Sentences with phrase «depends upon the stories»

Not exact matches

Just as there's a wide spectrum for a medal loaded with history versus one earned in an overlooked skeet shooting competition, the prestige a medal bestows upon the winner depends on the sport and the back story of the event and its participants.
The biblical story says that Noah planned for it, that the flood covered all land, that a number of each animal (2 or 7 depending upon which chapter you believe) were saved, as were a few members of Noah's family.
The resurrections (or more correctly resuscitations) which, according to ancient tradition had been performed by Elijah and Elisha, depended partly upon this belief.10 The same belief supplies us with the reason why the story of the raising of Lazarus lays such emphasis on the fact that he «had already been four days in the tomb».
Let us set down three observations: (a) Mark 15:40 - 16:8 possesses several features which divide it so sharply from the Passion narrative that it could hardly have been the natural continuation of that in the stage of oral tradition, (b) this pericope, however, could not have existed in its present form as an independent tradition, (c) the pericope itself falls naturally into two parts, the first of which can exist as an independent story, but the second of which can not, for it depends upon the first.
For even if, unlike a dream, I did not produce the story in the text, its capacity for evocation depends on its resonance with psychic and sociological realities within or impinging upon me.
Loving, caring and simple «Happiness depends upon ourselves.Maybe it's not about the happy ending, maybe it's about the story.
Mike Shannon's DALLAS - FORT WORTH AM STATION HISTORY 1920 - 2005 (Some fringe and rimshot stations are shown depending upon signal strength and location) Stories Desired is your home for all types of Free Adult Stories.
Like Starlet, in which a 21 - year - old woman begins to search for and later depend upon the friendship of an octogenarian widow, the gifts offered by Drinking Buddies are found in its small moments, in the secret looks between friends and its resistance to the melodrama of in its emotional story.
Since both films well pre-date the preservationist era of film - as - art - and - heritage — Greed was released in 1925, The Magnificent Ambersons in 1942 — they have suffered the further indignity of being unreconstructible; studios back in those days didn't hang on to excised footage for the sake of future director's cuts on DVD, so the reels upon reels of nitrate film trimmed from the original versions were — depending on which movie you're talking about and which story you believe — burned, thrown in the garbage, dumped into the Pacific, or simply left to decompose in the vaults.»
While students may take part in very different writing tasks depending on the subject area, their ability to craft a creative story in English and to produce a detailed report in science (for example) are in part dependent upon the attitudes, behaviours, and emotions relevant to writing and writing tasks.
Depending upon ability, they could make new sentences with the words chosen, or they could try to make a story with the following words.
If the Opt Out story is only now growing of interest to the national education reporters of The New York Times because now national and state level unions, having seen where a significant portion of parental sentiment is heading, have begun to help amplify the message, that is fair, although perhaps short sighted depending upon your perspective.
This is a story about the power of family, the possibilities of friendship, the ways we depend upon one another and the ways we let one another down.
As a traveler who has reported from over 60 countries, Rolf Potts understands that so much of a story depends upon how it is told.
You can also have 2 support characters in the battle with you depending one the story battle, and these ninjas can be called upon to pull off an attack.
First, the factual predicate upon which a lawyer bases such an analysis depends primarily upon the accuracy of the client's story, at least at the preliminary stages of a dispute, when legal memoranda are widely used to assess the viability of potential lawsuits.Second, the law itself is frequently uncertain when applied to the facts of a particular dispute.
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