Sentences with phrase «depression scores»

The presence of depressive and obsessive symptoms did not predict the outcome, although change in depression scores correlated with improvement.
A high depression score at the end of treatment predicted poor outcome at 1 - year follow - up.
Compared to the control group, the intervention group had lower depression scores at all time points.
In a recent study, it was found that depression scores for fathers increased in the first five years after the birth of a baby.
The value of the intervention has been shown in lower maternal depression scores, and reports of maternal enjoyment of reading, and time spent reading with their children.
Cognitive therapy and «other therapies» were equally effective for reducing depression scores.
After 9/11, it was discovered that handler's PTSD and depression scores predicted separation anxiety, attention - seeking, and aggression in their dogs up to a year later.
The minimum depression score was zero and maximum score was thirteen.
After completion of the intervention program, there was a significant reduction in depression scores and frequency of negative automatic thoughts.
The program reduced depression scores, physical symptoms and sleep problems, and increased psychological well - being and satisfaction with life.
After being treated for six weeks with antioxidant supplements, the patients had significantly lower depression scores.
They found the essential oils significantly decreased both the pain and depression scores for the experiment group.
Categorical outcomes for depression (50 % decrease in depression scores on symptom checklist and major depression by structured clinical interview for DSM - IV) since baseline assessment at three and six month blinded outcome assessments in patients receiving usual care (n = 196), feedback only (n = 221), and care management (n = 196)
Total mean depression scores decreased from 9.0 (mild - moderate depression)(30 participants) at the start to 5.1 (minimal - mild depression) at completion of core and tailored program (10 participants).
Existing screening guidelines for postnatal depression cases depend on making use of tools like the Postpartum Depression Quiz below, which makes use of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Score, yet these kinds of tests can't determine women at risk, prior to them getting the condition.
Third, they calculated the change in the average depression scores on HADS, and depressive symptom prevalence between two months to six months, and from six to 12 months after discharge.
However, half of all participants in the iPrEx study, regardless of the study arm they were in, reported depression scores over the threshold for clinically significant depression.
For females who did not use condoms, depression scores went up as the amount of time since their last sexual encounter increased.
Also consistent with Becker and Kaplan's model is the finding that young sex offenders had higher Trauma Symptom Checklist depression scores than young non-sex offenders.
The primary outcome was changes in depression scores measured by the HRSD, and these researchers considered, a priori, the mean difference of 3.5 points to be a clinically important treatment effect.
Prevention of depression indicated by reduction in depressive symptoms on pre-post-assessment (early intervention) or reduction in onset of depressive symptoms or disorder measured by depression scores on a rating scales
Although scant, there is some evidence that depression scores between online and paper administration of the PHQ - 9 are not significantly different.37 An online version of GAD - 7 has been reported as reliable, 38 but we found no evidence of comparisons with paper administration.
At the six weeks, twelve weeks and six months time frames, the women who were on maternity leave had significantly lower postpartum depression scores compared to their peers who had returned to work.
«Our results suggest it would be a good idea for clinicians to pay particular attention to women with high depression scores when evaluating the risk of gestational diabetes,» Dr. Zhang added.
The mental health coach used the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ9) to measure anxiety and depression scores prior to and after intervention, and scores decreased by 49 percent on average after three months.
Smoking appeared to play a role in the relationship between teen reaction times and adult depression scores.
All subjects had Hamilton's Anxiety and Depression scores < 19 (32).
Participants who began the study with elevated depression scores saw their symptoms ease significantly after eight weeks, the findings showed.
After two months, depression scores remained unchanged between the groups, however Beck Anxiety Inventory scores showed significant improvements in anxiety versus placebo [101].
Dokras A, Clifton S, Futterweit W, Wild R. Increased risk for abnormal depression scores in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and meta - analysis.
Exclusion criteria: comorbid Axis I disorder during past six months; Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression score > 16; and cognitive and / or...
The key aims of the first phase were to determine whether participants with moderate - to - severe depression in the intervention group showed at least a five - point reduction from the baseline depression scores after 6 months of intervention and whether this reduction was significantly better than in the control group.
These adolescents had more room for improvement as they reported significantly higher depression scores at intake (Rohde et al. 2001).
A significant relationship was found between antenatal depression scores and change in depression for participants in the intervention condition, but not for participants in the routine care condition.
Children in CFF - CBT had more improvement in parent - reported mania scores, lower parent - rated depression scores and a steeper response curve for depressive symptoms at post-treatment and 6 - months (effect sizes of 0.48 — 0.69).

Phrases with «depression scores»

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