Sentences with phrase «depressive state»

The phrase "depressive state" refers to feeling sad, down, or experiencing symptoms of depression. It describes a state of low mood, lack of energy, and loss of interest in things that used to bring joy. Full definition
A person who is in a bipolar depressive state is going to look just like someone who has regular depression.
The team explored the link between depression symptoms and the number and type of physical illness and depression symptoms, including the role that the degree of impairment has in producing depressive states.
Therefore, it would be preferable to have a scale that can be completed by attending nurses, to decrease the psychological burden on patients when depressive states are evaluated.
As the instrument, we used the final draft scale to evaluate depressive states among elderly patients in general wards comprised of 48 questions created in this study.
Pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL - 6 and TNF - alpha have been shown to have a linear and predictive relationship with depressive states.13 That means that the higher a person's blood levels of IL - 6 and TNF - alpha are, the higher their chance of being diagnosed with depression.
Therefore, we believe it would be valuable to develop a scale to evaluate depressive states among elderly inpatients without disturbing the main object (illness) of the hospitalization of elderly patients and that the scale should minimize the burden on these patients.
I've been blogging for just under a year (almost daily), but my current depressive state has also caused me to hit a creative roadblock.
You will inevitably be disappointed and more than likely sent into a manic - depressive state for days.
During depressive states, patients» memories and cognitive abilities are also affected, which doesn't help prove employment value during mass layoffs.
Years later, after Mack has poisoned his father, after he has grown up and married, after his youngest daughter has been brutally kidnapped and murdered, after he slips into a deep depressive state, after he receives in his mailbox one snowy afternoon a typed letter from the Lord God of Hosts himself, dominus deus sabaoth — after all that — Mack spends a week with the triune Godhead in a secluded little shack by a high alpine lake.
We learn of this when we see her working as a checker at the local supermarket, and then again when her ex-husband (Kevin Kline) calls her home to Indianapolis in a desperate attempt to pull their daughter Julie out of a suicidal depressive state brought on by her husband leaving for another woman.
Some vets will prescribe anti-depressants for dogs that seem to be in a serious depressive state.
Multi-target strategies for the improved treatment of depressive states: Conceptual foundations and neuronal substrates, drug discovery and therapeutic application.
This study showed much more clearer results: «In support of Beck's cognitive theory of depression, the student's current depressive states were consistently found to be related to their negative processing of personal information» (Moilanen, 1993, p. 345).
Tufekci says the targeting specificity that Facebook user data allows is chilling, giving as an example the ability to determine if a person is bipolar: «You can predict people's likelihood of entering a depressive state or a manic state in the next few months... you can imagine the kind of manipulation that it's open to.»
Bipolar I disorder is characterized by mood changes that can swing from a high - energy, manic state to a low - energy, depressive state.
His approach was to get the patient to identify the internal dialogue she used to «tell herself» that she was a failure and so trigger a depressive state; he then worked to shift her trigger phrases to more positive ones and so create a more positive outlook.
Bipolar disorder (BD), characterized by mood swings between positive manic / hypomanic and negative / depressive states, is a common psychiatric disorder with a lifetime prevalence of ~ 1 %.
The parts of the brain that are consistently under - stimulated in someone who is in a depressive state are even more than typically engaged during video game play.
Scientists say that people who drink 3 to 4 cups of coffee a day, have lower risk of premature death due to heart disease, diabetes and Parkinson's disease and are less prone to depressive state and suicide.
Lately, her depressive state has included suicidal thoughts.
During these depressive states, do you experience significant trouble with your appetite, energy, and sleep?
In some cases, medication can help you to get out of bed, dress yourself, stop crying, and perform other normal daily activities that can feel like too much to bear when you're in a depressive state.
Psilocybin could give a «kick start» which is desperately needed to break out of a depressive state and the imaging results do support the «reset» analogy.
They have probably seen you in a depressive state before, but just did not know how to approach you.
One night in a depressive state, something sparked me to start reading blogs about what others had done when they were in this state.
Some studies have concluded that the lower levels of estrogen and higher levels of testosterone lead to a depressive state.
The only thing that helps ease the depressive state of post Holiday season is... awards season!
Over the past couple of months, I've mentioned a depressive state I've been experiencing.
But intriguingly, and for the first time in his career, the woman becomes the real protagonist, as Alma learns to induce those depressive states that turn her husband into a human being.
In gorgeous academy ratio and soft blue tones, static shots give clear access to Toller's state of mind, all the while showing the context he finds himself in, locations and situations which often stand in amusing contrast with his depressive state.
We learn through flashback that on his first hit job, Ray screws up big time and kills somebody he's not supposed to, landing him in a depressive state that is sometimes humorous and other times weepy.
To avoid these depressive states, the person has a desire to use drugs again.
Shortlisted for the Turner prize, the work comprised of Emin's own bed and the detritus that had accumulated around and within it after the artist inhabited it for several days in a depressive state.
And this situation will put you in such a quandary (and a depressive state) that one cover letter that stands out from the rest will seem like a... Read More»
And this situation will put you in such a quandary (and a depressive state) that one cover letter that stands out from the rest will seem like a savior.
The Geriatric Depression Scale short version (GDS15)[18] and the Zung Self - rating Depression Scale (SDS)[19] are known as self - administered scales to measure the depressive state among the elderly.
To determine the construct validity, we assigned 1 point to «Yes» responses, -1 point to «No», and 0 to «Unknown» responses, with the result that a higher total score implies a higher risk of a depressive state.
Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to test the association between the depressive state and a weight gain of 4 kg or more over the 4 - year study period after controlling for potentially confounding variables such as the age, smoking status, alcohol intake status, and physical activity.
Short - term longitudinal analysis also revealed an association between the depressive state and subsequent increase of the body weight.
Methods and Participants: To test the hypothesis that the presence of a depressive state is associated with future weight gain, a 4 - year prospective occupation - based cohort study was conducted in male adult workers... (N = 1730) at a railway company.
Development of a Scale to Evaluate the Depressive State among Elderly Patients in General Wards
Abstract: Objective: It has been suggested that the presence of a depressive state is a predictor of increase of the body weight.
Conclusion: Since the depressive state was demonstrated to be an important risk factor for increase of the body weight, further research on depression should be conducted with a view to providing effective health education.
The presence of a depressive state was identified using the Zung Self - Rating Depression Scale (SDS).
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