Sentences with phrase «detection analysis»

A common aspect of detection analyses is that they assume the response in models to combinations of forcings to be additive.
The data were subjected to a... signal detection analysis.
A significant cooling due to other anthropogenic factors, dominated by aerosols, is a robust feature of a wide range of detection analyses.
Estimates of a likely range for TCR can also be inferred directly from estimates of attributable greenhouse warming obtained in optimal detection analyses since there is a direct linear relationship between the two (Frame et al., 2005).
Uses an optimal detection analysis of spatial patterns of salinity trends and detects a human influence on the observed salinity increases in the Atlantic ocean
«With most other bits of our genome, which are passed down from both parents and then recombined, you can't do this kind of error - detection analysis,» says Forster.
A further source of uncertainty derives from the estimates of internal variability that are required for all detection analyses.
However, detection and attribution analyses based on climate simulations that include these forcings, (e.g., Stott et al., 2006b), continue to detect a significant anthropogenic influence in 20th - century temperature observations even though the near - surface patterns of response to black carbon aerosols and sulphate aerosols could be so similar at large spatial scales (although opposite in sign) that detection analyses may be unable to distinguish between them (Jones et al., 2005).
Stott et al. (2006c) estimate TCR based on scaling factors for the response to greenhouse gases only (separated from aerosol and natural forcing in a three - pattern optimal detection analysis) using fingerprints from three different model simulations (Figure 9.21) and find a relatively tight constraint.
«The causes of twentieth century temperature change in six separate land areas of the Earth have been determined by carrying out a series of optimal detection analyses.
The issue of detection receives much more attention in the TAR; it appears that the AR4 bases its arguments on the detection analysis done in the TAR.
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