Sentences with phrase «despair becomes»

Then, as the camera gets closer, the despair becomes more extreme.
«Their feelings of despair became all embracing: If they disliked the office space, they also disliked the company that was hosting it, and they disliked the task they were doing in it,» Harford explains.
When agony and despair become the norm, it is time to take action.

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If you're a startup founder, recently became an entrepreneur or content creator that has yet found a way to monetize your business don't despair, there are multiple ways to generate cash flow with little or even zero business development.
Yes, pregnancy can be a time of great joy, but trying to become pregnant can also be full of stress and sometimes, despair.
When small - business owners become discouraged, they have the tendency to feel alone in their despair.
When the VCs learned about the findings, the researchers write in the HBR article, «the VCs reacted with a mixture of emotions: despair for being involved in creating bias, denial of being part of it, becoming upset with the facts, and feeling relief about the fact that gender bias was finally becoming transparent.»
«Even if we're full of despair over what the internet has become, it's good to remind yourself [that] it's an amazing thing,» Denton said.
The less - justified reason is that it became a very convenient political target for the larger international climate activism movement at a time of despair coming out of the [2009] Copenhagen climate talks, that Kyoto was dead and there might not be a successor.
The market becomes a roller coaster of emotion, hope, elation and despair.
They have the capacity to become enormously valuable — like Titanic lifeboats — in a world where the ordinary saver despairs of keeping his nest egg safe.
«A man must completely despair of himself in order to become fit to obtain the grace of Christ.»
Alfred North Whitehead brilliantly defines the human body as the primary field of human expression.14 So every bodily action becomes symbolically the incarnation of a human attitude in the whole gamut from ecstatic fulfilment to boredom and despair.
Moral and ethical dilemmas become opportunities for the church to express its care by its willingness to sit with people in the midst of turmoil and despair.
But when we do share, scars and all, the «wounds and pains become openings or occasions for a new vision»; they «are transformed from expressions of despair into signs of hope» (The Wounded Healer [Doubleday, 1972], pp. 96, 95).
He does not will the Good for the sake of reward, for then he would have become obvious in his aspiration or in his despair.
The ones who can manage speech express despair (or «woe» to use the King James English) and become convinced they are about to die.
According to Barth, Mozart «heard the harmony of creation to which the shadows also belong but in which shadow is not darkness, deficiency is not defeat, sadness can not become despair, trouble can not degenerate into tragedy and infinite melancholy is not ultimately forced to claim undisputed sway.»
From the point of view which we have been developing it becomes apparent that the citizens of the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. need each other in order to play out their despair; they need to have a scapegoat against which to battle in order to fortify their precarious sphere of existence.
Big Hunter despaired of ever becoming a Christian, married two new wives, and lived as an unbeliever for the rest of his days.
At the moment of despair no wish is so natural to them as the wish that they had become or might become another.
That wherein immediacy has its being, or (supposing that after all it has a little bit of reflection in itself) that part thereof to which it especially clings, a man is deprived of by «a stroke of fate,» in short, he becomes, as he calls it, unfortunate, that is, the immediacy in him receives such a shock that it can not recover itself — he despairs.
When then the whole of existence has been altered for the immediate man and he has fallen into despair, he goes a step further, he thinks thus, this has become his wish: «What if I were to become another, were to get myself a new self?»
When immediacy despairs it possesses not even enough self to wish or to dream that it had become what it did not become.
In so far as the self does not become itself, it is not its own self; but not to be one's own self is despair.
Those, on the other hand, who say that they are in despair are generally such as have a nature so much more profound that they must become conscious of themselves as spirit, or such as by the hard vicissitudes of life and its dreadful decisions have been helped to become conscious of themselves as spirit — either one or the other, for rare is the man who truly is free from despair.
It is true enough about the weakness, but it is not over this you must despair the self must be broken in order to become a self, so cease to despair over it.»
Therewith the whole point of view is inverted, he becomes now more clearly conscious of his despair, recognizing that he is in despair about the eternal, he despairs over himself that he could be weak enough to ascribe to the earthly such great importance, which now becomes his despairing expression for the fact that he has lost the eternal and himself.
For though this self were to go so far in despair that it becomes an experimental god, no derived self can by regarding itself give itself more than it is: it nevertheless remains from first to last the self, by self - duplication it becomes neither more nor less than the self.
By unconsciousness the despairing man is in a way secured (but to his own destruction) against becoming aware — that is, he is securely in the power of despair.
At one moment it has almost become clear to him that he is in despair; but then at another moment it appears to him after all as though his indisposition might have another ground, as though it were the consequence of something external, something outside himself, and that if this were to be changed, he would not be in despair.
Yes, to be sure, it is a fact that there was a man whom repentance first overtook in the painfulness of old age, when he no longer had the strength to sin, so that the repentance not only came late, but the despair of late repentance became the final stage.
If on the contrary the self does not become itself, it is in despair, whether it knows it or not.
But this proves that most men have not become very deep even in despair; it by no means proves, however, that they are not in despair.
Ah, so much is said about human want and misery — I seek to understand it, I have also had some acquaintance with it at close range; so much is said about wasted lives — but only that man's life is wasted who lived on, so deceived by the joys of life or by its sorrows that he never became eternally and decisively conscious of himself as spirit, as self, or (what is the same thing) never became aware and in the deepest sense received an impression of the fact that there is a God, and that he, he himself, his self, exists before this God, which gain of infinity is never attained except through despair.
For so it is with men in this world: first a man sins from frailty and weakness; and then — yes, then perhaps he learns to flee to God and to be helped by faith which saves from all sin; but of this we are not talking here — then he despairs over his weakness and becomes, either a Pharisee who in despair manages to attain a certain legal righteousness, or he despairs and plunges again into sin.
It is to resist despair, to resist giving in to the terrible prices of the struggle — the loss of friends, the stubbornness of evil, the inevitable weariness — and to resist giving up hope when early victories become clouded by defeat, the way becomes difficult, and the goal seems ever more distant.
It becomes the symbol of the deep sense of tragedy that can lead man to despair.
But there were times when her confinement became too much, and Anne was tempted by despair.
They will not commit the suicide of the Jewish soul by succumbing to the despair that follows when the Holocaust becomes our central point of reference rather than something the Torah teaches that God Himself will conquer, when he «will destroy death forever, and will wipe away tears from every face» (Isaiah 25:8).
Proposition 6: Proclamation of the Gospel... the Church... must be missionary (cf Evangelii Nuntiandi, 14; CCC, 851)... [involving] the proclamation of his life and of the paschal mystery of his passion, death, resurrection and glorification [to those who] have become vain in their reasonings and... [those] living and dying in this world without God, [who] are exposed to final despair.
The cheeky little Richard Milhouse Nixon Møøse - Beaver of Winnemucca somehow became 142 Mexican Whooping Llamas, and... and... and... I was flung into the depths of despair by being designated a... a... this is very hard for me... a Walmart greeter in Humpagoat Wisconsin.
Being in Adam means guilt, despair, isolation, temptation, and death.28 Being in Christ is to become a new being, yet one susceptible to the old being's influence.
Everything becomes so much easier to understand when you recognize that he was a man, like an other, given to anger (righteous or otherwise) and despair.
There is a young man (on a short video) that I have featured on my blog, who is just the kind of person in the church who causes people to become prideful jerks, or who causes them to despair deeply in the Christian faith.
Indeed, the Christian may become persuaded that the author's stages of dying describe a circle of their own: from denial through anger, bargaining and despair, back to another form of denial called acceptance.
As they despaired over fostering change through the process, secular antiwar movements — which strongly influenced church attitudes, both negatively and positively — became extreme in their efforts to awaken a stubborn public.
When I despair and lose hope, but turn away from God I have no choice but to take things into my own hands and become bitter.
The man who spent his early life as a worker behind the Iron Curtain became the instrument of the Holy Spirit in teaching the world about the true dignity of man, of human labour, and about the unfathomable power of Divine Mercy to transform evil into good, despair into hope, and oppression into freedom.
In trying to reach a truly actual depiction of the horror of the subject, the painters imparted a sense of despair, or expectation of terror, which became a common psychological coin.
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