Sentences with phrase «designed book cover conveys»

On the contrary, a poorly designed book cover conveys to the readers that author does not care much about the book and I am sure you don't want to take chances here.

Not exact matches

So while it is clearly very important for a book's cover to be striking, it is even more important that the title of your book is legible and the cover's design conveys to the reader the genre and tone of the book.
This means having better book cover design that stands out and conveys exactly what your book is about in 3 seconds.
In her opinion, in order to succeed, your book cover design - must focus on «connecting with your audience; capturing the mood of the story; conveying the type of story; and, assuring the buyer that your book is the work of a professional.»
People frequenting bookstores; look at book covers with the assumption - that they have been designed to convey the soul of the story!
«Being clear on what you want to convey through your book cover design is vital,» believes, «»
Study cover designs in your book's genre and work with designers to create an image that conveys big emotion.
Find a cover designer, you don't have to spend many hundreds of dollars, but get an objective professional eye who'll understand how to convey your book's message and come up with ideas and a design that will complete your book's packaging and presentation.
Where the front is designed to say what the book is about and convey, «Pick me up now, I'm the one;» it's the back cover that should get them to fall in.
Similarly, if the cover design displays hearts, roses or soft words, then it conveys the message that book genre is most likely to be a romantic fiction.
A good book design conveys the message of a book and lets the reader know what to expect from a book before he or she ever starts reading inside the cover.
A book's shape, size, cover design, page texture, line spacing, even its font selection: all these things all convey information about the story, genre, history of publication and intended audience.
In today's click - and - go world, a professionally - designed book cover needs to convey your message to your readers in a single glance.
However, since the advent of online book sales I've found that the old saying really relates now only to people and situations, because book cover design is doing the best job it has ever done to convey something of the book inside and affect the potential reader's decision making.
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