Sentences with phrase «depends upon the skill»

It's best for children 10 and up (though it may be suitable for younger children depending upon their skill level).
You need to realize that the best Learning Management System is the one that will give you creative control and will depend upon the skills and talent of your team.
Depending upon your skill - set, your side gig might be anything from tutoring, to crafts that can be sold, to ride - share programs like Uber or Lyft.
The amount of money you make will depend upon your skills, experience, and the type of businesses you write for.
Depending upon the skills of students, classes are held in different locations such as Dominical, Ojochal and Uvita.
It is estimated that depending upon skill and a good trophy guide to provide some helpful tips to find the hidden objects for the 7 missable trophies that it would take anywhere from 15 to 20 hours to platinum the trophy list.
It is estimated that depending upon skill and a good trophy guide to provide some helpful tips that it would take around 10 hours to 100 % the trophy list.
It is estimated that depending upon skill and a good trophy guide to provide some helpful tips that it would take between 20 to 30 hours to platinum each trophy list.
It is estimated that depending upon skill and a good trophy guide to provide some helpful tips that it would take between 4 to 6 hours to platinum the trophy list.
They also come in many shapes, sizes and forms with their own threat level and weak points which can impact gameplay depending upon your skill level and the threat level of the location you're playing in.
It is estimated that depending upon skill and a good trophy guide to provide some helpful tips that it would take between 10 to 20 hours to 100 % the trophy list.
If you are lucky and your educational institute has a career guidance counsellor» so much the better, as he / she can open a number of avenues for you depending upon your skills and temperament.
It all depends upon your skills and practice.

Not exact matches

This decision to work or not work with an agent depends upon one's business skills.
«It has become clear that at the most fundamental level, appropriate representation in technology or any other industry will depend upon more people having the opportunity to gain necessary skills through the public education system,» said Williams in Facebook's 2016 diversity report, released Thursday.
Few people recognize how time management depends upon the emotional intelligence skills of self - management and relationship management.
He wrote, «Victory in war does not depend entirely upon numbers or mere courage; only skill and discipline will insure it.
Again and again such thoughtful writers as Alasdair MacIntyre and Robert Bellah tell us that moral rectitude, fundamental truthfulness, and all of the other virtues and skills that make us human depend upon society: upon our....
Again and again such thoughtful writers as Alasdair MacIntyre and Robert Bellah tell us that moral rectitude, fundamental truthfulness, and all of the other virtues and skills that make us human depend upon society: upon our having a lifelong place within a social order and contemplating the historical «narrative» that defines the social order.
The possibility of technical development by such nations depends upon the rapid expansion of educational opportunities to produce the necessary skilled workers.
But though they aim at knowledge and truth, their capacity really to discover the truth about any matter will depend, as Stout here suggests, in part upon their possession of certain vocabularies, skills, and virtues.
Universities exist to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and culture that will prepare them for life, while enhancing the intellectual capital upon which we all depend.
In other words, reputations can and do depend upon the authenticity of the recipe first and then of the powder that goes with the sauce, the skill with which the sauce is made, and in many cases the atmosphere in which the whole is served.»
Patient satisfaction and safety depend upon recruiting and retaining qualified, skilled health care practitioners.
Just as your answers to these two questions can vary depending upon the setting, your interests and skills can change over time.
Your results will depend upon your own background, skills, knowledge and how much effort you use.
This will also greatly depend upon the talents and skills of your eLearning team, since you will want to choose a Learning Management System that offers you the creative control you want and the functionality you need to design the most powerful eLearning experience for your learners.
Depending upon our calmness and skill, we can often turn this crisis toward a constructive end.
In the early childhood and primary years (of education) Walker Learning is designed to provide a balance of explicit teaching of literacy, numeracy, STEM (and other curriculum areas) with time also for children to actively investigate a range of skills and experiences for life either through planned play or projects depending upon their age and stage of maturity.
In the early childhood and primary years of education, Walker Learning is designed to provide a balance of explicit teaching of literacy, numeracy, STEM, and other curriculum areas, with time for children to actively investigate a range of skills and experiences for life, either through planned play or projects depending upon their age and stage of maturity.
This set uses the First Grade sight word list, but it could also be helpful for readers in other grade levels, depending upon their reading skill level.
Fluency depends upon well developed word recognition skills, but such skills do not inevitably lead to fluency.
High school students conduct research and apply critical thinking skills as they explore how humans around the world interact with and depend upon diverse forests.
Their success on the assessment depends upon their ability to use the computer effectively, and these are basic skills they will need in both college and career.
In fact, more than at any point in American history, economic and social mobility depends upon having higher - order skills.
However, the success of any e-learning strategy depends upon the workforce using it for stronger skills and knowledge matrix.
The sufficiency (availability, commitment, and skills) of this mariner pool to support a large - scale activation of the sealift fleet depends upon the health and size of the commercial U.S. - flag merchant fleet.
The fuel economy can vary slightly depending upon the driving conditions such as city traffic, maintenance done, and the driving skills.
The only way the indie can recoup its investment is through book sales and book sales depend upon the marketing skill and determination of the author.
Of course, implementation depends upon the individual managed future strategy in question and a client's specific situation, but fundamentally the whole point of mixing and matching managers is bringing together a diverse set of value propositions and skill sets.
There are a number of fundamental skills a dog needs to learn in order to be considered ready for some regular swimming, and some specific skills depending upon the type of water they are going to be around.
As with any medical treatment, successful veterinary acupuncture depends upon the training, knowledge and skill of the practitioner.
Microscopic examination of hair and skin is also used for confirmation, but this depends upon the technical skill of the examiner.
There are an almost infinite number of ways to modify a given behavior in a given dog, depending upon what that behavior is, the skill of the veterinarian, trainer or behavior therapist, the surrounding physical environment, the temperamental makeup of the dog and the commitment, diligence and persistence of the owner.
Joseph > The debate in science takes place in the peer reviewed published literature and should not depend upon whether someone has superior debating skills or is more persuasive.
In other words, the traditional law firm operating under the traditional law firm business model is an inhospitable place for many, many lawyers — a place where their success depends not upon their skills as a lawyer but upon their abilities in areas in which they have no training, interest or aptitude, as well as upon their gender and the color of their skin; a place that requires them to sacrifice their personal lives; a place where they do not feel valued or fulfilled in their work; a place and where opportunities are denied to them and only a very small number can reach positions of success.
Where lawyers who do not want their jobs to depend upon on billing a high number of hours would not need to bill a high number of hours: Under a corporate structure, there would be no «leveraged pyramid» for partner compensation, fixed prices would be determined by professionals skilled in the pricing of legal services, and the lawyers» jobs would depend upon their productivity.
The length of time that a firm remains in one of the above governance cycles depends, to a greater or lesser degree, upon: the firm's economics; its culture; the traditional method of admitting partners - through the firm's career development program, lateral hires or combination; the method of allocating profits to the partners and how the system is administered; the personal characteristics, the rainmaking and professional skills of partners whose practice areas are profitable over an extended period of time; and how certain of the more influential partners are perceived by other influential partners.
First, I don't think that there's an objective way to measure effective legal research skills because the amount of research that lawyers perform, and the way in which they do so will depend upon the availability of resources.
In many cases, and especially in small to mid-size businesses, success can depend upon a few top people that possess unique talents, skills and expertise.
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