, such noteworthy process theologians as John B. Cobb, Jr., Schubert Ogden, W. Norman Pittenger, and Daniel Day Williams all acknowledge a profound debt to Hartshorne for assistance in carrying forward the theological task in a manner essentially dependent upon process philosophy.
76 The self in dialogue with others «is dependent upon them for the image which it has of itself and for the spiritual security which is as necessary to the self as its social security.
Who Jesus Christ is very much dependent upon who the Minjung is.
Did it not exist, nothing significant could be known about him — even those who reject it are still dependent upon it for what can be known about that One from whom it took its origin.
Recently Western modern theologies heavily dependent upon modern philosophical (epistemological or other) concepts for theological interpretations; and this trend, too, neglected the religio - cultural and intellectual life of Asian peoples for theology, while claiming universality of Western theologies.
Whitehead's account of the perceptive mode of presentational immediacy, as he explicitly states, is dependent upon a definition of straight lines in terms which make no appeal to measurement (unlike the definition, «the shortest distance between two points»): «It is to be noted that this doctrine of presentational immediacy and of the strain - locus entirely depends...
So, Tal, your choice for a president is dependent upon how mad god is going to be when you get to see him?
All men were thus dependent upon the heritage of divine revelation which the church preserved from generation to generation.
In general, American process theology is consciously dependent upon the process philosophy of either Whitehead or Hartshorne or both; and Hartshorne deserves a large amount of credit for doggedly advocating Whiteheadian - Hartshornian process philosophy during the past four decades when such advocacy was not popular among either philosophers or theologians.
Christianity came to Asia in the first century itself, not through the missionary activities of Antioch and not ecclesiastically dependent upon Antioch.
In classical prophetism the interpretation of Israel's existence is everywhere dependent upon the concept of election / covenant.
Our very humanness is dependent upon the language by which we communicate and grow to some degree of human maturity.
This dialogue with others is often a purely technical one and hence itself belongs to the world of I - It, but the compelling conviction of reality which it produces is entirely dependent upon the prior (if forgotten) reality of the meeting with the Thou.
In the case of Christianity, the Gospel moved from the great centres of the Roman Empire such as Antioch or Rome to the places outside of the Roman Empire and Christian communities thus formed were dependent upon the churches in the Roman Empire for their ecclesiastical life.
Such aims are to a considerable degree dependent upon the accomplished past; they are also suggested possibilities as to ways in which fulfillment or satisfaction may be obtained in a further advance.
For the people of Palestine, suffering under the Roman regime, it must have been as hard to believe this as it is today in the United States of America for people struggling to achieve economic and political equality of opportunity, or as it is for the native people of Palestine or Vietnam who are exiled from their homes and dependent upon the scanty bounty of the United Nations and charitable organizations.
Further, it should be said plainly that we are also constantly dependent upon more proximate realities, all of which are surrogates for our ultimate dependence.
I once cite «Realism and Idealism,» the passage about objective idealism in which Collingwood clearly states his conception of the world of nature: «Thus it conceives the world of nature as something derived from and dependent upon something logical prior to itself, a world of immaterial ideas; but this is not a mental world or a world of mental activities or of things depending on mental activity although it is an intelligible world or a world in which mind, when mind comes into existence, finds itself completely at home.
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