Sentences with phrase «detained patients»

The claimants had argued that, as detained patients in a high - security mental hospital, they had a «status» within the meaning of Art 14 and were being discriminated against when compared to those in prison, care homes and hospices.
In this context there seems to be no logical distinction between detained patients and prisoners.
Paul also has some experience of mental health cases and appeared in the Supreme Court case of R (Modaresi) v Secretary of State for Health concerning article 5 ECHR and the duty of the Secretary of State to refer detained patients to the First - tier Tribunal.
Detained patients may not be well enough to enter areas where smoking was permitted.
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Not exact matches

The MHA 2007 provided powers by which patients detained in hospital for treatment, could, upon discharge, be made subject to Supervised Community Treatment, more commonly known as a Community Treatment Order (CTO).
Ministers have argued that it provides more help for people with mental health problems, while at the same time ensuring doctors can admit patients for treatment or detain them where necessary, for example for public safety.
His comments came during Seven Days of Action, a campaign led by families to shine a spotlight on the thousands of people with autism and learning difficulties currently detained in some form of in - patient setting.
However, patients who are detained under the Mental Health Act 1983 can not generally be given ECT without their consent, unless it is authorised by a Second Opinion Appointed Doctor (SOAD).
Two medical personnel have been detained by the Senchi - Adome Police over the deaths of three patients at the New Senchi Health Centre in the Asuogyaman District.
A Singaporean cancer patient was detained by U.S. customs because his cancer treatment had made his fingerprints disappear.
For example, the number of patients on the wards each month who were male, of a younger age and detained under the Mental Health Act.
If he had been properly assessed, he claimed, he would either have been detained or consented to become a patient, and would not have committed the offence.
A patient can request to have a Hospital Managers hearing whilst detained under the Mental Health Act.
Dr B Mahendra, barrister and consultant psychiatrist, says good practice requires that more formal assessments under the Act are undertaken soon after the reception of the patient — so as to make him either a voluntary patient or detain him under more formal civil provisions.
It said that the position of a detained mental patient was more akin to the position of a prisoner than an ordinary hospital patient and that there had to acknowledgement of their particular vulnerability.
Both prisoners and detained mental patients were under the control of the state in a way in which ordinary patients were not.
The Court of Appeal («CoA») heard the cases of PJ and MM together in order to consider whether a patient (detained under the MHA) who is discharged into the community (subject to conditions — either through a CTO or a Conditional Discharge) can be deprived of their liberty if he or she has the capacity to consent to restrictions imposed upon them.
Regrettably, there is no official explanation for this distinction: the draft code of practice on the DoLS doesn't even mention the need for patients to be detained (Ministry of Justice and Department of Health, September 2007, The Mental Capacity Act 2005: Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards — Draft Addendum to the Mental Capacity Act 2005 Code of Practice, para 1.12).
However, that is not an option for many patients detained under the Mental Health Act 1983.
For compelling detained high - security patients to quit was held not to interfere with their right to respect for home or private life.
Indefinite detention regimes for forensic patients disproportionately affect Aboriginal and Torre Strait Islander peoples; the report details cases of Aboriginal men being held for years longer than any conviction would have detained them.
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