Sentences with phrase «depends on the ants»

But there was also a fourth rule: A tower's stability depends on the ants that have attached themselves to the rod.
Deadly infection This clever Ophiocordyceps fungus depends on ants to reproduce and spread, but it has found an abundant host animal.
Joseph Parker at Columbia University in New York says that when looking at adaptations in species that live with and depend on ants, the «bizarre almost becomes the norm».
A rare achlorophyllous saprophytic orchid growing entirely underground in Australia, Rhizanthella slateri, is never exposed to light, and depends on ants and other terrestrial insects to pollinate it.

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I am sorry if there are ant confusion, I have used 1/2 cup of cocoa powder, the amount of maple syrup really depend on how sweet you like it.
This makes the hyperparasite another obligate parasite, which depends on the zombie - ant fungus, which depends, in turn, on the carpenter ant colony.
All these differences, suggest biologists Michael Krieger and Kenneth Ross of the University of Georgia, Athens, depend on which version of a gene known as Gp - 9 ants possess, the researchers report in Science online 15 November.
The ants depend completely on their host plants for nectar and the food bodies rich in proteins and lipids which they require.
However, during the drought, the termites and ants, on which the aardvark depends for body energy, were not available.
A closer look at the video footage revealed that the ant lions moves its mandibles at different speeds, depending on where the prey animal is in relation to its head.
They were interested to see if the ant species in the nest boxes would differ depending on the intensity of the warming treatment.
That means that nurse ants must be selectively feeding larvae the hormone, depending on what type of adult workers the colony needs, LeBoeuf says.
Symmetry breaking in mass - recruiting ants: extent of foraging biases depends on resource quality.
Answer: Most ant spray isn't very toxic to dogs but it totally depends on the active ingredient.
You're right, insect / ant bites can be quite common, but there could be other possibilities, depending on the pet's examination.
Depending on the active ingredient, ant bait stations are generally not a huge concern.
Keep Bugs Away the Natural Way Ants, mosquitos, moths, flies... depending on where you live and what sort of climate is found... Keep Reading
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