Sentences with phrase «design needed some improvements»

The island was inspired by a catalog find that the homeowner loved; the original design needed some improvements.
The island was inspired by a catalog find that the homeowner loved; the original design needed some improvements.

Not exact matches

The improvements to water resistance in the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, compared with earlier iPhone models, make the open - face design of the TuneBand less worrisome than before — if you run in the rain, you don't need to worry about moisture damaging your phone.
The thing I like most about this one is that it shows that we don't always need all these fancy new designs and so - called improvements, as sometimes, nothing beats the original.
When she launched CPI Creative in 1994, Philp worked alone to secure clients, design custom graphics and help clients connect with their customers, but she now has 4 full - time employees and has seen a great improvement in meeting her clients» needs.
Whether by creating new collaborative structures or working through existing agencies such as local community development corporations, neighborhoods need to assume the central role in designing and implementing strategies for their own improvement.
«It could be anything from something very small that meets a need and saves a little money to a significant design improvement or modification of an employees work cell,» explains Chris Haugen, VP of Supply Chain.
This assessment tool is designed to assist in gathering and presenting relevant information; in determining the strengths and weaknesses of national policies and programmes to protect, promote and support appropriate feeding practices; and in deciding where improvements may be needed to meet the aim and objectives of the Global Strategy.
This competition was just what parents needed because it spurred on new design improvements.
Although some said that it needed some design improvements.
The state development agency explained that standards have changed since the project was designed six years ago, and the passage now needs to be «updated with the same types of technological advances that are being incorporated into other transit improvements recently announced by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, including upgrades to other sections of Penn Station.»
County planners must now consider the needs of pedestrians and bicyclists as well as drivers when designing road improvements, he notes.
These designs can absorb about 80 to 90 percent of the concentrated sunlight directed at them when considering reflections and heat loss, but Ho said design improvements to make the receivers even more efficient are needed to help reduce the cost of concentrating solar power and improve scalability.
In carrying on such operations, presumably those desiring to build such research reactors would submit their designs to the Authority both for approval and for advice as to improvements, and would obtain a license to build such a reactor and lease of the denatured fissionable material needed for it.
You need to consult with a professional nutritionist who will help you design proper diet plan as per your needs with the primary aim of health improvement and weight loss.
It can also help with designing a training programme as the tests help identify any areas that may need improvement, this can be weak muscles that need strengthening or tight muscles that need stretching, balance, flexibility, functional mobility etc..
The 24 - Day Challenge is a comprehensive supplementation and nutrition program designed to give your body the jumpstart it needs to help you reach your goals, whether they be weight management, weight loss, increased energy, or improvement in overall health and wellness.
Charlotte, NC About Blog Taylored Improvements is general contractor based in Charlotte, NC dedicated to creative design solutions for your residential and commercial renovation needs.
Sara and I both started talking about the design improvements to make to our farm — we actually really did need those footpaths — and the industries we'll get into as the seasons change.
The University of Wisconsin - Madison professor got that number by adding up the components a school needs to have in place to implement Modern Red Schoolhouse, one of seven improvement designs being underwritten by New American Schools, a nonprofit corporation based in Arlington, Va..
Finally, we've learned a lot about how to design accountability policy to better target the schools that most need improvement.
The Opportunity Culture Dashboard posts school design, student, and teacher outcomes, along with our findings about needed improvements.
Those high - performing schools did things like «set measurable goals on standards based tests and benchmark tests across all proficiency levels, grades, and subjects»; create school missions that were «future oriented,» with curricula and instruction designed to prepare students to succeed in a rigorous high - school curriculum; include improvement of student outcomes «as part of the evaluation of the superintendent, the principal, and the teachers»; and communicate to parents and students «their responsibility as well for student learning, including parent contracts, turning in homework, attending class, and asking for help when needed
It also says the vouchers are designed to give low - income families in neighborhoods where schools need improvement the chance to send their children to «higher - performing schools.»
Teach First's programme is designed to offer staff at schools in areas of disadvantage the skills and support they need to succeed and deliver improvements for pupils» education — at no cost to the school.
Disaggregated student performance and behavior data, reading plan, strategic plan, school improvement plans, professional learning needs, assessment data, and data from the district's educator observational system were used to design a continuous, flexible professional development program.
To start with the end in mind, our approach is designed to provide each school we work with the tools and support they need to achieve personalised improvement goals, within the context of the national education agenda and what our research has shown to be the distinctive characteristics of a highly performing school.
Although it produced some success in boosting achievement levels, there's bipartisan agreement that it's too inflexible and that states need more authority to design school improvement standards.
«Teachers can use it to design, store and map their own lessons, and content is customizable to allow districts to respond to local needs, said Dr. Christine Mason, Executive Director of the Center for Educational Improvement.
Support packages are built around the TDS four pillar framework designed to cover the breadth of work needed for comprehensive improvement efforts.
Numerous provisions contained in S. 1177 represent a huge step forward from current legislation: the elimination of adequate yearly progress and the 100 percent proficiency requirements, tempering the test - and - punish provisions of No Child Left Behind; the continued requirement of disaggregated subgroup data; removal of the unworkable school turnaround models required under the School Improvement Grant and Race to the Top programs; clarification of the term school leader as the principal of an elementary, middle or high school; inclusion of the use of Title II funds for a «School Leadership Residency Program»; activities to improve the recruitment, preparation, placement, support, and retention of effective principals and school leaders in high - need schools; and the allowable use of Title II funds to develop induction and mentoring programs that are designed to improve school leadership and provide opportunities for mentor principals and other educators who are experienced and effective.
Because the benefits of quality improvements are large, we need to evaluate experiments with many different designs of pre-K, which explore different ways of hiring and training teachers, and different approaches to delivering pre-K.
You'll leave with a better understanding of developmental stages, some design considerations, and perhaps a better understanding of your own leadership strengths (or even an area in need of improvement).
Tables for each need outline the structure for design improvements to our program, including objectives, actions, outcomes, and outcome measures.
Because what works in one district may not work in every district, professional learning should be aligned and adapted to address school and system goals.25 States and school districts should work with teachers to design ongoing cycles of learning and improvement that ensure all educators can identify areas for growth and learn evidence - based strategies that will address their needs, ultimately improving their performance and increasing student achievement.26
This policy proposal from the TeachStrong coalition explains how we can design professional learning to better address student and teacher needs, and to foster feedback and improvement.
It gives teachers and parents everything they need to help children improve their reading: 35 kid - tested poems by Bruce Lansky -35 customized reading lessons by Amy Buswell -35 off - the - wall illustrations by Stephen Carpenter -35 sets of zany performance tips by Bruce Lansky - all of which is designed to make the process of reading improvement more like fun than work.
Historically, central offices have been designed mainly to ensure schools» compliance with state and federal rules and regulations — and while that may be an essential bureaucratic function, it doesn't do anything to promote the collaborative culture needed for local improvement.
If the objective is not just to rank teachers and slice off those at the bottom, irrespective of accuracy, but instead to support improvement while providing evidence needed for action, this modest proposal suggests we might make more headway by allowing educators to design systems that truly add value to their knowledge of how students are learning in relation to how teachers are teaching.
Design and implement the conditions needed for continuous improvements in teaching and learning
The new system is designed to foster the continuous improvement of all schools with three levels of support: general support for all schools, support for a subset of schools that are struggling on several measures that is focused on those areas of need, and intensive support for schools with persistent, significant problems.
Design professional learning to better address student and teacher needs, and to foster feedback and improvement.
The new law requires states and districts to create comprehensive data dashboards; states to design systems that identify schools for improvement using new measures of school quality or student success; and districts to develop improvement plans based on school - level needs assessments.
CCISD wanted to provide a design thinking learning experience that would also ensure that the campuses, which had been designated as Priority Schools and «Needs Improvement,» in years past, would be successful.
The guide also includes information on ESSA requirements, planning a needs assessment, designing a needs assessment, how a needs assessment is part of the improvement process, and key decision points.
We listen, assess, and design an action plan based solely on your needs and then provide highly skilled coaches who apply data - driven strategies to ensure improvement on all levels.
PCG Education works with states, districts, and schools to address a wide spectrum of needs such as curriculum development and implementation; design and facilitation of professional development and professional learning communities; school improvement services; and program reviews.
With the launch of the Strategic School Improvement fund (SSIF) and the Teaching and Leadership innovation fund (TLIF) we have created a one year school improvement programme; Acceleration and Capacity building, designed for all schools needing to accelerate pupils» progress in a sustainable way through an integrated approach to pedagogy, assessment and Improvement fund (SSIF) and the Teaching and Leadership innovation fund (TLIF) we have created a one year school improvement programme; Acceleration and Capacity building, designed for all schools needing to accelerate pupils» progress in a sustainable way through an integrated approach to pedagogy, assessment and improvement programme; Acceleration and Capacity building, designed for all schools needing to accelerate pupils» progress in a sustainable way through an integrated approach to pedagogy, assessment and leadership.
Design a multi-year plan based on a collaborative needs assessment that helps to identify and address improvement priorities at all levels; systems, leaders, and teachers.
An evaluation conducted by Aldaba has criticised the government's approach to supporting and assessing applications to the fund, which was designed to target resources at schools in need of improvement.
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