Sentences with phrase «depending on cloud cover»

Moreover sun - induced evaporation is variable depending on cloud cover at any given time and place.
Power that flows both to and from homes with solar panels, and that dips and surges depending on cloud cover and wind speed, requires a more flexible system.

Not exact matches

Climate sensitivity depends on a number of properties of the earth's climate system, such as the composition of clouds and cloud cover.
These qualities of the plant in turn, in one area of production, depend on weather conditions, such as cloud cover, temperature and rainfall to which the plant is subjected, particularly during the grape period (March to September).
A typical June Gloom morning consists of marine stratus clouds covering the coast of southern California, [4] extending a varying distance inland depending on the strength of the June Gloom effect that day.
Depends on the wind, cloud cover, monthly temperature history etc; i.e., the weather).
[Response: These feedbacks are indeed modelled because they depend not on the trace greenhouse gas amounts, but on the variation of seasonal incoming solar radiation and effects like snow cover, water vapour amounts, clouds and the diurnal cycle.
During a sun cycle, the global cloud cover changes with + / - 2 %, good for a change of several W / m2 (depending on type of clouds and region), far higher than the effect of insolation change as result of the sun's energy variation.
This «climate sensitivity» not only depends on the direct effect of the GHGs themselves, but also on natural «climate feedback» mechanisms, particularly those due to clouds, water vapour, and snow cover.
It is my understanding that the general circulation models (depending on the model) either assumes there is no increase in cloud cover with increasing atmospheric CO2 or assumes the cloud cover reduces with increasing CO2.
Polar bears, arctic summer sea ice, regional droughts and floods, coral bleaching, hurricanes, alpine glaciers, malaria, etc., all depend not on GATA but on a huge number of regional variables including temperature, humidity, cloud cover, precipitation, and direction and magnitude of wind and the state of the ocean.
The more recent investigation finds it to be nearer 39.5 SSN, but as you say, the value will shift around depending on length and provenance of sst dataset, cloud cover variation feedback to temperature and solar activity levels etc..
The cooling effect of clouds during the daytime depends very much on solar inclination as well as cloud optical thickness and cover.
«Nature is too complex, they (the authors) say, and depends on too many processes that are poorly understood or little monitored — whether the process is the feedback effects of cloud cover on global warming or the movement of grains of sand on a beach,» the Times article explained.
Emissivity will vary greatly from year to year depending on snow cover, clouds, crops, deforestation, etc..
Using its ink sac as a shutter, bioGraphic explains, the squid can stem the flow of light depending on the fullness of the moon and the cloud cover in the sky.
With regard to proxy studies, same basic questions, are these direct or passive correlations, what evidence that tree ring core thickness depends only on temperature (what about precipitation, cloud cover, volcanic activity, sea surface temperatue changes, sea current changes, solar irradiance changes, cloud cover, etc.) How are these variables accounted for when analysis of ice cores is completed, or for that matter when computer models, and / or proxy studies are completed.
Radiation feedbacks depend on vegetation or cloud cover that has changed because of changing surface temperatures or moisture conditions.
Callendar admitted that the actual climate change would depend on interactions involving changes of cloud cover and other processes that no scientist of the time could reliably calculate.
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