Sentences with phrase «destructive human production»

Polar bears became victims and poster animals for destructive human production of CO2.

Not exact matches

Yet at the same time, an unbridled, completely laissez - faire capitalist system can he as destructive to human life and to human value as any communist system might be, for unbridled capitalism will inevitably grind to that point where the capitalists are very few, owning all the means of production, and the masses are many, and they are being exploited.
The mass production and consumption of meat and dairy is one of the most destructive things humans do.
But that turned out to be not just environmentally destructive but was also arguably responsible for the spike in food prices that soon followed, as farmers turned away from cultivating corn for human consumption to cultivating it for ethanol production.
Biodiversity would likely collapse impacting food production and other ecosystem services; the Earth would warm to a new temperature regime of destructive extremes; and vanishing natural resources would likely spawn human conflict.
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