Sentences with phrase «describes as a case»

I have described this as a case of thinking things through about education, getting clear about what we hope to accomplish and how we might best go about it.
The Government of Osun has described as a case of sour grape statement credited to the state chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party claiming that the schools built by the Aregbesola administration will be collecting high fees.
So to sum up CAGW — its cause can best be described as a case of — THE WRONG PEOPLE, IN THE WRONG PLACE, AT THE WRONG TIME!
His post describes this as a case in which the jury «happily proposed that Cantrell be made a millionaire for the inconvenience.»
TARGET's approach to educating not only youth, but also families, staff, and administrators, about traumatic stress, and helping all of these key constituencies to build on their strengths and master self - regulation skills, is described as a case study in how to create trauma - informed juvenile justice systems.

Not exact matches

Net neutrality, in case you need a refresher, is the term used to describe the unrestricted flow of content over the Internet, and it's been advocated by everyone from legal luminaries including Harvard professor Lawrence Lessig to entrepreneurs such as Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian, and startups such as Etsy and Meetup, and countless others.
As an opposite example, someone who is a little more aggressive than the income investor described above (as is the case with me personally) will want their mix skewed a little the other waAs an opposite example, someone who is a little more aggressive than the income investor described above (as is the case with me personally) will want their mix skewed a little the other waas is the case with me personally) will want their mix skewed a little the other way.
They also hope to certify their case as a class action, presuming that the discrimination they describe affected a lot of other women employees as well.
One source Business Insider spoke to admitted this has happened in the past — describing it as «fun times» — but denied this was the case in this instance.
From the start, Herzer's lead attorney, Pierce O'Donnell, privately described Sumner Redstone as «Exhibit A» in his case.
Still, Gavet had words of praise for Boyd, saying that «there's a very strong business case to be made» for his strategy, which she described as decentralized, forcing Priceline's subsidiary companies to compete with each other.
Officials who have been briefed on the inquiry described it as having made strikingly little progress in answering the basic questions of the case, with frustrated FBI agents reporting that they are running out of rocks to overturn.
The Hill quoted the attorney for a former FBI informant in the TENEX case as saying her client «witnessed numerous, detailed conversations in which Russian actors described their efforts to lobby, influence or ingratiate themselves with the Clintons in hopes of winning favorable uranium decisions from the Obama administration.»
Each automatic triennial stock option grant and each stock option grant for service as lead independent director, member of a Board committee or chair of a Board committee, in each case as described above, will vest 1/36 per month for three years starting on the one month anniversary of the vesting commencement date, subject to continued service in the capacity for which such grant was made (except that if a director who was granted such an option ceases to be a director on the day before an annual meeting that is held earlier than the anniversary date of the vesting commencement date for that calendar year, vesting will accelerate with respect to the shares that would have vested if such director continued service through such anniversary date).
Also, some commentators will be tempted to draw attention to what they might describe as «large 1/2 percentage point changes» when the forecasts are revised, even though any such revisions may reflect much smaller adjustments if it is the case that the forecasts have merely crossed rounding barriers.
Cruz has arguably been making a Byrd case for his amendment in recent days, by describing it as direct taxpayer subsidization of people's high medical costs.
This belief is so powerfully embedded in the standard equilibrium models most economists use that, strangely enough, even those of us who described the imbalances in one paragraph and in the very next paragraph insisted that a crisis was unlikely — in China's case because of the government's very high credibility and its role as financial guarantor — were automatically assumed to be predicting an imminent crisis.
On Saturday, Broward County State Attorney Michael Satz described the crime as «the type of case the death penalty was designed for.»
In 1988, Roger Cruz was described in passing in a New York Times story as a partner with sports agent Irwin Weiner in a $ 40 - million - a-year printing business in Mount Vernon, N.Y. Cruz appears to have moved the business to Boca Raton, possibly after Weiner died in 2001, federal court records in a pension case suggest.
We originally used the phrase «Return on Community» (ROC) to describe our strategy, but we found that it created unrealistic expectations and also caused us to be perceived as a charity in some cases.
In certain cases, we may also share some Personal Information with third parties, but only as described below.
in the case of our directors, officers, and security holders, (i) the receipt by the locked - up party from us of shares of Class A common stock or Class B common stock upon (A) the exercise or settlement of stock options or RSUs granted under a stock incentive plan or other equity award plan described in this prospectus or (B) the exercise of warrants outstanding and which are described in this prospectus, or (ii) the transfer of shares of Class A common stock, Class B common stock, or any securities convertible into Class A common stock or Class B common stock upon a vesting or settlement event of our securities or upon the exercise of options or warrants to purchase our securities on a «cashless» or «net exercise» basis to the extent permitted by the instruments representing such options or warrants (and any transfer to us necessary to generate such amount of cash needed for the payment of taxes, including estimated taxes, due as a result of such vesting or exercise whether by means of a «net settlement» or otherwise) so long as such «cashless exercise» or «net exercise» is effected solely by the surrender of outstanding stock options or warrants (or the Class A common stock or Class B common stock issuable upon the exercise thereof) to us and our cancellation of all or a portion thereof to pay the exercise price or withholding tax and remittance obligations, provided that in the case of (i), the shares received upon such exercise or settlement are subject to the restrictions set forth above, and provided further that in the case of (ii), any filings under Section 16 (a) of the Exchange Act, or any other public filing or disclosure of such transfer by or on behalf of the locked - up party, shall clearly indicate in the footnotes thereto that such transfer of shares or securities was solely to us pursuant to the circumstances described in this bullet point;
However, we may disclose personal information collected if we have received your permission beforehand or in very special circumstances, such as when we believe that such disclosure is required by law or other special cases described below.
It's so neat to hear your use case here, and yes, my sense is that many people share a similar workflow as you've described!
Bernanke sought to shoot down criticism of the Fed's easy - money policies and strengthen the case for new efforts by the central bank to bring down what he described as gravely high unemployment.
Shkreli did not testify at trial, but was active on social media throughout it, describing his case as a «silly witch hunt perpetrated by self - serving prosecutors.»
The book is a series of case studies that describes how a small number of CEOs have used cash generative businesses as platforms to drive massive returns for shareholders by directing excess cash opportunistically between large stock buybacks, special dividends and acquisitions of other businesses.
The second company, Localytics, was described by Case as a «a software program that we use to analyze our own behavior.»
If Mr. Baer is not familiar with individuals and groups who vigorously promote the goals of the AIDS lobby as described in the editorial, perhaps Atlanta is more culturally isolated than we have reason to believe is the case.
The court thus ruled that no nonreligious entity - even, as in the case of VHA, a membership organization whose members had raised a conscience objection to performing abortions - possessed the statutory right described in the exempting statute.
In a report of the verdict on the website, Jehovah's Witnesses described the outcome of the case as «a black day for fundamental human freedoms in Russia.»
That said, the case has been made that if the Christian god exists, then «God should be detectable by scientific means simply by virtue of the fact that he is supposed to play such a central role in the operation of the universe and the lives of humans», with the conclusion that» [e] xisting scientific models contain no place where God is included as an ingredient in order to describe observations.»
The full amplitude of the just war tradition would be capable of considering such components of complicity and even entrapment as part of the definition of just cause, but our public discourse has consistently described the case as if the history of Mesopotamia began in August.
The results of these processes may or may not reach consciousness, in dreams or in waking life, but in either case they can be conveniently described as unconscious in their fundamental character.
Hardwired's Ramirez describes Shaou's case as a perfect example of the potential complexity of deportation cases.
If this aspect differed in kind in the case of Jesus from every other member of the species man, then in the present state of our knowledge it would seem impossible rightly to describe Jesus as a man.17 It may be the case that most Christians (and most Christian theologians) in most centuries have accepted this claim: but most have not shared either our modern sensitivity to the difference between history and mythology or our concern for the principles of logic.
(Willow Chicago has since stopped using the hotel, though Morehouse described the strike to me as «a pretty pathetic situation» and said, «These people need to either find better counsel to argue their case or move on to employment elsewhere.»)
As far back as 1961 Dr. Mowrer outlined the case against conventional psychotherapy and carefully described the powerful healing legacy that Christianity had losAs far back as 1961 Dr. Mowrer outlined the case against conventional psychotherapy and carefully described the powerful healing legacy that Christianity had losas 1961 Dr. Mowrer outlined the case against conventional psychotherapy and carefully described the powerful healing legacy that Christianity had lost.
Quoting from contemporary novels and poetry, as well as Scripture, his case demonstrates as well as describes his position.
But now having studied Ehrlich's most relevant, putatively scientific work, I would describe the case, rather, as the Academies trading their birthright for a mess of pottage.
Florida is home to many strange tales, but a story is emerging over the case of Timothy Dale Poole that might charitably be described as «upsetting.»
Yet in this case, as always, we require categories capable of describing the incoherent situation of the given factors.
If a teaching or practice threatened the integrity of the gospel, it was strongly condemned, as in the case of Peter and the circumcision party described in Galatians 2.
Our conventionality, (See the case in Lecture III, above, where the writer describes his experiences of communion with the Divine as consisting «merely in the temporary obliteration of the conventionalities which usually cover my life.»)
Here is still another case, the writer being a man aged twenty - seven, in which the experience, probably almost as characteristic, is less vividly described: --
3To describe a proposition as «interesting» or as a «lure» is not simply to give it methodological value as in the case of an hypothesis.
The sin of slander, in this case called backbiting, was described in the handbook as a work of the Devil.
In this most recent case, the issue in question is never even addressed in the Bible, and yet authors like Mark Driscoll, Dorothy, Patterson, and Martha Peace have described physical beauty as an element of «biblical womanhood.»
In a Festschrift for Einstein's seventieth birthday in 1949, Gödel demonstrated the possibility of a special case in which, as Palle Yourgrau described the result, «the large - scale geometry of the world is so warped that there exist space - time curves that bend back on themselves so far that they close; that is, they return to their starting point.»
Hasker's third proposition is that for the problem of divine non-intervention to be a real problem, «we must be able to identify specific kinds of cases in which God morally ought to intervene but does not» Many critics of (traditional) theism probably already have a more or less vague list of such cases, which might include genocidal events, such as the Nazi holocaust and the Rwandan massacre; wars; large - scale natural disasters; conditions of chronic poverty, in which millions of children die from starvation or are permanently stunted because of inadequate protein; the sexual molestation of children, which often leaves them psychologically scarred for the rest of their lives; death preceded by long, painful illnesses, such as cancer or AIDS, or by mind - destroying conditions, such as Alzheimer's disease; and the kinds of events described by Dostoyevski, such as the soldier using his pistol to get a mother's baby to giggle with delight and then blowing its brains out.
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