Sentences with phrase «depends upon the question»

It all depends upon the question, of course.
Bell Task, 10QQ with a variety of times depending upon the question.

Not exact matches

We could argue forever about how that affects national policy and international relations depending upon you politics, but the questions remain.
At the moment, one can depend upon the results without question only when several runs have been made which give virtually identical results and when the date seems correct from other methods of computation.»
4 The answer to this question will depend (as Deleuze clearly recognizes), not simply upon an analysis of the nature of monadic units, but on confronting the issue at its most sensitive point, namely, with respect to the difference between the Leibnizian God who «compares and chooses,» and the Whiteheadian God who «affirms incompossibles and passes them through.»
[16] Although upholders of general relativity theory maintain the unintelligibility of such questions, the questions are unintelligible only within their system Riemannian space depends for basic concepts upon Euclidean geometry, which is then transcended.
Ultimately, however, the question of whether Israel can see in the church a sign that is fundamentally congruent with God's plan of salvation for the world depends upon the church's attitude toward the Jewish people.
Although no explicit feedback arrangement is shown in the image, the authority of the minister's interpretation of the Word depends upon his dedication and competence and is not above question by those who hear.
According to Deadline, LeBron James is serving as a producer for The Wall, which features teammates competing «for cash that can be won or lost in an instant, depending upon whether a ball bounces their way, or a trivia question is answered correctly.»
For it is quite stunning that the four documents in question depend for their intelligibility and their credibility upon a distinctively Jewish and Christian view of man's relation to God.
The answer depends upon the nature of the democracy in question.
There is a certain practical wisdom in refusing to allow the fulfillment of today's task to depend upon answers to obscure questions about tomorrow.
With each question we ask, we learn to depend more upon Him, and less upon ourselves.
As war or peace may depend upon the stroke of a pen in the hands of a single government official, so your life depends upon the answer to this question.
The sources of being upon which all existence depends ultimately involve the answer to the question generated by the awareness of change.
That this was true for Paul does not depend upon any conclusion one may reach on the question whether Paul had ever seen Jesus in the flesh.
18:21 - 22) That means, if forgiveness is to be real, there is no question of commensurable achievements upon which the petitioner depends and bases a claim; the petition for forgiveness must be made by men who wholly renounce all claim.
He describes the quantitative studies that have been devoted to answering this question, but admits that the results are confusing and seem to depend to an inordinate degree upon the assumptions of the investigator.
For the first time in history the answers to all three questions seem, for a large number of intellectuals at least, to depend completely upon the answer to the prior question: «Who are we?»
It seeks to answer the question, «What is the meaning and truth of the Christian assertions that God is love, that love to God and the neighbor are the two great commandments, that the fulfillment of human love depends upon God's action of reconciliation, and that the love of God is the ground of all hope?»
The answer to these questions depends upon how we conceive of the origin of the order of nature.
If imagination plays such a vital role even in such sciences as physics and astronomy, where man can so clearly be an objective spectator, how much more must man depend upon his imagination when seeking to understand the questions of human existence, in which he is at the same time an active participant.
One's position on this question depends inevitably upon the presuppositions he brings to it.
If you subsitiute navigating «Americanism» or the «American way» or «patriotism» in the place of Christianity, you'd get a number of wide ranging and contradictory answers to your specific questions, depending upon which American you're asking.
We all have questions, we all are searching... but it depends on what you decide to set your belief upon.
Where questions of social justice are concerned, the nation might appear at the same time far behind and very advanced depending upon quite arbitrary standards of classification.
As war and peace may depend upon the stroke of the pen in the hands of one government official, so your life depends upon the answer to the question, «what is Man?»
Whether fans will care enough to take such drastic action is the real question upon which our future as a top club may, or rather will, depend.
This question depends mainly upon how often you want to launder your diapers.
Teaching sex to kids depends greatly upon what your child wants to know and the age at which they start asking questions.
The answer to the question when can babies eat cheese depends greatly upon where in the world you are.
Every event is different, depending upon the moms in attendance and prizes provided but many moms frequently have questions about the events.
A child's ability to confidently handle questions about adoption will depend upon your responses to his or her questions.
The next steps will depend upon the specific answers to these questions.
The question has several answers, it just depends upon who you ask and what their particular experience happened to be.
The answer to this question will depend upon how a state defines its interest in another state.
The answer depends upon who you ask and how you phrase the question.
Besides, what's legal or not is going to depend on the country or countries considered and your questions touches upon several distinct issues (copyright, public funding...).
Just as your answers to these two questions can vary depending upon the setting, your interests and skills can change over time.
Your questions may depend upon the location of your meeting.
Whether or not they go to see the relevant specialist depends largely upon the specific problem: around 63 % of the questioned adolescents with ADHS had been to see a specialist, barely 20 % in the case of eating disorders and even fewer in the case of suicidal behaviour disorders (16.7 %) and non-suicidal, self - harming behaviour (10.0 %).
The answer to that question depends upon whether you think Harvey was a one - off — very unlikely to happen any time in the next 100 years — or whether it may be more common than you thought.»
I am convinced that the mental efforts to accomplish those goals strongly depend upon being curious and having a questioning mind!
But there is a wide range of effects depending upon the fruit in question.
Which letter appears on your fertility chart depends upon the symptoms you have recorded for the date in question.
Depending upon your selections for our data protection questions we may arrange for you to be sent information about related products and services from us and carefully selected third parties (see section 4).
In this specific instance of between sizes decisions it depends upon the fabric and the structure of the clothing in question, the way you like your clothing to hang on you (ie snugly or loosely,) and what type of measurement difference we're talking about between the two sizes in questions.
Once you activate match - up, it will ask you some basic questions, and depending upon the answers given by you will automatically start recommending profiles to you.
As to the popular questions: I think that an arrangement should be approached as any other relationship in that relations depend upon the people; consequently, the length of an arrangement will depend upon the «fit» between the sugar mommy and sugar baby.
Download our mobile apps to stay in touch: Once you activate match - up, it will ask you some basic questions, and depending upon the answers given by you will automatically start recommending profiles to you.
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