Sentences with phrase «derived from the tradition»

It's said the celebration derives from a tradition of smoking cannabis at 4:20 p.m., originat...
The Pharisees have delivered to the people a great many observances by succession from their fathers, which are not written in the laws of Moses: and for that reason it is that the Sadducees reject them, and say that we are to esteem those observances to be obligatory which are in the written word, but are not to observe what are derived from the tradition of our forefathers.5
It also shows how it is able, because of this, to achieve the critical freedom which is related to the history of social freedom... The Biblical traditions and the doctrinal and confessional formulae that are derived from these traditions appear in the light of this interpretation as formulae of memoria.
Those matters are based on principles that can be clearly derived from our traditions and holy texts.
But to be effective in our time, theology can not limit itself to working out the problems derived from the tradition.
The best source ¯ the most reliable source ¯ derives from the tradition of reasoned giving.
«Vietnamese criminal law is derived from traditions developed during the French colonial era blended with Communist law, and among its many significant differences are the absence of jury trial and the presence capital punishment.
(The decennial census is actually a survey of the U.S. population and housing units, although that dual focus derives from tradition rather than from the original intent of Congress.)
A New York based painter of Iranian origin, Jinchi, born in 1959, demonstrated a consistently persuasive idiom of meditative reflection, one derived from the tradition of Islamic manuscript painting.

Not exact matches

He points out that British law is rooted in the protection of individual rights from the power of the state, while most law in continental Europe is derived from the Roman tradition of absolute state power.
What is really fascinating is the theory that the Hebrew and Muslim deity figure derive from a war god in an ancient Semitic pantheon whose association with the other gods was lost in the confusion that time and oral tradition bring.
Those latter steps require attention not just to Bayles, and what she learned (with help from Albert Murray and Ralph Ellison) about the Afro - American musical tradition, but also to the sort of socio - cultural analysis we do so much of here at pomocon, which derives from we've learned from Tocqueville most of all.
But any genuine recovery of a «particular language of faith» will entail developing and appropriating a theological tradition and embodying that tradition in faithful living — a project that necessarily requires motivations and insights deriving from a quite different kind of authority than the sociologists possess.
Do they derive from the Judaeo ‑ Christian tradition and do they make sense only in the context of a biblical world view?
That additional data, derived from the twin sources of Revelation (Tradition and Scripture), is impressive and enriching, and fills in for Christians the full rationale for the teaching against homosexual acts.
In his stunning new book Law and Revolution: The Formation of the Western Legal Tradition (Harvard University Press, 1983), Harold J. Berman argues that the roots of modern universalistic principles of law, morality, science and scholarship derive from essentially theological insights which are now in peril of being lost by neglect.
The passion narrative — its basis derived from the common Christian tradition of Jesus» last days in Jerusalem.
He distinguishes four possible criteria: (1) multiple attestation; (2) discounting the tendencies of the developing tradition; (3) attestation by multiple forms; (4) elimination of all material which may be derived either from Judaism or from primitive Christianity.
There are three traditions derived from the humanities that inculcate this capacity, according to the report.
For although it can not lead to a suspension of that method, it does draw our attention to the basic problem which it presents: «According to our historical method employed thus far, we have before us apparently authentic material about Jesus in the tradition of the sayings of the Lord, only when the material can be understood neither [as derived] from primitive Christian preaching nor from Judaism.
Such a mentality, ignorant of sociology, of economics, of psychology, of physics, of biology, is intolerable to young and virile minds trained in the tradition of the modern sciences, and the philosophies of existentialism that derive from them.
They strengthened the tradition, probably in part an expression of the practical Roman spirit and partly derived from Jesus himself, which made Christianity in the West a more effective force for molding civilization than was Christianity in the East.
and it has two of the hallmarks of the differences between the synoptic tradition and Judaism and the early Church respectively, which we have argued are derived from the teaching of Jesus: a use of Kingdom of God in reference to the eschatological activity of God (S. Aalen, ««Reign» and «House»...», NTS 8, 229ff.
In Human Rights in Religious Traditions (Pilgrim Press, 1982), Rabbi Daniel Polish concludes that the idea of human rights «derives in the Jewish tradition from the basic theological affirmation of Jewish faith.»
Virtually all previous representatives of the modern natural law tradition, including Grotius and even Hobbes, had in some way or other related natural rights to divine power or command, which served as the source for the directives of natural law notwithstanding that these did not derive from a divine telos or comprehensive purpose.
There is no proof that the bible is anything more than a collection of middle - eastern myths, derived from oral tradition, edited by men with a definite agenda, transcribed repeatedly and translated by individuals of varying skill.
Thus support for human rights in the Jewish, Christian and Muslim communities follows a pattern: each group believes that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other human rights standards established through international law derive authority from the teachings of its own religious tradition.
How can theology be black if the sources used for its explication are derived primarily from the white Western theological tradition?
To be honest about this I would have to grant that the systematic framework we use is not ordinarily derived from a purely inductive examination of the Bible - it is given to us by the Christian tradition which we respect.
James the Just is prominent in the Gospel according to the Hebrews, but also among the Naassene Gnostics, who claimed to have traditions derived from him.
More than from any other source, the position here set forth derives from the Christian tradition.
«While noting that the burial tradition may be simply a postulate «derived from the fact of Jesus» death or knowledge of Jewish purity concerns» rather than the memory of an historical event, Luedemann's own preference, influenced in part by John 19:31 - 37 and Acts 13:20, is that Jesus was buried by Jews who were not his followers.
To me, the most significant single point is that for people today «sacred meaning does not derive from a rooted concept supported by common tradition and institutions; rather, meaning is located in the unfolding of one's own life.»
These became the artificial decorations we have today, derived from Christ - honouring Christmas traditions rooted in a desire to glorify Jesus.
It is important in this connection to distinguish very clearly within each tradition between its fundamental unity and the unity of harmonization, fruit of the «Biblical» spirit, «between saga produced near the historical occurrences, the character of which is enthusiastic report, and saga which is further away from the historical event, and which derives from the tendency to complete and round off what is already given.»
Descartes continues to employ the traditional «subject - predicate form of proposition, and the philosophical tradition derived from it.»
By a «larger» self, I mean a large - hearted self, images of which I derive from the Christian story, such as the life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus, interpreted and reinterpreted throughout the tradition.
His critique of liberalism, as he puts it in After Virtue, «derives from a judgment that the best type of human life, that in which the tradition of the virtues is most adequately embodied, is lived by those engaged in constructing and sustaining forms of community directed towards the shared achievement of those common goods without which the ultimate human good can not be achieved.
Thus the ideology of secularism was born, replacing traditional legitimations of power by appearing in the mantle of science and by deriving its justification from the critique of tradition, thereby keeping actual power relations inaccessible to analysis and to public consciousness.26
Thus the Gospel of Mark, though deriving its tradition from Palestine, was the sacred book of tradition of the early Gentile church.
According to one version, during the period of mourning for Moses, no less than three thousand Mosaic oral traditions deriving from Sinai were lost.
All Shi`as accept these four sources of religious law, but those who derive religious laws from testaments and Traditions define reasoning as the use of analogy, or parallels from Tradition, rather than deductive and inductive reasoning; those who follow the principles of jurisprudence do not accept reasoning by analogy as valid.
Yet the Catholic tradition disagrees with the «isn't derived from observation of the world» point.
Here he writes, in connection with the question of reconstructing authentic teaching of Jesus, «we have reasonably secure ground under our feet only in one particular instance, namely, when there is some way of showing that a piece of tradition has not been derived from Judaism and may not be ascribed to early Christianity, and this is particularly the case when Jewish Christianity has regarded this tradition as too bold and has toned it down or modified it in some way».
A third tradition is that of process philosophy as derived from Alfred North Whitehead and Charles Hartshorne.
Now one might expect that this pattern of interpretation would have been retained by Paul, if historical — that is, if set forth by Jesus himself or found in the earliest tradition of his sayings or expounded in the early church — or one might even think it possible that Mark derived from Paul some hint of this system of exegesis of the Old Testament and of interpretation of the career of Jesus as a heavenly being appearing upon earth prior to his exaltation and his dying (as a heavenly being) upon the cross, though unrecognized in his true nature until the Resurrection.
Political scientists who study only the Constitution typically claim America's founding derives from the analysis of rights and freedoms found in the Lockean tradition.
Paul's own distinctive contributions to Christian thought are to be sharply distinguished from what he received by tradition; and it will be found, when these are segregated, that they point to several sources: (a) his own personal experience, that of an intense spiritual nature with a keen imagination and a desperately sensitive conscience; (b) a peculiar exegesis of the Old Testament, partly rabbinic, partly early Christian, but more probably derived from his own reading and pondering of the Greek version of the Jewish scriptures; (c).
In his «The Size of God» Loomer says he «continues the empirical tradition» and attempts to establish inductively that the various ambiguities he describes as onto - logical conditions «derive from the basic characteristics of individuals and societies» (SG 23,45).
It is important to remember that non-relating or conflict in the spiritual area frequently occurs even between spouses from the same religious tradition, but who have basically different value systems and world - views derived from their respective families - of - origin.
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