Sentences with word «desideratum»

Applicable both to CPD and to the workplace, the series of competences articulated as desiderata for the trainee as part of the work - based learning scheme being piloted by Nottingham Law School and others do, I suggest, go a long way towards providing such implementable steps for lawyers at any stage of their careers.
The «post-AIDS» era of the gay male subculture has been marked by a terribly uneasy attitude toward the preceding pre-AIDS era, and has seen the male subculture become something of a caboose on the train of feminism, with ambiguous and sometimes bogus issues of political correctness and the emulation of mainstream — white, middle class — goals and lifestyles being promoted as desiderata.
Let me add that it is the great desideratum by which this form of government can be rescued from the opprobrium under which it has so long labored, and be recommended to the esteem and adoption of mankind.
In my twenties, my cousin gave me this saying from Max Ehrmann's poem Desiderata that has become my mantra: «And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.»
The end of the world was at hand, and in view of this ultimate and swiftly approaching judgment day, personal readiness to meet it was the main desideratum, and personal morals fit to meet it were described in terms of the highest idealism.
Indeed, a real universal human community is only a messianic desideratum, not a human project.
To de Lubac and others, drafts of this document seemed like little more than laundry lists of political and social desiderata, lacking what he called «apostolic boldness»: the evangelical spirit essential for genuinely Christian engagement with the world.
The emphasis on individualism is partly at expression of metaphysics but it is also a reaction to societies in which greater freedom of self - expression and personal autonomy was a real desideratum.
instead of employing manufactured products or educts, such as zinc and acids, we could realise as electricity the whole of the chemical force which is active in the combustion of cheap and abundant raw materials... we should obtain one of the greatest practical desiderata, and have at our command a mechanical power in every respect superior in its applicability to the steam - engine.
May fob slow on to endeavour evening dialect poke with function verifiable strap, carried former and on the side immense, hanging, or despite that a hatchback it thinks accessories desideratum a atypical taste.
I'd like a dollar for everyone in the country who believes that happiness is life's principal desideratum.
Technical possibility and policy desiderata need to link squarely and directly if these accountability systems are to enhance educational performance.
What that demographic tends to seek for its children's education — besides the universal desiderata of «a solid core curriculum... an emphasis on... STEM education, and the development in students of good study habits, strong critical thinking skills, and excellent verbal and written communication skills» — is schools that «offer vocational classes or job - related programs.»
Desiderata Guesthouse is situated on a smallholding approximately 5 km outside the town of Lephalale.
Also on view are five new works from Pfeiffer's Desiderata series, in which the artist manipulates televised footage from The Price is Right, the longest running game show in American history, having debuted in 1972.
Slowly, in some parts, their numbers diminished, so that for some it's either one; or none, which is my atheist desiderata.
So it's not clear that that satisfies the OPs desiderata.
We can develop a list of document desiderata, some of which might quickly be met by a few publishers and organizations, and the rest of which could guide technical development generally.
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It is to jeopardize one of the fundamental desiderata of the rule of law: that the law be enforceable.
Finally, I shall single out, as the most neglected (although not necessarily most important) desideratum for liberal thinking and strategy, something I would like to call a positive theology of pluralism.
The poem Desiderata - Latin for «Things to be Desired» - has inspired millions.
In an 1886 report on the railroad industry, the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Interstate Commerce agreed, stating clearly that the «great desideratum is to secure equality.»
Whitehead took extensive pains to distinguish his eternal objects from traditional universals, primarily because of the problems involved in traditional theories of predication.5 One desideratum of the traditional view is that qualitative universals can instantiate monadically apart from any other qualitative universal.
Along with «Desiderata» and Robert Frost's «The Road Not Taken», it's served me well at various points in life.
Justification then means subverting reality to one's desiderata, rechristening the latter as «reality» and then claiming that it demands respect and even legal protection.
On the other hand, of course, the diffuse, unwieldy character of Soloveitchik's teaching is precisely what makes such a project a desideratum.
For instance, it proclaims that the great desideratum is reconciliation, and that, once violence has done its work, reconciliation will be possible at last.
Is it possible to reconceive what makes theological education theological in such a way that we can honor the agenda of desiderata that has emerged out of our analysis of four major voices in the current debate about theological education?
This step puts an end to original thinking as a desideratum for the professor, but does not necessarily discourage some thinking on the part of students.
Only two presidents have overcome these desiderata (John Kennedy and Barack Obama), and they have run against their religion (in the case of Kennedy) and their race (in the case of Obama), reassuring the American people that they weren't really all that Catholic or all that black — that they were Americans first, and members of their religious or racial communities second.
The desideratum is when the purposes of punishment can be satisfied better by bloodless means than by bloody ones, so let us consider the four purposes one by one.
Obviously, Jesus would not cut those things which helps human advancement or microcosmic advancement toward its desideratum.
In the work of the Jesus Seminar, Funk's desideratum has been achieved: a new gospel that disposes of the embarrassments of apocalyptic ends.
They are simply the four desiderata of any excellent theological education, which follow from a theologically warranted picture of professional Christian leaders as «practical theologians.»
As it says in the Desiderata, «If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter.»
«Obedience to the rule of law by all citizens but more particularly those who publicly took oath of office to protect and preserve the Constitution is a desideratum to good governance and respect for the rule of law.
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