Sentences with phrase «desert regions»

The phrase "desert regions" refers to areas of land that have little water and very few plants. Full definition
The solar farms will be located in multiple sites across the central desert region, and it will take Saga Energy around 5 years to complete.
If you are traveling with your pets in these southwest desert regions and they begin to exhibit any of the following symptoms, please seek veterinary care as soon as possible.
High - altitude desert regions consistently absorb higher - than - average amounts of solar radiation because of the reduced effect of the atmosphere above them.
Most importantly, they fail to point out that the project site lies in some of the best habitat available to the golden eagle in this entire desert region.
There are exceptions in the major desert regions, where the surface air is very dry despite its high temperature.
These could be high winds, high temperatures and drought, and, in desert regions, unusually high rainfall the preceding season that triggers greater growth and more fuel for the next fire.
Most CSP systems require significant amounts of water, which has proven to be a challenge in desert regions of the U.S. where solar power is most attractive, while Stirling engines require none other than small amounts for cleaning the mirrors.
The project site is situated in the rolling hills of the high desert region of the far western Snake River Plain and consists of 3 patented (private) lode claims where the deposit is located, 418 unpatented lode claims, 9 mill site claims, 6 associated placer claims, and various leased fee land surface and surface / mineral rights, all totalling about 9,300 acres.
Born in 1952 on the Utopia cattle station in the arid desert region north - east of Alice Springs, Angelina Pwerle is now recognized as one of the leading artists of the...
The concept, which is also known as drought - tolerant landscaping and smart scaping, was pioneered originally for desert regions but has spread to water — abundant places thanks to conservationists.
Prather speculates that the microbes hitch a ride on bits of sand, iron and other debris swept aloft from desert regions.
Normally it varies between 1 % and 4 % so that would be 10 degrees of warming for a dry desert region with 1 % and 40 degrees of warming for a moist rain forest region with 4 % water vapour, thus making the rain forest 30 degrees warmer than the dry desert at a similar latitude and altitude.
Throughout these years, he's led numerous trips throughout the east coast from Newfoundland to Florida and to many desert regions including Baja California, Death Valley, Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico.
Harmattan winds blow south from the Sahara desert regions into the Gulf of Guinea between the end of November and the middle of March.
For the first time, players can command the forces of Man against a deadly Orc threat to the East and utilise a host of new abilities and gear to conquer the harsh desert region of Lithlad, which houses the imposing Marauder fortress of Shindrâm.
Solar - generated electricity is particularly attractive in desert regions such as the U.S. Southwest because peak generation meshes nicely with peak air conditioning use.
Hire mercenaries to create a human army and conquer the all - new desert region of Lithlad, the lair of the Were - Wyrms.
History, along with recent drill samples, suggest there are significant untapped gold deposits in the Eastern Desert region, where pharaohs dug up gold with shallow and primitive mining operations.
Take, for instance, a mission set in the Gerudo Desert region of Hyrule, that tasks Link with becoming a lady.
Bob Speare has led numerous trips throughout the east coast from Newfoundland to Florida and to many desert regions including Baja California, Death Valley, Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico.
«The mission of the Chihuahuan Desert Research Institute is to promote public awareness, appreciation, and concern for the natural diversity of the Chihuahuan Desert region through research and education.»
Lake Eyre sits in the northern desert region of South Australia, a primarily arid state.
Humans were significantly more likely to have been exposed to a tick - borne disease in the northern provinces of Mongolia compared to samples collected from the Gobi Desert region.
The location on display in these shots is the Samadhi desert region along with horse racing, travel, battle encounters and a boss fight against the Death Scorpion.
The native peoples of the Sonoran Desert region of the U.S. Southwest and Northern Mexico have used the nopal cactus plant for food and medicinal purposes for hundreds of years.
But with improvements in the performance of plants and better sites, solar thermal electricity could soon be cheaper than coal, and so generate huge amounts of reliable, clean electricity in hot desert regions, Milow said.
Our Red Canyon, Desert Agriculture, and Kibbutz Life Tour, will take you on a fascinating journey through some of the Arava Desert region's most spectacular sites of natural beauty and cultural significance.
The next installment will signal our departure from the Heartland as Aloy and I journey into the more arid desert region of the game.
The vast desert regions of the Sahara and the Arabian Peninsula contain numerous archaeological sites, indicating that Pleistocene hominins penetrated these areas, living in more favourable habitats [1], [2].
I think a long term record of MINIMUM temperatures from some remote desert region would provide interesting data.
Simone Weil observed how factory work involves this combination of oppression and frustration of capabilities: «since orders are now the sole factor making for variety, to eliminate them in thought is to condemn oneself to imagining an unbroken succession of ever - identical movements, to visualising monotonous desert regions of experience that thought has no way of exploring» (from the essay Factory Work; see the Simone Weil Reader).
Whether equipped with one or two humps, camels are precious in desert regions throughout the world.
However, the team asserts, «The multi-dimensional nature of the debate about the future of Australia's desert region often leaves policy makers with little overarching synthesis to guide public policy.»
«A better life in the outback: Improving living standards in the Australian desert region
Said Peter Zahler, WCS Asia Program Deputy Director: «Central Asia contains some of the last great temperate grasslands left in the world, vast natural desert regions, and some of the greatest mountains on the planet.
We went to South America's Altiplano, the mountainous desert region, looking for water in the driest place on earth.
The Negev is a hilly desert region in which country?
I live in a rural desert region, and my family and I use this to go camping a few times a year pulling trailer with two big four wheelers on it.
Transfer from Tel Aviv to Eilat through the amazingly beautiful Israeli Negev Desert region, with sunrise in the desert, and the spectacular desert scenery along the way to illustrate your journey.
In it you will find rivers to do some rafting, lakes to swim in, mountains, active volcanoes, rain forests, cloud forests to explore and even deserted regions, islands, coral reefs and gorgeous beaches where you can relax.
Travelers are attracted to this wild desert region 140 - miles west of Los Angeles because of the amazing boulderscapes, where it often seems there's nothing but prominent boulders and twisted Joshua trees for as far as the eye can see.
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