Sentences with phrase «determine socioeconomic level»

For example, one of the factors Facebook is using to determine socioeconomic level is the number of devices a user has (assuming that just because they have five devices instead of two, the individual belongs to the upper class).

Not exact matches

The author adds, «School practices to encourage parents to participate in their children's education are more important than family characteristics like parental education, family size, marital status, socioeconomic level, or student grade level in determining whether parents get involved.»
In today's IAMs, tables of projected demographic and socioeconomic variables determine changes in resource use and pollution / emission levels, which in turn can determine Earth System variables such as atmospheric temperature.
We have investigated the extent to which interest in attending parenting programmes is determined by factors such as socioeconomic status, educational level, and the presence of behaviour problems among the children, in a survey of a representative sample of parents of 2 — 8 year olds in Oxford.
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