Sentences with phrase «destroyed by that ignorance»

I love this country far too much to sit by and watch it be destroyed by ignorance.
In my article On my Death, Please, Take a Breath I described how an inherited IRA was destroyed by ignorance.
Many have been destroyed by that ignorance and until they start realizing the importance of establishing a aesthetic connection with their customers, more will follow.
But it could be destroyed by ignorance, false comparisons and superficial research and analyses.

Not exact matches

(From NASA) Following through by taking a look, a brief item on how solar flares are not going to destroy us, which educated my ignorance.
And stop embarrassing yourself by displaying your ignorance of other matters as a method to destroy this thread.
Families are being destroyed, childhoods are being destroyed, by rampant and unchecked professional ignorance and incompetence in professional psychology and the family courts, and no one is stopping the destruction of children and families.
Cockroaches only live in the clammy darkness of ignorance beneath big rocks after the rotten tree stump they previously inhabited was destroyed by a hungry, roach - chomping opportunistic bear, and the scurrying remainder of the roach family sought out the next best place nearby, on their sightless own, being the big rock.
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