Sentences with phrase «determine cell type»

the use of special stains to determine the cell type; used most frequently to determine whether lymphocytes are T cells or B cells
New computational strategies are supported by our single cell data analysis experts with computational methods deconvolute tissue composition, determine cell type heterogeneity, identify novel cell type defining markers or track transcriptional dynamics.
Consider instead a system where an underlying gene module determine cell type.
«It's not always changes in the DNA itself, but how the DNA is «decorated» to turn the genes on and off — called epigenetics — that can determine cell type.
Epigenetic tags help tell genes — stretches of DNA that act as biological instruction manuals — when to switch «on» and «off,» ultimately determining cell type and function.
That suggests, says Vescovi, that cell - to - cell contacts play a crucial role in determining cell type.
Armed with this knowledge, the researchers believe they can determine the cell types, cellular functions and genes that are affected by smoking, and how that varies between healthy and COPD - afflicted lungs.
Now, if \ (\ beta ^ g \) is positive, the gene will be a predictor for mESC identity, and the magnitude of this will inform about how important it is for determining the cell type.

Not exact matches

Epigeneticists have found that our cells carry a type of memory of the experiences of our ancestors — not only that, but 95 % of our genes aren't yet coded at birth, dependent on nurturing and the environment to determine their fate.
Earlier in your pregnancy, your blood type and Rh factor (a type of protein in red blood cells) were determined.
Amniotic fluid contains fetal cells and chemicals produced by the baby that, when analyzed, can help determine certain types of birth defects.
Each person's blood is one of four major types: A, B, AB, or O. Blood types are determined by the types of antigens on the blood cells.
To determine how the cells switch from one type to another, they took three human uterine carcinosarcoma samples and sequenced the genomes of cells in two parts of each tumor: the carcinoma and sarcoma components.
«Now that we've confirmed the human relevance of our findings, our future goal is to better understand the roles of the different cell types in psychiatric and neurological disorders, and to determine if targeting these cells can actually help treat seizures,» concluded Paz.
Different CARs determine what types of tumors T cells target.
Because every cell type in a mammalian organism requires access to genomic areas in a tempo - spatial specific manner, the epigenome is crucial for determining cellular identity.
Braun and Fan plan to test other ceramic - type materials and determine if the experimental thermal emitters can deliver infrared light to a working solar cell.
«If we fed the fish a specific type of fat, our technique allowed us to determine into what molecules these lipids were reassembled after they were broken down in the small intestine and in which organs and cells these molecules ended up,» Farber explained.
A glycoprotein on the virus's surface called hemagglutinin, which has 17 identified types (H1 - H17), determines how the virus sticks to and enters the host cell.
Using animal models of precancerous polyps in the bowel, Chung and his team determined that certain types of immune cells within a chronically inflamed intestine can become rewired, causing them — paradoxically — to contribute to disease development rather than protect against it.
«Unlike previous studies we isolated different immune cell types from the actual site of disease to determine whether specific subsets of immune cells (specific T cell groups) have equal sensitivity to vitamin D.»
Using tumor samples from a patient, they do lab tests to determine which substances can first make the different types of cancer cells uniform and then effectively kill them.
This is important because the proportion in which the de novo mutation is present in a patient, as well as the type of cells in which it occurs, may not only determine the clinical outcome of a disease for the patient, but also affect the risk of the parents having another child with the same disease in future pregnancies.
Now, a team of scientists at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai have developed the Just EGFP Death - Inducing T - cell, or JEDI T - cells, which enable the visualization of T - cell antigens, allowing researchers to study T - cell interactions with different cell types, model disease states, and finally determine the functions of otherwise poorly characterized cell populations.
To better determine the role of specific chemoattractants in type III hypersensitivity, lead author Yoshishige Miyabe, MD, PhD, a research fellow in Luster's lab, used multiphoton intravital microscopy — an imaging technology pioneered for studies of immune cell movements in living animals by CIID investigator and co-author Thorsten Mempel, MD, PhD — to follow in real time the development of IC - induced arthritis in a mouse model of rheumatoid arthritis.
The study goal was to determine if these different trajectories were associated with blood concentrations of eosinophils and neutrophils, two types of immune cells that play a role in many respiratory diseases and are routinely measured during medical evaluations.
Now a UC Santa Barbara researcher has added to that body of knowledge by determining how stem cells produce different types of «daughter» cells in Drosophila (fruit flies).
The three genes, Cas, Eya and Hh, work in various combinations, sometimes repressively, to determine which types of cells are formed.
To help the new organ withstand the assault from the recipient's natural defenses, doctors developed tissue type matching, a technique to determine if the chemistry of the donor's immune system, defined by antigens on the surface of cells, was similar to that of the recipient's.
To determine the most common type of age - related segregation errors, the researchers first used a novel high resolution imaging technique to visualize chromosomes in live mouse egg cells throughout the whole first stage of meiosis.
While the genetic code carried in our DNA provides instructions for cells to manufacture specific proteins, it is a second code that determines which genes are in fact activated in particular cell types.
This allows users to determine either where their solar cell would work best or what type of solar cell they should use in their location.
It plays an important role in how cells sense their neighbors and, by controlling gene expression, determines which cells should develop into different types and how much they should grow - like a master controller.»
Moffitt researchers wanted to determine if it would be possible to activate the cancer - fighting properties of T cells indirectly by targeting another type of immune cell called a dendritic cell.
Consequently, determining the functions that different receptors fulfil in the individual cell types is a complicated task.
Now a team at the Wyss Institute of Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University and Harvard Medical School, in collaboration with the Allen Institute for Brain Science, has developed a new method that allows scientists to pinpoint thousands of mRNAs and other types of RNAs at once in intact cells — all while determining the sequence of letters, or bases, that identify them and reveal what they do.
A major challenge in creating any type of organoid is determining the unique mixture of nutrients, growth factors, and tissue culture techniques that will transform patient tumor cells into miniature tumor organoids in a petri dish.
They found substantial differences following influenza vaccination in the production of immune - modulators that determine the type of T - cell response and in the proliferation and production of antibodies by B cells.
Neil Johnson's lab at the Fox Chase Cancer Center examined treatment resistance in breast cancer cells expressing the same BRCA1185delAG mutation and determined that the RING - deficient BRCA1 protein was also responsible for loss of sensitivity to certain types of cancer treatments.
Coleman added that further research is needed to determine whether cell fusion events between normal human cell types result in genomic catastrophe and neoplastic transformation.
To determine what types of animals hCoV - EMC can infect, Drosten and colleagues infected cells from humans, pigs, and a wide variety of bats, the key natural reservoirs of coronaviruses.
We want to determine as best we can the optimal cell type and best method for human translation so that we can move ahead rationally and, with some luck, successfully.»
Professor Robert Sinclair illustrates one of his examples of a biological system (the fruit fly eye) which exhibits tendencies towards both deterministic and stochastic development, where the number of cells is uniform, but the way in which they determine which type of light they are sensitive to appears to be random.
The epigenome determines how instructions in the genome are carried out in different cell types.
In order to determine which type of liver cells cause this accumulation, the researchers repeated the experiment using cultured hepatocytes.
Dr. David Gilley's laboratory at the Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis and Dr. Connie Eaves» laboratory at the BC Cancer Agency's Terry Fox Laboratory in Vancouver, Canada, collaborated to determine how telomeres are regulated in different types of normal breast cells.
Labeled antibodies, which bind to specific cell types, allowed the researchers to determine which types of neuron were being created at which times.
The stage of neural development determines which types of cells are made.
In studies of neural development in mice, Stahl found that TRNP1 produces a protein that determines whether neural stem cells self - replicate, leading to a balloonlike expansion of cortical surface area, or whether they differentiate into a plethora of intermediate stem cell types and neurons, thickening the cortex and forming more complex brain structures.
The researchers studied two unrelated sets of siblings with similar immune problems and determined their symptoms were likely caused by a lack of CD70, a protein found on the surface of several types of immune cells.
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