Sentences with phrase «detects abnormalities»

Physical examination detects abnormalities in your pet's body that veterinarians can determine the cause of through blood tests, x-rays, and other specialized tests.
If your vet detects any abnormalities on examination he or she may recommend further tests prior to anaesthesia or sedation.
To study this, they performed electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings — a technique that detects abnormalities in the brain's electrical waves such as those found in patients with epilepsy.
EEG (Electroencephalography), is a test used to detect abnormalities related to electrical activity of the brain.
The ultrasound can also detect abnormalities of the uterus, such as the presence of uterine fibroids or ovarian cysts.
There is no specific diagnosis for PCOS, but your healthcare provider may perform a series of blood tests, a physical and a pelvic exam, and also use ultrasound pictures to detect abnormalities in the ovaries.
While ethical and legal issues were discussed, safety emerged as the key issue, and the scientists» claims that they could detect abnormalities in a cloned embryo before implantation were roundly dismissed.
I am proposing a demanding criterion: that you be able to detect abnormalities in patients beforehand by such brain - imaging techniques as functional MRI [which measures blood flow in the brain], and then use imaging to see whether or not there is a change in those markers for the disease as the therapy progresses.
The discovery could also be used to create algorithms that detect abnormalities in behaviour.
DTI uses measurements of water movement in the brain to detect abnormalities, particularly in white matter.
Because Huang's technique has been shown, via an analysis of the very large dataset, to be both more sensitive — able to detect abnormality — as well as more specific (fewer false positives), it could be used to improve cervical cancer screening in developed countries like the U.S.
Ozzie Giglio of Hinsdale, Ill., had such hidden throat cancer that even his diagnostic scans did not detect the abnormality.
For young, healthy women, detecting abnormalities early may mean the difference between vision problems at 75 years of age rather than 55.
Because the fluctuation in hormone levels is so small, normal blood tests for adrenal gland function may not detect the abnormality and the condition is often overlooked.
Implants can hide some breast tissue, making it more difficult for the radiologist to detect an abnormality on the mammogram.
Thermography is an imaging technique that can detect abnormalities based on patterns of bodily heat.
Knowing these results help us detect any abnormalities or problems early.
The size and symmetry of the submandibular lymph nodes should be assessed to detect any abnormalities.
A healthy - appearing pet may be hiding symptoms of a disease or ailment and bloodwork can detect abnormalities that could affect anesthesia - even in pets younger than one year of age.
Our patients are carefully monitored to detect any abnormality before it becomes a problem.
Even in animals under one year old, blood work will occasionally detect abnormalities that could affect anesthesia.
We believe the earlier we can detect abnormalities the longer and happier your pet's life will be.
This can help to detect abnormalities in the motion of heart valves, blood flow through the heart, and contractions of the heart muscle.
This can help us detect abnormalities in the motion of heart valves, blood flow through the heart, and contractions of the heart muscle.
Pathologists are trained to detect abnormalities in laboratory values.
«When examining an overweight pet, it may be more challenging to detect abnormalities in the abdomen and to hear abnormal heart or lung sounds,» said Dr. Diane Dereszynski, SAGE Redwood City.
We pride ourselves on taking the extra time to thoroughly evaluate your pet, and our examinations can detect abnormalities or problems in the horse and provide treatment if necessary.
The authors concluded: «This study indicates that a failure to detect abnormalities in the medical history and upon clinical examination suggests that pre-anaesthetic laboratory examination is unnecessary in dogs.
X-rays aid the veterinarian greatly in detecting abnormalities that can not be detected under examination alone.
A complete blood cell count and / or serum biochemistry might be performed in the case of abscesses, enlarged lymph nodes and tumors to detect abnormalities in other organs and the immune system.
Ultrasound images are produced in real time and can also be used to evaluate heart rates and detect abnormalities in the following:
Instead of x-rays, sound waves are used to detect abnormalities.
High - field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the standard in human imaging and can detect abnormalities that low - field MRI and CT can miss.
A principal reason is that the eye is very accessible, and much of it can be examined in detail using non-invasive techniques, making it relatively easy to detect abnormalities, even if they do not impair vision significantly.
With the ability to acquire an image right in the field to interpret and diagnose, endoscopy also allows the veterinarian to detect abnormalities such as infection, cancerous growths or foreign bodies.
These seemingly simple tests can reveal a lot about human health such as detecting any abnormality in liver and kidney functions, a rise or fall in blood sugar levels and whether or not the insured consumes alcohol and tobacco.
The Apple Watch will pass an imperceptible current across your chest to track electrical signals in the heart, detecting any abnormalities like irregular heart rates.
The company detected an abnormality around 12:07 and issued a notice regarding the temporary suspension of NEM payments.
Utilize VELscope cancer screening instrument to detect abnormalities and pathologies in oral tissues
Over three years of experience collecting biological specimens and analyzing them to detect abnormalities or other issues.
That can help detect abnormalities to avoid problems, such as from bursting pipes.

Not exact matches

Apple wants to see if its Watch can detect heart rhythm abnormalities.
Parents need to understand, however, that the ability of PPEs to detect the kind of cardiac abnormalities that can predispose athletes to sudden cardiac death is limited.
An ultrasound done at this time can detect many birth defects and structural abnormalities, determine the position of your baby and the placenta, check amniotic fluid level and calculate gestational age.
Low amniotic fluid is more common when women go past their due date because the fluid level decreases by close to half by the 42nd week, but it can also be associated with fetal abnormalities and birth defects if low fluid is detected during the first or second trimesters.
This test, which can help detect liver abnormalities, only takes seconds and is usually done in conjunction with the other tests.
The chromosomal abnormalities that PGS detects can result in death or lifelong disabilities.
Some other abnormalities that can be detected from these special tests include Down Syndrome, Turners» Syndrome, Tay - Sachs disease, sickle cell anemia, Edwards Syndrome.
Your health care provider might offer ultrasound, blood tests or other screening tests to detect fetal abnormalities.
Fourteen patients exhibited retinal and / or optic nerve damage and had neuroimaging or neurological abnormalities detected at birth.
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