Sentences with phrase «destroys people»

I did manage to pay off two of the loans, but due to financial burden and family illness, I have been unsuccessful to get the current loan to a manageable state, I am deeply disturbed that there is no substantial relief for the current student loan debt burden, and that the banks are able to get away with unregulated policy that destroys people's lives.
It's one of those depressing social commentary films about how alcoholism destroys people's lives.
In real life, this savior complex destroys people.
Her mother had been diagnosed with Huntington's disease, the rare, inherited disorder that slowly destroys people's brains, cripples their bodies, eventually killing them.
The repeated emphasis in 2 Peter 2:4 - 9 is not on how God destroys people but on how God saves and rescues people.
There are those who see the issue of God's violence / judgement differently: The Old Testament (and the thread of the Old Testament thought that carries over into the New Testament) version of God that sees an angry, violent God who destroys people and tells his people to destroy people.
We're not used to the brutality of that and it can destroy a person psychologically, which makes one (me) trade even worse.
The pain does not destroy people, but the guilt will.
Just because they don't like someone - or the way someone lives - in their unit doesn't mean they have a right to try to destroy that person.
Hitler destroyed our people.
Exposing secrets destroys community by destroying people's trust in one another.
To me the system is destroying people instead of helping them.
I like where you and Greg Boyd are going with this, I'm just interested how you reconcile this view with Genesis 6:13 where it says God is going to destroy the people and the earth.
They failed to destroy the peoples As the Lord had commanded But instead they mingled with the nations And learned to act as they did They worshiped the idols of the nations And these became a snare to entrap them.
But shame can destroy a person's self - worth if left unattended.
I dropped «christianity» from my life starting as a child after I read some childrens bible that showed «God» destroying some people who were worshipping an «idol» — Even at the age of 8 I knew it was wrong to kill those who do nt follow your beliefs.
In the prologue to the first volume, The Sword, a deadly virus that originates in monkeys seems to destroy people of color — Asians in Japan, Native Americans in Alaska and African tribes.
If there is not to be a root - and - branch dismantling of racism, then unemployment, illiteracy, all sorts of crimes, economic deprivation and political indifference will continue to destroy our people.
Part of what that freedom requires is the dismissal of religion, which in her experience had been a vicious mechanism for destroying the person.
Now, should the God destroy the people who cause this suffering so that the world can be brought to perfect peace?
All of these were ways, some rather bloodthirsty, of recognizing that one who would destroy another person with a lie was a destructive element that society should not tolerate.
Jesus says that it is better to take an insult quietly than to say or do something that might eventually destroy a person.
The manipulators represent themselves as true friends of the people, as «liberal» and «democratic,» and as opposed to «authoritarian reactionaries,» but all the while they are destroying the people and denying their freedom.
(like asking The almighty why there is loss of life when he instructed us to destroy people).
Capra raises the question in his books, why modernization has tended to destroy people of their humanity.
Stature was a person's capacity to hold together, within his or her interior life, ideas and affections contrasting so widely that, if they were any wider, they would destroy that person's unity as a person.
Ting, If God the creator knows full well that someone is going to be against him, his enemy, who attacks his Children and knows ahead of time that this person will NEVER turn, would it not be his perogative to destroy this person rather than let this person continue to attack his children?
Momoya, If God the creator knows full well that someone is going to be against him, his enemy, who attacks his Children and knows ahead of time that this person will NEVER turn, would it not be his perogative to destroy this person rather than let this person continue to attack his children?
At the time of a certain British air disaster caused by the wickedness of men, we heard a lot about God's permission of this sort of thing destroying people's faith in his existence at all.
If God says «destroy these people» then it is HIS command, not something done arbitrarily by the people.
«But I ask you this, if an intelligent, all loving, all knowing God decided to bend the laws of science that He made, doesn't it make sense that he wouldn't destroy the people he was helping?»
I agree, lets just keep it to the God, who liked to ki - l - l, and destroy people and demanded «sacrifices»... you know the God of the Christians.
As for illness, physical handicap, decrepitude, old age or mental retardation, none of these can destroy a person in the sight of God: he or she is saved by grace.
«We're white, please destroy our people, our culture, and our great civilizations.»
what's absolutely hilarious about this is that there is literally no point to becoming an Atheist in terms of benefit, what has Atheism ever contributed, maybe you can say the same about religions but i just don't believe your going to «convert» people to Atheism there is no reward, no promise, and no hope, its basically like yea we are all in trouble lets all believe it together, people already know that Atheism doesn't need to tell them, stop destroyed people's hope
She is destroying a person's efforts which the artist may have put hours of time and money and care into.
Their plan is to destroy ALL People programs from Medicare to SS to food stamps to public education to veteran healthcare and pensions to college grants to every single welfare program and the list goes on and on.
It is sad to see so many decieved and delibaretly go out to try and destroy another persons reputation.
The cash ALWAYS goes for drugs, then gets passed along to the drug cartels in Mexico and South America to fund their criminal activities and further destroy people's lives.
In the book of Esther, Haman sets out to destroy the people of Israel and magnify himself.
Second, they end up destroying the truth and destroying people, rather than defending the truth or protecting people.
I do nt see love in destroying people because they complained, it does nt jive!
Or the enemy could use certain gases to destroy the people's will to resist and so could take his victim without a struggle.
If God had sympathy for the people of Admah and Zeboiim the way He had sympathy for the people of Ephraim and Israel, then God is starting to look a little bit more like Jesus, for a sympathetic God does not destroy people with fire and brimstone, but seeks to rescue them instead.
Also, your concluding phrase, «he'd be calling on God, to destroy these people
We forget how many cultural assumptions were at work, how often the Bible was used to support segregation, and how tough it would have been to take a stand when it could destroy a person's reputation and career.
God forbid something happening to destroy peoples ability to take care of themselves, disaster, jobs whatever the problem is.
Surely you don't conflate outrage at dangerous and subversive ideologies that are destroying peoples homes, lives and careers... AND their family's well - being — with having «fun» attacking people who believe in a higher power.
Also while we are at it, why don't we throw in all of the corporate monsters that have helped to destroy people's lives in the country I love....
OCD occurs in a spectrum from mild to severe, but if severe and left untreated, can destroy a person's capacity to function at work, at school, or even in the home.
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