Sentences with phrase «depending on the depth»

If information from a third - party provider is needed, expect to pay an additional $ 50 or more per thousand names, depending on the depth of the profile.
Bake for 40 to 60 minutes (depending on the depth of your pan, you will need more or less time for the fruit to cook), rotating the dish about halfway through baking, until the crumble topping is deeply browned and the fruit is soft.
Depending on the depth of your pan, you may want to place it on a rimmed baking sheet to catch any light overflow of caramel.
These insights have been published today in Nature Scientific Reports, and show that the structure of marine life communities depends on depth and small - scale features on the sea floor.
These vary depending on the depth and origin of methane gas, enabling scientists to fingerprint and distinguish each source of methane.
«How large these north - south asymmetries are depends on the depth of the flows,» Iess said.
Deep in the Earth, pressures are greater, so melting temperatures are somewhat higher, depending on depth.
But the answer to this question just depends on the depth of your pockets.
Bake for 20 to 30 minutes (depending on the depth of golden brown you're looking for), stirring every 10 minutes.
Cool toned hair will usually transition into a pure silver or steel grey depending on the depth of your coloring.
And also it depends on the depth of the singles dating relationship they had together.
Success depends on the depth of characters and your ability to tell the stories.»
There is no need to remind you about the importance of writing good term papers, as your final grade for the course depends on the depth, relevance, and quality of the term papers you write.
Being a semi-automatic signal service means your success rate solely depends on the depth of your trading knowledge, and more specifically, on your awareness surrounding the fundamental factors which will influence the asset (s) you choose to focus on.
CarProof charges $ 35 to $ 60 for each report, depending on the depth of information provided.
Basically this is hole in the skin which can extend down towards the vertebral column, the implications of which depends on the depth of the hole.
How far the clouds can penetrate inland depends on the depth of the marine layer and the strength of the cooling winds.
Our dive times vary between 40 - 55 minutes depending on the depth and condition and are generally multi-level.
Note too, that if you'd like to dive as a buddy pair with your newly qualified 12 year old, some dive centres may insist that you are certified to Rescue Diver (or equivalent), depending on the depth of the dive.
Others will ask you for quests, which will be easier depending on the depth you have marked your map.
There's a lot there, so probably something for everybody, but whether there's enough for your tastes will depend on the depth the full game offers.
The rate of this flux of Atlantic Water heat flux is variable depending on depth of the maximum and overlying stratification (stratification is controlled by salinity in the Arctic Ocean).
Rather, excess CO2 returns toward baseline at a multitude a different rates, with chemical equilibration in the ocean occurring over decades (depending on depth), ocean carbonate buffering through sediment dissolution requiring centuries to millennia, and eventual restoration of carbonate sediment levels by terrestrial weathering occurring over hundreds of thousands of years — a long «tail» that can account for as much as 20 to 40 percent of CO2 excess in the estimates described by David Archer et al in CO2 Atmospheric Lifetimes.
As noted in the overview of a Climate and Health Workshop at the NOAA Southeast Regional Climate Center: «The ultimate success of adaptation and mitigation strategies in response to climate change and human health will depend on the depth of understanding of the mechanistic links between climate change and the complex components of human health.»
The amount depends on the depth over which the heat accumulates too, and OHC measurements have certain depth ranges associated with them.
Depending on the depth and extent of the cold air mass, the overriding warm Atlantic air can cause different parts of the state to simultaneously experience rain, freezing ice, sleet and snow.
With a great cost - to - benefit ratio and significant stormwater retention, this system supports hardy succulents, vegetated blankets or pre-vegetated mats, and may require irrigation depending on the depth of the growth media.
According to Austrian well builder Dietmar Stuck, the founder of Pumpmakers, the current system costs about 8,000 to 10,000 euros, depending on the depth of the well, but Stuck expects the cost to drop up to 60 % if the Pumpmakers platform can get launched and can begin the serial production of the components.
Depending on the depth of your tax issues, the IRS can audit your taxes in a few different ways.
Depending on the depth of the research topic, AI needs tuning and a different level of human expertise to interpret the findings and connect the dots.
Whether a multi-million dollar deal or a smaller, yet significant, matter, our clients depend on our depth, experience, and «can do» attitude.
Moreover, depending on the depth of the drain, these falls often result in serious back, knee and / or ankle injuries.
Average revenue per client might be anywhere from $ 1,000 to $ 3,000 per year, depending on the depth of services and the particular implementation needs of the client, leading to a potential gross revenue that averages about $ 300,000 with a «full» 150 clients (albeit with some income volatility given a smaller AUM base and some fluctuating needs for insurance products from year to year).
This depends on the depth of the problem, yet most client come to between 4 - 10 sessions, and sometimes move to a maintenance phase after the initial sessions.
I believe ultimately that the progress of therapy depends on the depth of our relationship combined with your courage, candor, and commitment to your goals.»
We used varying sizes of wood screws depending on the depth of the wood being attached.
Planks can vary in thickness, depending on the depth needed.
We trimmed the sleeping bag so that there was about three inches all the way around (this measurement would depend on the depth of your bench).
A fully planted 20» by 25» pond large enough for swimming can be yours starting at around $ 25,000, depending on depth.

Not exact matches

A similar service is Userlytics, which charges $ 39 to $ 99 per month, depending on the amount and depth of testing and feedback.
How well they withstood those trials and how quickly they revived depended, perhaps more than anything, on the depth and integrity of their reputations.
Depending on what you choose for this last question, you'll be asked more in - depth questions.
Technology stocks involved in a bubble may be confined to a particular industry (such as internet software or fuel cells), or cover the entire technology sector as a whole, depending on the strength and depth of investor demand.
These in - depth courses are either instructor - lead or courseware - based, depending on the topic, and they culminate in a Certification test.
The depth of a stock market sell - off that begins in May depends on where the United States economy sits in the business cycle.
In other words, the way you present your content — in format, depth, and length — may vary depending on the individual persona you're targeting.
The specific stocks that make sense for you will partly depend on your interests, how much research you like to do, and the areas you may have in - depth knowledge of.
There is secondary origination of conceptual feelings with data which are partially identical with, and partially diverse from, the eternal objects forming the data in the primary phase of the mental pole; the determination of identity and diversity depending on the subjective aim at attaining depth of intensity by reason of contrast.
Coming into a particular congregation opens the door for the individual to participate psychologically in this many - faceted corporate identity, The depth of an individual's participation depends on the degree to which he is able to enter into the fellowship and its heritage.
When Pope Benedict XVI was still Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, he said on several much - quoted occasions that further major ecumenical progress depended on a new «depth of faith» worked by a new initiative of the Spirit.
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