Sentences with phrase «to deprive»

In the last 75 years the percentage of sleep deprived people in the population has increased six fold: from 8 % to 50 %, to be exact.
In fact, allowing yourself these treats will help you stick to a healthy plan for the long term because you won't feel deprived of things you love.
This could be funded in part through the incoming apprenticeship levy and will be of specific importance in the most deprived areas in which residents will be eligible for additional support.
The Play, Talk, Read campaign was targeted at parents in deprived areas.
And it says «half are in the most deprived communities in the country».
Under eye cream — Maybe I'm around too many sleep deprived people but who doesn't need some more under eye make up.
Schools have used pupil premium funding, available to children from deprived backgrounds who are on free school meals, to extend breakfast clubs.
A welfare worker and program manager with a robust dedication to fulfilling the necessities of deprived children and homeless adults.
What's more, for some children, often from deprived communities, school is the only safe place to play and be physically active.
They are also less likely than adults to appear sleepy when deprived of sleep, so it can be difficult to tell that they haven't been sleeping enough.
The premium for looked after children will rise in subsequent years, in line with the premium for deprived pupils.
A well - functioning bus service is vital for any city region and particularly for its more deprived areas as they provide a flexible and affordable way of getting around the city region.
Sleep - deprived students struggle to pay attention, focus, and be creative.
The report found that the higher the number of children from deprived backgrounds in a school, the worse the performance of all learners.
Maybe if I make this my snack to look forward to after dinner, I might be able to get back on track without feeling so deprived.
Not only will the government contend with two hung parliamentary chambers, but it is also deprived of a majority on select committee membership.
Regardless of the «quality» or «merit» of the «art» in question, she has deprived others of forming their own opinion.
A diet that suits your own preferences could increase your chances of success because you won't feel as deprived.
They were thus deprived of about four percent of the school year — and these are kids who need more schooling, not less.
- The government should consider incentives to encourage more highly - qualified teachers to teach in deprived schools.
I don't feel deprived at all because I'm eating things that I love.
All animals, especially the very young and the very old, are susceptible to dehydration and kidney disease if deprived of water, quickly leading to serious complications.
I'm sure in your current sleep deprived state, you think I'm crazy, but I'm not... I promise!
Just a bit sad that I had waited so long and lived my sleep deprived life for another 9 months.
But as a sleep deprived new mom, I was pretty concerned about this being the only solution out there for me to get some much needed sleep.
An enjoyable pass time which is not completely deprived of production value.
Is he thereby deprived of both identity and salvation?
In sleep deprived individuals, the mean cortisol levels are elevated.
Additionally tearing was higher in older women, women living in the least deprived communities and in Asian women, notes the report.
A chronically sleep deprived mom and / or parent is dangerous for babies too.
These are the 10 gluten free recipes that, should you master, you will never feel deprived on a gluten free diet.
Much of his book concerns ways in which children from socially deprived backgrounds can be encouraged to «build» character traits that will help them overcome their disadvantage.
Results showed that parenting stress and family conflict predicted maternal harsh discipline, but only in the most severely deprived families.
Turns out the smell - deprived mice on the normal diet weighed slightly less than those with a sense of smell.
This, they say, has not only deprived consumers of choice, but has also led to the loss of sales.
Can the suburban parish give its young people experiences in deprived parts of the world?
Given the way concentrations fall within the city, children from more deprived groups and ethnic minorities are more adversely affected, turning improving air quality into a question of equality and fairness.
This speeds degeneration because energy - deprived brain cells die.
This challenges stereotypes that relationships across «race» and ethnic groups are mostly short - term or that «mixed» families are often economically deprived.
Most of these puppies were the offspring of nutritionally deprived mothers.
This feature is «justified on the basis that deprivation funding is currently lower or... spread more thinly, in less deprived areas», said the study.
Heart failure When the heart is doing an inadequate job of pumping blood around the body, the tissues become deprived of oxygen.
The only thing that came out of my miserable, sleep - deprived evening?
I don't think you'll feel the least bit deprived if you have one of these in front of you.
I didn't want to be seen as the big B he wouldn't let her poor deprived kid have a few treats.
The students successfully argued that the laws deprived them of a quality education by keeping bad teachers in the classrooms.

Phrases with «to deprive»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z