Sentences with phrase «deserve ridicule»

These popular polling questions are dumb and deserve ridicule Washington Post commentary by columnist Jay Matthews
Nobel laureate James Tobin about summed it up when he wrote that: «the «Laffer Curve» idea that tax cuts would actually increase revenues turned out to deserve the ridicule with which sober economists had greeted it in 1981.»
Unless, that logical, magical, scientifically proven double standard allows him to reasonably ignore you doing something I am guilty of and deserve ridicule for....
that will always deserve ridicule.
Religion in any form deserves ridicule, after all it has ridiculed so many others for so many years.
Their religion deserves ridicule daily.
It deserves ridicule.
Do nt you think they deserve the ridicules and bashing.

Not exact matches

Women who have been taught proper Christian behavior but never - the-less engage in such deviance deserve public ridicule, are despicable, and deserve stoning.
Anybody that lies and promotes their faith as fact or attempts to deny a field of science without presenting scientific evidence that contradicts it, deserves every bit of ridicule they get.
You deserve scorn and ridicule in spades.
You are definitely deserving of ridicule.
Those who CLAIM to talk to a god or diety and those who claim their chosen diety talks to them are DESERVING of ridicule.
If so, and they were apart or worked at that place, then I guess they were just as guilty and deserved just as much punishment and ridicule as the person actually committing the offense..
Belief in a self - contradictory ent.ity without any evidence is ridiculous, and by definition deserving of ridicule.
Some ideas (such as religion) are bad ideas and deserving of ridicule.
These humanists believed that God's enemies deserve to be ridiculed, and that humor offers an effective way of pointing out error and showing the truth by contrast.
Smurfette... Nope not a troll... just a born - again Christian that treats atheism with the ridicule it deserves.
If people believe that the bible is God's word and they follow it blindly then they are truly idiots however — if people also believe that human consciousness and the creation of the universe is the work of «evolution'then they are equally unintelligent and deserving of ridicule.
Pires himself is a young passionate Gooner who deserves encouragement not ridicule.
Should that be true, then yeah he deserves all the ridicule that is coming his way.
It was fitting that he got called out by Joe with video proof right then and there and I hope he gets the ridicule he deserves for trying to get an unwarranted DQ victory or at the very least an unearned rest after getting waxed by 2 knees.
It is surely «fair» that this was ridiculed and treated with the utter contempt this pile of drivel deserved.
And he deserves to be thoroughly respected and admired for his past achievements, rather than be ridiculed for Arsenal's 12 - year title drought.
Nursing mothers deserve to be respected and revered, not ridiculed and ignored.
This will be unpopular, but I do feel she deserves more compassion than ridicule.
«The Legislature deserves credit, not ridicule, for rejecting this dangerous idea.»
A striking attempt to tell an exotic story in a down - to - earth environment that deserves praise for its singularity of vision, even as it runs the risk of ridicule.
However, I agree with «B», who seems to be a good judge of e-character, given the uninformed, unintelligent, stuck in the past nonsense like your comment rightly deserves nothing less than ridicule.
Now, it's the Goodreads community that is firing back at the website itself, claiming censorship and supporting the justification to target authors whom they believe are deserving of being ridiculed and threatened.
A serious challenge deserves attention, not ridicule along with a smear campaign.
Ridicule is all they deserve.
He says climate skeptics deserve our respect, not our ridicule.
They are deserving of respect, not the kind of ridicule they have been subjected to.
The offending blog is one well worthy of continued readership and hardly deserving of public ridicule.
Clearly this guy is a moron, and deserves to be publicly ridiculed.
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