Sentences with phrase «deputy heads»

She has worked in education for over twenty years, including positions as a primary school deputy head teacher.
This meant many union members who were head teachers or deputy heads refused to administer the tests in their schools.
He later worked as a primary school teacher and deputy head teacher before being elected to parliament in 2005.
He has also previously held the position of deputy head of legal at a major bank.
The Governors and Head of St Cedd's School invite applications for the post of Deputy Head at this... More
As deputy head of school in Colombo, Paul had direct oversight of the elementary, middle, and high school divisions with a specific focus on the International Baccalaureate Primary and Middle Years Programmes.
Former deputy head of China's top planning agency confesses in court to extensive bribery, Reuters
Mr. Villhauer will become deputy head of global equities at Citadel, a newly created position.
Lisa Rutter - Brown's Story Lisa is an adoptive parent and deputy head who's helping to provide colleagues with attachment training Read More
Trips to the site by MGS boys first started in 2009, organised by Deputy Head of Lower School Adam Smith, who is now a trustee, and who is responsible for the educational development of the site.
When she recorded the experiences and opinions of male primary teachers, one Asian infant school deputy head told her that he was given a place on a PGCE teacher course just because he was a man, without a formal interview.
The Peoples Republic of China (PRC) firm also includes deputy head of office Zoe Zhou and two trainees.
The first Deputy Head of the parliamentary Legislation Committee, Mikhail Emelyanov, thinks banning crypto ads is not worth it.
At this time, Antoniou is also deputy head teacher in his school.
Laurell Milton, former Teach First trainee — now deputy head of English at Harris Academy in Peckham, London
Formerly Deputy Head of Labour's Rapid Rebuttal & Media Attack Unit, Richard has built a specialism in cases with a political dimension, particularly those involving extradition and Interpol Red Notices.
Having been promoted from deputy head of government relations last year, she now leads a team of eight at Save the Children and volunteers as a mentor with the Prince's Trust.
Of the leaders and decision makers present, 33 per cent were head teachers, 24 per cent deputy head teachers, six per cent principals, eight per cent directors, five per cent governors, four per cent school business managers and bursars, the 20 per consisted of other senior leadership positions.
In Monday's inaugural session, former deputy head Graham Cooper, who now heads up product strategy at Capita SIMS, discusses how schools must adapt -LSB-...]
Mr Mark Davies, Deputy Head Academic at St Albans School, is on the Board of Directors for the Crabtree Academy Trust (Crabtree Junior and Crabtree Infant) in Harpenden and sits on the Governing body of the Infants» School.
Speaking about the trend, Action Fraud's deputy head Steve Proffitt said each victim loses an average of # 10,000.
SYDNEY - Speech by Matthew Boge, RBA Deputy Head, International Department 0330 GMT.
The former European Central Bank deputy head was appointed after Papandreou was forced to resign following a sudden decision to put the country's second bailout to a referendum.
Konstantin Bendas, deputy head bishop of the «Associated Russian Union of Christians of Evangelical - Pentecostal Faith» (ROSKhVE), notes that over a thousand Pentecostal house groups are meeting alone in Moscow.
Team owner: Dietrich Mateschitz Team principal: Franz Tost Technical director: James Key Team manager: Graham Watson Head of aerodynamics: Nicolo Petrucci Deputy head of aerodynamics: Jon Tomlinson Head of vehicle performance: Laurent Mekies Chief designer: Luca Furbatto Chief mechanic: Corrado Cardinali Race engineer (Max Verstappen): Race engineer: (Carlos Sainz Jnr):
Will Tanner, her very able deputy head of policy, has already gone.
He did this, with the air of a disappointed deputy head teacher, ticking off a group of sixth - formers.
UQ School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences Deputy Head Professor James De Voss said the discovery held promise for the development of treatments.
Professor of Cancer Cell Biology, Deputy Head Dept of Oncology, University of Cambridge, UK, Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences.
The school's Deputy head Mr Clinton posted on Twitter: «After evacuating the premises following a threat received this morning to a number of schools, and following advice from the police, we have reopened the school and lessons will continue as normal.»
Deputy head boy Joshua Clarke, added: «We will be here for six months but I am taking full advantage, so the year sevens coming in should absolutely do the same because it's really making a positive impact overall.»
Deputy head girl Ligita Lazdauskaite, said: «The new building has introduced pride in how the pupils look at things, and the teachers are looking at it in a more positive way.»
According to the Education Support Partnership helpline and charity, there has been a «sharp rise in teachers calling the helpline» with a reported «35 % increase in calls from teachers and 24 % of head teachers and deputy heads over the past 12 months.»
One of these four plucky students was Abbeyfield's own deputy head, Mark Fuller, who came across the course whilst researching possible enrichment options for the school's Sixth Form offering.
As part of its School Improvement Plan, St Anne's was already placing an increased focus on reading in September 2017 when Deputy Head Teacher Catherine Cookson heard about Literacy Alive, a new KS2 literacy course from PET - Xi
Year 1 teacher and deputy head Kirsty Beresford talks frankly about how such independent learning has transformed the way she teaches and plans lessons.
There could be a single head teacher for the group located at one site with senior deputy heads at the other sites, and faculty leads could be shared across secondary schools in the group.
Deputy head Maura Favell describes the impact it has made on The Polesworth School
Following a robust recruitment process, Simon Taylor, who was previously Executive Headteacher across The King Edward VI School, and Chantry and Newminster Middle Schools, will now lead all seven establishments as CEO, while from September 2018, Clare Savage, previously Deputy Head at The King Edward VI School will take up the Headteacher position.
He was replaced by former deputy head Julian Eisner, who was in post as acting headteacher when Ofsted carried out its visit.
The reason many talented teachers — including Deputy Heads do not want to step up to Headship is the high stakes culture.
David is a Google Certified deputy head, freelance consultant and keynote speaker — on a mission to get kids everywhere blogging to a GLOBAL audience.
One of the areas of particular interest to new Deputy Head, Mr Millbourne, who had been promoted from within the school, was maths.
In another government survey related to teacher workload, 44.6 % of classroom teachers and deputy heads thought that their time spent on «unnecessary or bureaucratic» tasks had increased, 41.7 % thought that it had stayed the same, and only 4.8 % believed that it had reduced.
When I first became Acting Headteacher at Pool in 2014, having been Deputy Head since 2007, I wanted to better understand the Early Years curriculum and, through this, I began to learn about the importance of continuous provision and within it, outdoor learning.
I initially taught history and was a Year Leader at Prudhoe High School, before moving to Walker Technology College in 1995 as Assistant Head and later Deputy Head.
As well as a growing number of local SBM and Deputy Head groups, these clients included: BETT; Forum Training; Knowledge Cookie; Mondale; Optimus; Schools» Choice; Schools - Out Solutions; Weareevery.
Willem said the BNPB's prevention and preparation deputy head assisted BPBD officials in mapping out a contingency plan to anticipate the eruption of Mt. Agung.
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