Sentences with phrase «desperate young single mothers»

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We tend to think of prostitution as a desperate circumstance — a single mother driven to her last resort or a young girl forced into a brothel.
When he evicts Dennis Nash (Golden Globe nominee Andrew Garfield), a single father trying to care for his mother (Academy Award nominee Laura Dern) and young son (newcomer Noah Lomax), Nash becomes so desperate to provide for his family that he goes to work for Carver — the very man who evicted him in the first place.
Vincent (Bill Murray) is a slovenly alcoholic who inexplicably befriends his young neighbor (Jaeden Lieberher) after desperate circumstances force the boy's single mother (Melissa McCarthy) to use the vulgar man as a babysitter.
Among them are Arleen, a single mother dragging her two youngest sons across town in urgent search of a warm, safe place; Scott, a drug addict desperate to crawl up from rock bottom; and Larraine, who loses all of her belongings when she's evicted.
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