Sentences with phrase «dependent upon a world»

The three «natures,» then, indicate that God is dependent upon the world, independent of the world, and affects the world.
Process theologians, therefore, generally hold that God is in some sense dependent upon the world and that in that sense he is subject to the changes that take place in the world.
God in his consequent nature is dependent upon a world as the world is dependent upon God.

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It envisions a world in which we're completely dependent upon social media.
We believe that the investments we make on behalf of our clients are helping to create opportunities for economic growth around the world, and our ability to succeed is dependent upon serving our clients and delivering strong results.
Sales and prices of commodities like copper are highly dependent upon the economy and, as we all know, the domestic and world economy have been in a pretty big funk as of late.
First, note the particular terms Schweitzer used: he said that the religion of love is not dependent upon belief in a «divine personality» (Gottespersönlichkeit) or «World Sovereign» (Weltherrscher).
Recall that higher possibilities of value are dependent upon greater importance in the world that is inherited.
If the requisite disjunctive synthesis can not be explained by appeal to the doctrine that God values all possible worlds, this is not so much because evaluation is logically dependent upon gradations of importance, but because (accepting Christian's explanation of the absence of such gradations in the primordial nature) the logic of the doctrine itself entails that God be inextricably involved in the formation of actual worlds as «circles of convergence,» i.e., in «the orderings effected by individuals in the course of nature.»
However creation was accomplished, it is all the work of a deity who is the ultimate and finally responsible causative agent; secondary causation, such as we know in our own experience of the world, is derivative from and in every respect dependent upon the first cause.
Second, he who understands the world and himself as created perceives nature, history, and his own being as radically contingent, radically dependent upon God, radically subordinate to the Creator in both worth and reality.
When observing the world the evidence of God in the power of prayer, miracles and creation itself is dependent upon perspective.
Yet no matter what their degree of certainty, all notional assents agree in being farther removed from and dependent upon our direct knowledge of the world.
Recent speculations in physics resulting in theories of a finite world of space - time have however been taken by some philosophers as warrant for belief in some infinite reality «beyond» the finite world, upon which that world is dependent.
Whether we like it or not by power and by right you are incarnate in the world, and we are all of us dependent upon you.
What we ought to be able to discover in this world picture, once the incredible science is gone, is a conception of the universe in which, under what are for us weird and frequently utterly impossible images, the whole creation is seen as dependent upon a loving and active God who is its ultimate meaning and its ground of being.
Redemption is not dependent upon Messianic calculations or any apocalyptic event, but on the unpremeditated turning of our whole world - life to God.
This system, dependent on a small affluent minority using a disproportionate share of the World's natural resources, was fast depleting the base upon which it rested: nonrenewable resources.
Thus it conceives the world of nature as something derived from and dependent upon something logical prior to itself, a world of immaterial ideas; but this is not a mental world or a world of mental activities or of things depending on mental activity although it is an intelligible world or a world in which mind, when mind comes into existence, finds itself completely at home.
I once cite «Realism and Idealism,» the passage about objective idealism in which Collingwood clearly states his conception of the world of nature: «Thus it conceives the world of nature as something derived from and dependent upon something logical prior to itself, a world of immaterial ideas; but this is not a mental world or a world of mental activities or of things depending on mental activity although it is an intelligible world or a world in which mind, when mind comes into existence, finds itself completely at home.
This dialogue with others is often a purely technical one and hence itself belongs to the world of I - It, but the compelling conviction of reality which it produces is entirely dependent upon the prior (if forgotten) reality of the meeting with the Thou.
And, oh, when the hour - glass has run out, the hourglass of time, when the noise of worldliness is silenced, and the restless or the ineffectual busyness comes to an end, when everything is still about thee as it is in eternity — whether thou wast man or woman, rich or poor, dependent or independent, fortunate or unfortunate, whether thou didst bear the splendor of the crown in a lofty station, or didst bear only the labor and heat of the day in an inconspicuous lot; whether thy name shall be remembered as long as the world stands (and so was remembered as long as the world stood), or without a name thou didst cohere as nameless with the countless multitude; whether the glory which surrounded thee surpassed all human description, or the judgment passed upon thee was the most severe and dishonoring human judgement can pass — eternity asks of thee and of every individual among these million millions only one question, whether thou hast lived in despair or not, whether thou wast in despair in such a way that thou didst not know thou wast in despair, or in such a way that thou didst hiddenly carry this sickness in thine inward parts as thy gnawing secret, carry it under thy heart as the fruit of a sinful love, or in such a way that thou, a horror to others, didst rave in despair.
Those who defend the view that the resurrection of Jesus was an historical event in the physical world unintentionally detract from the significance of the death of Jesus, the real center of Christian proclamation, by making it dependent upon a subsequent event.
Mathematics then, being defined in terms of the infinity of types, is dependent upon the lowest level of individuals interpreted as unspecified entities of the physical world.
God's generic attributes are necessary, and his steadfast purpose is everlasting, but his experience and activity are dependent upon the contingencies of the world.
But the Jewish belief in creation does not possess the character of a theory to explain the universe; instead, it is the expression of the consciousness that man in his whole existence in the world is dependent upon God.
Yet we can not remain there because (as I have urged) our specific human identity is largely dependent upon where we are, with another and with others and in genuine rapport with the human world as a whole.
The importance of all this is that the origin of modern science was not dependent upon a mechanistic view of the world.
There is no role for God in a world completely dependent upon chance events.
As persons we are dependent upon the sources of being which determine the world process.
It is ultimately dependent upon an analysis of the self as some sort of self - enclosed independently existing entity and produces precisely the difficulty for ethics that has been erroneously attributed to Whitehead, namely that his ethics would be a private - interest theory, at best.1 But Whitehead clearly repudiates the contributing analysis of the self, which would be «no more original than a stone» (PR 159), and repudiates its consequences for ethics: «The doctrine of minds, as independent substances, leads directly not merely to private worlds of experience, but also to private worlds of morals.
But if the world is dependent upon God and if God is influenced by the world, then God is not a substance.
The modern industrial world and the would - be industrial world have made their choices in terms of a human future dependent upon increased economic growth in material goods, despite the warning of ecologists.
At Regensburg and elsewhere, Benedict has carefully made the case that modern rationality is itself dependent upon, and inexplicable apart from, the understanding of reason and the rationality of the world produced by Christianity's appropriation and development of the Hellenic philosophical tradition.
Yet, given this option, whether this abstract mathematical world — which is supposed to explain our particular, individual, personal «feelings, thoughts and emotions,» but which is not supposed to be dependent upon such feelings — whether «such a world [is] merely but one huge fairy tale» (TM 33, cf. 32ff.).
Emphasis upon it has been necessary in order to insure it adequate attention as a genuine phase of the total of Hebrew thought and to show the measure of ultimate attainment; for the conviction that Israel regarded the world and all within it as dependent upon the will and activity of God has become axiomatic in our minds to the exclusion of other possibilities.
Intercessory prayer can best be understood as God's release of his Spirit and healing, creative forces within a law - abiding world, such release being dependent in part upon our willingness to work with him for the furtherance of other persons» good.
The J opus proclaims Yahweh's impingement on Israel, to be sure, but at once — such is the historical form of Israel and its dependent meaning — upon the world, the whole household of God.
Given that agriculture, along with the deforestation associated with it, drives 24 percent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming, we are dependent upon farmers to do the heavy lifting when it comes to fighting climate change.
And both human economies and societies are themselves located within and completely dependent upon the non-human world.
He will talk of a «welfare gap» where people who grow up in a household that is dependent upon benefits assume that the state will also provide them with their own home and income — on the other side of the gap are people who save and go without before they have a home of their own or bring a child into the world;
It puts our human place in the cosmos in clearer perspective, reminding us that we are part of a much larger world that is not dependent upon our human activity.
Mary (Williams) seeks a bigger world beyond the fenced off village of survivors, and the survival of the human race seems dependent upon her success in leading a ragtag group through the dark depths of The Forest of Hands and Teeth.
The success of the MDGs is dependent upon organizations like The Girl Effect and Girl Talk where girls» around the world are being educated on the potential that their lives hold.
The feudal world is sometimes described as being dependent upon a complex system of responsibility and privilege among the different classes.
This is not to say that interest rates can not go up in Canada since the world is currently undergoing a resource bust, and the United States has begun exporting more oil, even trying to recently open the market to Europe, both of which Canada is relatively dependent upon.
One day there is a tiny helpless creature entirely dependent upon its mother and then, seemingly in a flash, that same creature is a lively, spunky juvenile kitten, ready to take on the world.
Carson continued to explain that not only will these events be unique, but that they will be dependent upon a number of in - game factors: «All of these are contextual, depending on where you are in the world, the time of day, even what you may be wearing at the time.»
His recent work is comprised of oil paintings that seek to understand the complexities of the emotional and physical world that is growing increasingly dependent upon electric technologies.
With «Cargo Cult,» (2005) Bedia refers to a phenomenon which occurred amongst cultures in the South Pacific when they became dependent upon provisions carried by cargo ships, chiefly American, during World War II, and stopped producing their own products.
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