Sentences with phrase «destroy brain cells»

Does watching 2 hours and 40 minutes of Les Mis destroy brain cells?
Biochemically, Jensen said, elevated levels of cortisol can destroy brain cells.
Alfatoxins do compromise the blood - brain barrier, but do not destroy brain cells in the manner that excitotoxins such as xanthan gum do.
Some of these chemicals destroy brain cells and can cause cognitive decline.
The stutters produce long stretches of the amino acid glutamine in the huntingtin protein, and the resulting misshapen protein clumps up within neurons, destroying brain cells.
The disease destroys the brain cells that control body movements.
Now, a study led by Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis describes a newborn screening test that identifies infants with NPC, an often fatal condition in which cholesterol builds up and eventually destroys brain cells.
The Hereditary Disease Foundation facilitates collaborative and innovative scientific research to further the understanding of Huntington's disease, a genetic disorder that strikes in early - to mid-adulthood, destroying brain cells, and bringing on severe and progressive declines in personality, cognitive ability, and mobility.

Not exact matches

Rather, it is represented such that if some cells in the brain are removed this does not destroy just a part of the image but reduces the clarity of the image as a whole.
Imagine cells that can move through your brain, hunting down cancer and destroying it before they themselves disappear without a trace.
In a revolutionary first, Cancer Research UK - funded scientists will test whether the Zika virus can destroy brain tumour cells, potentially leading to new treatments for one of the hardest to treat cancers.
It is a smart filter at that: The cells lining the brain's blood vessels can build extra proteins for grabbing glucose if the brain needs a boost and can also destroy some of the proteins to dial the flow back down.
«We refer to this as the battle for the brain, in which early on in the disease, the microglia are trying to destroy the brain tumor initiating cells,» says Yong.
The buildup chokes vital brain areas and destroys nerve cells.
The buildup of twisted tau deposits also destroys surrounding nerve cells and eventually wastes away vast swaths of brain tissue.
The only consistent effect he could find was that the animals» overall capacity for memory fell in proportion to the number of neurons destroyed: The more brain cells lost, the more memories — all memories — weakened.
Faith and the embryo Biochemist Paul Berg suggests in April's Discover Dialogue [«Bio Brain Backs Stem Cells»] that only religious faith makes the judgment that the destruction of a human embryo destroys a human individual.
Would all this carefully targeted weaponry that destroys cancer cells without inflicting collateral damage on normal tissue work on cancers outside the brain?
Parkinson's destroys dopamine - producing cells in the brain, leading to tremors and difficulty moving.
Microglia are present throughout the brain and spinal cord, are constantly monitoring their environment, and can be switched on or activated to perform different functions such as control inflammation, destroy pathogens, clean up the debris from dead or damaged cells, and seal off the site of an injury.
Genetic diseases like retinitis pigmentosa destroy the photosensitive cells of the eye, the photoreceptors, but often leave intact the other cells in the retina: the bipolar cells that the photoreceptors normally talk to, and the ganglion cells that are the retina's output to the brain.
«Synapse discovery could lead to new treatments for Alzheimer's disease: Scientists have discovered how connections between brain cells are destroyed in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease.»
A team of researchers led by UNSW Australia scientists has discovered how connections between brain cells are destroyed in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease — work that opens up a new avenue for research on possible treatments for the degenerative brain condition.
Whereas traditional MS medications target the immune system's T - cells, ocrelizumab focuses on destroying the system's B - cells, which fuel the brain inflammation that causes the disease to worsen.
The researchers were testing the theory that blows to the head cause brain damage, in part, because of the breakdown of the blood - brain barrier, allowing the immune cells in the blood to come into contact with brain cells and destroy them.
Further sleuthing revealed that the cells that normally produce it in the brain seem to have been destroyed in narcoleptics.
Now, a team led by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine has found that astrocytes, which perform many indispensable functions in the brain, can take on a villainous character, destroying nerve cells and likely driving many neurodegenerative diseases.
In patients with narcolepsy, their immune system destroys the hypocretin cells located in the brain, which are important in order for them to stay awake.
Neuroscientists have long noted that if certain brain cells are destroyed by, say, a stroke, new circuits may be laid in another location to compensate, essentially rewiring the brain.
When there is too much calnexin, this wall gives angry T cells access to the brain, where they destroy myelin.»
Other genetic diseases include Tay - Sachs disease (damage to the gene for the enzyme hexosaminidase A leads to an accumulation of a chemical in the brain that destroys it), sickle cell anemia (improper coding of the gene that produces hemoglobin), hemophilia (lack of a gene for a blood - clotting factor) and muscular dystrophy (caused by a defective gene on the X chromosome).
«The ultimate goal is for the transplanted stem cells to reconstruct the brain circuitry that has been destroyed by Parkinson's and restore some function to the individual,» Mendez said.
Schneeberger said that what he and many others «have seen» is that in PD, as in AD, «once the the brain cells are destroyed, getting them back is probably impossible.
And then one after another, rejuvenation biotechnologies that replace missing dopamine - producing cells, destroy senescent cells in the brain, and keep our mitochondrial energy centers humming will become available.
So when AFFiRiS» Schneeberger opines that «given the mode of action of disease modifiers», an AS - clearing immunotherapy such as PD01A (or PRX002) is «really something we need to apply early in this disease» because «once the the brain cells are destroyed, getting them back is probably impossible,» he is adopting a view that is entirely reasonable — but only because it is constrained to the specific plank in the integrated platform that rejuvenation biotechnology must become.
Even if you get most of the brain tumour out it comes back again, so we were wondering if you could leave something in the brain cavity that would help target chemotherapy precisely to the tumour to destroy the remaining tumour cells responsible for the disease coming back.
He's looking at a class of brain cells that, when coaxed, destroy neurons, thinking they might be a possible drug target.
In Alzheimer's disease, tau collects in fibrous deposits known as «tau tangles» that appear to damage and destroy neighboring brain cells.
Stem cells can then be harvested and used to create brain, skin, heart and other tissue for treating diseases before the embryos are destroyed.
As its name implies, FTD is a fatal disease that destroys cells, or neurons, that comprise the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain — as opposed to Alzheimer's which mainly affects brain's memory centers in the hippocampus.
Leaving the distressed cells alone risks having them cause collateral damage to other cells, while destroying them eliminates potentially critical brain cells, many of which don't regenerate.
For this study, they destroyed cells in the hippocampus, an area of the brain vital to memory formation and where neurons often die.
Now we are beginning to see that glial cells «go rogue» and begin — unexplainably — to destroy nerve connections that are healthy, even essential for the brain's function.
This overactive immune response means that normal intestinal cells are destroyed by the immune system, nutrients are not absorbed properly, inflammation, digestive issues like diarrhea, constipation, brain fog, chronic fatigue, and many other symptoms will ensue.
As a result, unchecked brain inflammation damages and destroys healthy brain cells.
-- In Parkinson's disease own immune system turns against dopamine producing brain cells destroying them and causing dopamine deficiency.
At that point it is usually too late to react as nerve cells and brain tissue have been irreparably damaged and destroyed.
When following the diet, immune cells that were attacking the brain and spinal cord were destroyed.
The latter could be caused by the former, but also by other conditions such as progressive supranuclear palsy (a rare brain disorder that destroys nerve cells) or multiple system atrophy (a degenerative condition originating in parts of the brain).
A concussion can result in unchecked inflammation that slows recovery and continues to destroy healthy brain cells long after the concussion.
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