Sentences with phrase «described as withdrawal»

Their mission is not described as withdrawal, but an advance against the forces of error and darkness.
Giving up grains and sugar was more difficult than I expected and I experienced about a week of what I can only describe as withdrawal symptoms.

Not exact matches

He described the anxiety about a U.S. withdrawal as something in the past tense.
Hardening its resolve that the days of ultra-cheap money must come to an end, the central bank Tuesday stopped describing higher borrowing costs as a possibility, stating unequivocally that «over time, some modest withdrawal of monetary policy stimulus will likely be required.»
IMF Director Christine Lagarde's withdrawal as Smith College's commencement speaker is the latest in a series of high - profile commencement follies aptly described by Harvard's Ruth Wisse as «The Closing of the Collegiate Mind.»
Researchers describe this as «love withdrawal «because the child is left without the parent.
It has been commonly described as an amendment designed to ensure that parliament would get a meaningful vote on the withdrawal agreement.
But, in its reaction, the pro-Biafra group described the withdrawal of the quit notice as «inconsequential.»
He proudly describes himself as the only prospective Tory candidate to sign up to «Better Off Out», which campaigns for Britain's withdrawal from the EU.
In a statement by the Senior Special Assistant to the Governor on Media and Publicity, Mr. Bala Dan - Abu, the state government lamented what they described as the «unceremonious withdrawal» of the troops.
AMs are expected to give the green light to the UK Government's Withdrawal Bill despite it being described as a «power grab»
In what aides described as a call for a more forceful Lib Dem message, he will reportedly go beyond existing party policy on Iraq by urging a firm timetable for the withdrawal of all 8,500 British troops by the end of the year.
«Historically, drug withdrawal for newborns has been described among illicit drug use such as heroin or women treated for previous opioid abuse, but this is really one of the first studies to look at legal prescriptions for pregnant women.
Prof. Lader first described benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome as a potential brain injury in the scientific literature, and also campaigned around the world to get everyone from politicians to royalty to listen.
State Code 53A Subsection (2)(a) prevents a parent of a student who is enrolled in a charter school or who has accepted an offer of admission to a charter school from duplicating enrollment for the student in another charter school or a school district without following the withdrawal procedures described in Subsection (3) as listed below:
This argument tries to justify the false claim of a deferral benefit by using it as a label to describe the bonus from a lower withdrawal tax rate.
Cash withdrawals can generate income taxes if done improperly as described in this section.
Met refuses to withdraw Balthus painting from display The Metropolitan Museum has confirmed that will continue to display a Balthus painting of a young girl, described as «sexually suggestive» by the authors of an online petition for its withdrawal that has attracted more than 8,000 signatures.
In a statement to OneNewsNow, Morano described efforts by U.S. Mayors to sign on to a climate pact to tackle climate change at a local level following President Trump's withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement, as «meaningless symbolism»: [88]
The withdrawal decision itself, on the other hand, was, as far as I can tell, based largely just on what scientists might objectively describe in jargon as «bitching and moaning» by the auto industry.
Cash withdrawals can generate income taxes if done improperly as described in this section.
This increase in risk in the very preterm group is consistent with the sparse literature describing the association between gestational age and parent's mental health, where others have also suggested that degree of prematurity is an important factor for maternal depressive symptoms.41 Suggested antecedents of PD include a trigger event resulting in a stress (fight or flight) response, symptoms (eg, fatigue), perceived loss of control and ineffective coping.10 This may fit the pattern of parents who experience a very preterm baby leading to an increased risk of PD, and this PD may result in symptoms that would more commonly be recognised as symptoms of postnatal depression or mood disorder (such as anxiety, depression, withdrawal from others and hopelessness).
As a result, they tend to spend more time onlooking (watching other children without joining) and hovering on the edge of social groups.8, 11 There is some evidence to suggest that young depressive children also experience social impairment.12 For example, children who display greater depressive symptoms are more likely to be rejected by peers.10 Moreover, deficits in social skills (e.g., social participation, leadership) and peer victimization predict depressive symptoms in childhood.13, 14 There is also substantial longitudinal evidence linking social withdrawal in childhood with the later development of more significant internalizing problems.15, 16,17 For example, Katz and colleagues18 followed over 700 children from early childhood to young adulthood and described a pathway linking social withdrawal at age 5 years — to social difficulties with peers at age 15 years — to diagnoses of depression at age 20 years.
Sexual frequency has also been associated with the activation of areas of the brain associated with hunger and cravings.4 Because you describe your past relationship as primarily sexual, this might further explain some of these withdrawal symptoms that you are experiencing.
5 - 15 (1) Money in a brokerage trust account that is intended as remuneration for a licensee is to be considered earned, for the purpose of authorizing withdrawal under section 31 (1)[withdrawal of remuneration from brokerage trust account] of the Act, in the circumstances described in this section.
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