Sentences with phrase «depends upon us believing»

God does not depend upon your believing in order to exist; your believing is required for YOUR salvation, not God's existence.
«Everything we are and everything we have the potential to be depends upon us believing in each other and our commitment to take care of each other.»

Not exact matches

If Wall Street analysts are to be believed, this answer will depend upon the performance of Apple's yet to be revealed, yet unnamed, and yet heavily talked about iPhone 8 / iPhoneX.
We believe that funds are already incorporated in the November 2012 Update spending forecast, so that, depending upon the amount allocated, extending this program will no or little impact on the bottom line.
The biblical story says that Noah planned for it, that the flood covered all land, that a number of each animal (2 or 7 depending upon which chapter you believe) were saved, as were a few members of Noah's family.
He believed that a child's emotional and physical well - being depended upon a finely attuned mother - child relationship and that early breaches in this relationship might impede one's ability to bond with others — even in adulthood.
Those of us who believe that human flourishing depends upon the recognition and honoring of marriage as exclusively the union of a man and a woman see this transformation of marriage into something radically different as a grave threat to human society and human happiness.
BTW, the text of the article does not pose which kind of Christian is «right,» but rather attempts to show that Christian beliefs are different depending upon what part of the bible you want to believe.
At present, I am a student writing a doctoral thesis on a theology of mutual relation, believing as I do that the future of both humanity and God depends upon human beings» willingness to relate as equals.
Such an outcome depends, I believe, upon the reclamation of what I have dared term «the common tradition.»
Whether he who is engaged in this fight will be defeated, depends solely and alone upon whether he has the will to procure for himself possibility, that is to say, whether he will believe.
Just as the success of the computer depends upon the meticulous preparation of instructions by the programmer, omitting no step in the whole process, so it is assumed that the success of the human learner, who is believed to be (among other things) a very complex cybernetic mechanism, depends upon the scrupulous logical organization of teaching materials.
I am in part what I hope for; for what I am is what I am willing to commit myself to, and that depends upon what I believe finally counts.
I saw that much of what I believed depended upon a very narrow and relatively recent tradition.
It has commonly been assumed that to be religious or not depends upon whether or not one «believes in the existence of God».
Our fellowship with God depends upon our unity, as does our witness to the world — we are to be one «so that the world may believe» that Jesus is from God and that God loves us (John 17:21,23).
Whitehead believed it important for geometry and physics to demonstrate that our understanding of straightness does not depend upon measurement.
Can modern man consistently, permanently, and whole - heartedly believe that the fulfillment of his life depends upon the events associated with the life of the one man, Jesus of Nazareth?
Besides that, 86 - 94 % of people (depending upon the company doing the poll) here in the United States believe in a god of some kind, and the number that believe in Creationism is growing.
People believe very little in spirit, and yet making these movements depends upon spirit, it depends upon whether this is not a one - sided result of a dira necessitas, and if this is present, the more dubious it always is whether the movement is normal.
Faced with my own tardiness, depending upon second - hand accounts, whom will I believe?
Youth pastor Mark Devries of the First Presbyterian Church in Nashville, Tennessee, author of Family - Based Youth Ministry, believes that the long - term effectiveness of youth ministry depends upon families.
They have believed, for example, that philosophy must begin with data that are universally acceptable and not depend upon revelation.
It is clear from III, q. 78 a. 3, ad.1 that St Thomas believed that the liturgical representation of the death of Jesus depends upon «the blood being consecrated apart from the body; because it was by the Passion that the blood was separated from the body».
It depends upon people like Simon Hughes, Charles Kennedy, Ming Campbell — who I believe are unhappy.»
It depends upon whether the taxing jurisdiction believes that a customer location or a delivery address is more easily manipulated.)
Princess Point was inhabited between AD 600 and 1000, and Shen believes that during this comparatively late era the Indians of Ontario no longer depended upon hunting for most of their food.
Founded in 1963, the Society believes that the advancement of marine technology and the productive, sustainable use of the oceans depend upon the active exchange of ideas between government, industry and academia.
Further, we believe there may be other steps in the transcription cycle that depend upon acetylation.
I believe this amount would be altered depending upon one's size but still, he is critical of the WHO protein recommendation which he claims was good to prevent malnutrition but far from ideal.
The team believes that the success and good future of an online chat site depends upon the effective tailoring of the site into particular hobbies and interests, as well as clearly specified needs of the members however this will only happen if and only if it is being managed by a large worldwide network sites like Bisexual Chat City, dedicated in working to achieve the same objectives and share similar growing database.
Since both films well pre-date the preservationist era of film - as - art - and - heritage — Greed was released in 1925, The Magnificent Ambersons in 1942 — they have suffered the further indignity of being unreconstructible; studios back in those days didn't hang on to excised footage for the sake of future director's cuts on DVD, so the reels upon reels of nitrate film trimmed from the original versions were — depending on which movie you're talking about and which story you believe — burned, thrown in the garbage, dumped into the Pacific, or simply left to decompose in the vaults.»
Louv adds that he believes «reducing that deficit — healing the broken bond between our young and nature — is in our self - interest... because our mental, physical, and spiritual health depends upon it.»
The American Association of School Administrators recently released a survey of superintendents that showed that while most believe there is a role for competitive grants, most also worry about over-investment in those grants at the expense of more stable dollars that districts can depend upon to sustain reform efforts.
I believe I depended upon them.
We believe the creation of value for our clients depends upon the quality and experience of our investment team.
I believe an experienced dog owner would have not had this unfortunate event, so this all depends upon your point of reference.
We believe that there are a lot of junk dog foods out there and the dogs skin, fur, activity level, and health depends upon a high quality dog food.
This depends upon who experiences them, for some will tell immediately and believe wholeheartedly in the supernatural, while others will dismiss not only their experiences but the tales of even their most trusted confidants.
As such, if one's job depended merely upon pointing out that such areas exist, given the existence of researchers who will in essence being doing this work for you, I believe one would have a great deal of job security for quite some time to come.
Ultimately winning at politics does not depend upon actually being savvy about science, it depends upon winning the votes of people who may or may not want to believe in the basic truths of the universe so long as they can still play Nintendo and drive to work each morning by burning the remains of carboniferous period plants.
The reality is that while we humans certainly do release carbon and other gases by our activities, this amount to a tiny fraction of the total of these gases (between1 % and 3 % depending upon what source you care to believe) which exist in nature regardless of our actions.
«We also strongly believe that fast adoption of renewable electricity will absolutely depend upon countries» tax and subsidies strategies, and we see the positive value in national policies and favourable schemes.
«I believe that true sustainability depends fundamentally upon us shifting our perception and widening our focus, so that we understand, again, that we have a sacred duty of stewardship of the natural order of things,» Prince Charles said in a statement.
As the coming century of global warming threatens to accelerate the extinction crisis, we believe the highest and best use of public lands is to provide safe harbor for species by protecting the ecological systems upon which they and we ultimately depend.
It is of no little significance that the IPCC's value for the coefficient in the CO2 forcing equation depends on only one paper in the literature; that its values for the feedbacks that it believes account for two - thirds of humankind's effect on global temperatures are likewise taken from only one paper; and that its implicit value of the crucial parameter κ depends upon only two papers, one of which had been written by a lead author of the chapter in question, and neither of which provides any theoretical or empirical justification for a value as high as that which the IPCC adopted.
These differ depending upon the type of claim but, believe it or not, under California Law, they can be as little as six months to a year!!
The FTC notes that the determination of whether a speaker's statement is an endorsement depends upon whether consumers would believe that it represents the endorser's own view or personal belief.
Most of the attorneys interviewed, however, insisted that they do not expect any reduction in pay and, in fact, believe they may exceed their partnership salaries depending upon how their company performs.
[t] here must be an intent, on the part of the person who is telling the fortune, to delude and defraud, but this, as I understand it, is not to be limited to cases where the accused is a cheat with no belief in his powers, but extends to every case where the accused intends that the person whose fortune is told shall believe that the fortune - teller is really possessed of the power; the intent to deceive or delude or defraud depending neither upon the honesty or dishonesty of the fortune - teller on the one hand, nor upon the fact that the other person is or is not deceived or deluded or defrauded on the other, but upon the existence of an intent on the part of the fortune - teller that the other person shall believe that the fortune - teller possesses the power.
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