Sentences with phrase «depleted whale stocks»

The IWC, charged with the global conservation and sustainable use of whales, introduced a moratorium on commercial whaling in 1986 as a temporary strategy to conserve depleted whale stocks while a more long - term plan was developed to manage whales.
For decades following the establishment of the IWC, hundreds of thousands of whales were slaughtered, seriously depleting all whale stocks.

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The whales already suffer from depleted stocks of Chinook salmon.
Japan contends that whales are depleting fish stocks and has been killing ever larger numbers of whales for what it says is research, but what critics say is a thinly veiled slaughter for meat sold to a small percentage of the Japanese public.
In addition to conferring certain protections under the MMPA, a depleted designation for the Sakhalin - Amur beluga whale stock would encourage the United States and foreign governments, conservation organizations, the scientific community, and funding institutions to support research and conservation efforts to help recover these belugas and protect their habitat.
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