Sentences with phrase «depending on carbon pollution»

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And while some of these are already unavoidable, making adaptation to climate change a necessity, the level of risk we face depends on how quickly and deeply we cut carbon pollution.
But projections spelled out in a new report reviewing the issue by the Pew Center on Global Climate Change suggests that by 2050 the total amount of carbon pollution from these sources could increase tenfold, depending on population, economics, and technology trends.
The researchers have predicted that increasing smog would prevent as much as 263 billion metric tons of carbon from being taken out of the atmosphere by plants over the past and coming century, though this depends on how tropical plants respond to O3 pollution.
Our future on this planet depends on our willingness to address the challenge posed by carbon pollution.
Now is the time for the OTPP to live up to that commitment and recognize that creating a better future for teachers (and their students) depends on us transitioning away from carbon pollution industries in the very near future.
Much of it depends on how quickly and seriously we act to cut carbon pollution today.
Of course, how much global warming we see in the coming decades depends on how much carbon pollution we dump into the atmosphere.
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