Sentences with phrase «desert tortoise»

Marissa's family also has two California Desert Tortoises named George and Nickey that love to eat cactus and hibiscus flowers.
The Mojave Desert is home to a population of desert tortoises negatively affected by invasive grasses and an upper respiratory disease.
His wife is a veterinarian as well, and they have two children, three dogs, three cats, and a California Desert Tortoise to keep their lives interesting.
«Decoded genome may help Mojave Desert tortoise win race to survive.»
In addition, coyotes eat dozens of road runners trapped along the outside of a perimeter fence that was designed to prevent federally threatened desert tortoises from wandering onto the property.
At the same time, FWS recognizes that it has not evaluated the potential long - term effects of big renewable energy projects that fragment or isolate desert tortoise conservation areas, possibly «cutting off gene flow between these areas.»
Her current pets include a cat and a 90 - year old desert tortoise.
Greer Dolby, co-author and ASU postdoctoral associate, is analyzing the genetic differences between this tortoise and its sister species, the Sonoran Desert tortoise.
The Mojave Desert tortoise population has seen considerable decline in its habitat that includes California, Nevada, Utah and Arizona.
Concerns about desert tortoises forced BrightSource to scale Ivanpah down to 370 megawatts.
Wanting to impress her future coaches, Richards painted her 8 - year - old African desert tortoise Beauregard.
In a paper published in the recent edition of the Journal of Applied Ecology, a team of wildlife experts from San Diego Zoo Global, the U.S. Geological Survey, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the University of Nevada analyzed the effect of habitat quality on the survival and dispersal of released desert tortoises.
Desert tortoises pace back and forth and can overheat by roadside fencing meant to help them, according to a study published in the journal Biological Conservation by the University of California, Davis, and the University of Georgia.
«Supporting healthy rodent populations through habitat management may improve juvenile desert tortoise survival and recruitment.»
«Burrows created by small mammals represent critical components of desert tortoise ecology,» said Melia Nafus, Ph.D., a researcher for San Diego Zoo Global and lead author of the study.
«The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service encourages research such as this because it provides vital knowledge that informs our policy and management decisions,» stated study co-author Roy Averill - Murray, who heads the service's Desert Tortoise Recovery Office.
Desert Tortoise Sea turtles aren't the only ones!
In his free time he enjoys swimming, jogging, skydiving, scuba diving, hiking and spending time with his Irish Wolfhound, Tristán, his hairless cat Mia and desert tortoises Venom and Pinkie.
She has a feline roommate named Hannah and a 33 - year - old CA desert tortoise named Herman.
His household menagerie includes two dogs, a cat, several desert tortoises and saltwater fish.
Here's a link to a Biological Mitigation Document involving desert tortoises, rare plants, soil, and visual impact.
BrightSource Energy's IPO Filing and the Ivanpah Solar Project Temporary Suspension — brought attention to the Ivanpah temporary suspension over desert tortoises and looked at the IPO fine print.
The ancient desert tortoise has been around since the Pleistocene, but now it's fighting for survival — and the Center is behind it all the way.
Colorado pikeminnow Desert tortoise Razorback sucker Southwestern willow flycatcher Yellow - billed cuckoo
But there are also desert tortoises, so a California Senator is pushing for a ban.
FAUNA Desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) These creatures, which can live to be 100 years old but are susceptible to contagious disease, are declining in numbers throughout the Mojave Desert, where they are regarded as threatened.
Although initial surveys indicated fewer than 20 desert tortoises occupied the Ivanpah project area, more than 150 individuals ended up being found.
About Blog Desert Tortoise Botanicals provides the finest quality handcrafted herbal products while nurturing active stewardship of local plants and supporting the dynamic heritage of traditional herbal practice in the Sonoran desert region.
Along with the eggs and nestlings of greater sage grouse, ravens also prey on the federally endangered Desert Tortoise, the endangered San Clemente Loggerhead Shrike and the California Least Tern.
Susan shares her life with her Husband, her Mom, her Afghans — Ricky, Bob, and Fred, 2 desert tortoises named Bertha and Thurgood, and Elmo the Emu.
Instead, he was on site at regular intervals over the last two decades studying the effects of wind development on the Threatened desert tortoise.
Learn how humans can use science and technology to help animals as you meet a California desert tortoise.
The Mojave Desert tortoise is a threatened species and icon of California's southern deserts.
BrightSource Energy wants to build concentrated solar power (CSP) plants, not tend to the mating issues of desert tortoises and red - tailed hawks.
Tiny Tim, an approximately 40 - year - old desert tortoise, was brought to the UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital because of a decreased appetite.
The desert will not be destroyed, nor will the bighorn sheep, desert tortoises, springs or wildflowers.»
It is the Olympic pin, and it owes a debt to the Byzantine Empire, the desert tortoise and a parking lot at the corner of 39th St. and Figueroa in Los Angeles.
In a given lunch hour, one might find Nelson crouched under a shrub in his backyard, looking for one of the 12 desert tortoises he and Julie care for.
The mountains around Las Vegas contain bobcats, coyotes, mountain lions, desert tortoises, and bighorn sheep.
«Desert tortoises can't take the heat of roadside fencing: Balancing renewable energy growth with native species.»
«Now, we have better information when deciding which habitats to protect for desert tortoises, and where to attempt re-establishment of desert tortoise populations with future releases.»
Juvenile tortoises used in this study originated from eggs produced by females housed at the Desert Tortoise Conservation Center in Las Vegas.
While that may have been true in one of Aesop's classic fables, the Mojave Desert tortoise may need to adapt more quickly than it has in decades past.
Incredibly, desert tortoises can live up to 50 years in the wild, with lifespans estimated between 30 to 50 years.
In its creation of the monument late last year, the Obama administration pointed to concern over vandalism in the area, much of which had previously been designated as areas of critical environmental concern for the desert tortoise and bighorn sheep.
ANSWERS: Crocodile / Alligator Order — American alligator, Nile crocodile, caiman, Chinese alligator, saltwater crocodile; Lizard Order — horned toad, iguana, monitor lizard, gecko, Komodo dragon; Snake Order — boa constrictor, rattlesnake, cobra, viper, python; Turtle Order — painted turtle, leatherback, desert tortoise, box turtle, olive Ridley; Extinct Forms (Dinosaurs, etc.) Order — T. rex, apatosaurus, stegosaurus, triceratops, pteranodon.
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