Sentences with phrase «derision among»

The book that followed, Portrait of a Killer (2002), identified British painter Walter Sickert as the culprit — and earned Cornwell widespread derision among so - called Ripperologists.
President Donald Trump has reportedly expressed interest in the concept, even as it has sparked derision among some infrastructure types, who question its viability and, relatedly, its potential impact on the human body.
The point of those analyses and «historical genealogies» that have become an object of derision among the liberals — oddly, from those who advocate a return to Madisonian principles — is certainly not to retreat to the comfort of the library or the coffee shop; nor is it to deny the contingencies of history by suggesting that 1968 follows upon 1776 with some kind of mechanical necessity.

Not exact matches

Years ago, short - sightedness was rare among children; the occasional child with spectacles was an object of pity and derision.
Never a major box - office presence with his microbudgeted, sex - drenched horror, women - in - prison, and porn films, Franco also spent the majority of his hyper - prolific career toiling in critical derision, often even among genre fans.
Emulating blockbuster productions is a bit of a double - edged sword, as it will attract a sizable audience which likes those kinds of films, but at the same time, they are also so well - known and oft - watched, if you aren't going to bring anything new to the story, you are likely to be greeted by scorn and derision, even among fantasy fans.
After a decade in which sane commentators have been angered and frustrated by the purblind adherence to the warmist superstition by followers of the Al Gore cult — prominent among them our own esteemed First Minister and President for Life Designate — the whole climate change scam has finally degenerated into a joke, provoking widespread derision.
The only reason derision for it has risen recently is due to bitterness among the hardcore fans that Online is getting all the attention.
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