Sentences with phrase «destroying organic life»

Living entails doing injustice: the fact that we can not breathe and eat without destroying organic life has symbolic meaning for our human existence.
«Guardians of the Galaxy's» purple Power Stone has the power to destroy all organic life on a planet.

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Some examples: that «every single organic being around us may be said to be striving to the utmost to increase its numbers»; that «of the many individuals of any species which are periodically born, but a small number can survive»; that it is to a mother's «advantage» that her child should be adopted by another woman; that «no one is prepared to sacrifice his life for any single person, but... everyone will sacrifice it for more than two brothers, or four half - brothers or eight first cousins»; that «any variation in the least degree injurious [to a species] would be rigidly destroyed
The ecological basis of life, rights of people and persons, of peoplehood and personhood are the concerns which have brought us to fight against the present pattern of development because it exploits and destroys nature and does injustice to nature and human's organic relation to nature.
These may have oxygen - rich atmospheres that would make them habitable today, but could have prevented life forming initially by destroying organic chemicals.
The researchers found that the types of organic compounds found in microbial and algal life — long chain hydrocarbon - dominated matter - were destroyed by the pressures of impact.
Later studies, though, suggested that the organic building blocks of life may have been present in the Martian dirt tested by Viking, but that other chemicals there would have destroyed these organics when heated for the experiment.
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