Sentences with phrase «detained as prisoners»

Hundreds more were detained as prisoners of war, and over 730 U.S. merchant ships were sunk or damaged.
For example, the President would be entirely within his rights to order General A to report to the Barracks at Fort Levenworth (a military prison) or to a maintenance detail in a South Korean Army base, as active duty personnel individual assigned to that duty (i.e. not detained as a prisoner) and to await further orders.

Not exact matches

As a member of the Freedom Writers program (, I write letters to officials in countries that detain prisoners of conscience (as determined by Amnesty InternationalAs a member of the Freedom Writers program (, I write letters to officials in countries that detain prisoners of conscience (as determined by Amnesty Internationalas determined by Amnesty International).
A prisoner of Guantanamo Bay has been revealed as having an online dating profile, which says he is «detained but ready to mingle».
From 1976, prisoners detained as part of the Troubles were detained in the H - blocks with criminal, rather than political, prisoner status.
The Maze, also known as Long Kesh, or simply the Maze, was built on an airfield and opened in 1971 as an internment camp to house prisoners and paramilitary offenders arrested and detained without trial as part of the British government's response to unrest in Northern Ireland.
It was not possible to describe a prisoner who remained detained in accordance with those provisions as «unlawfully detained» under common law.
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