Sentences with phrase «determined by relevance»

Priority, determined by relevance to the employer, dictates that design of window and floor displays should be listed before sales.

Not exact matches

Since people often find it difficult to determine the relevance of relative risks, Mons and her colleagues also used an alternative method to assess the results of their meta - analysis: They calculated the number of years by which smoking accelerates death from heart disease.
The bacterial genomes come from species that challenge the technical performance of sequencing methods and have been determined by the Food and Drug Administration (link is external)(FDA) to have significant relevance to the research of public health issues such as food contamination, antibiotic resistance and hospital - acquired infections.
1) Quality as determined by publications, awards and recommendations, commitment to a career in basic aging and / or age - related disease research, and relevance of the training project to aging or age - related disease.
Conclusions and Relevance Although the full spectrum of adverse reproductive outcomes caused by Zika virus infection is not yet determined, a distinctive phenotype — the congenital Zika syndrome — has emerged.
The NDCs and their urban relevance Just like for the SDGs, urban areas play an essential role in fulfilling the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) 1, formulated by most countries in the region as a result of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.
Having determined the nature of the test to be applied, the court addressed the relevance of the advice received by the claimants from their solicitors as to the reasonableness of the decision to change methods of funding.
The WIPO Rules similarly recognise tribunals» authority to ascertain whether information should be disclosed, by determining «the admissibility, relevance, materiality and weight of evidence».
Effective cover letters explain the reasons for your interest in the specific organization and identify your most relevant skills or experiences (remember, relevance is determined by the employer's self - interest).
Determine relevance by carefully reading the job description, evaluating the skills required and matching them to your own skills.
An ATS determines the relevance of your resume by grading your document according to many factors, including its use of keywords that the open position's description mentions.
So long as the Court, in hearing and determining applications such as the present one, is bound by the rules of evidence, as the Parliament has stipulated in s82 (1) of the [Native Title Act 1993 (Cth)-RSB-, the requirements of s7933 (and s5634 as to relevance) of the [Evidence Act 1995 (Cth)-RSB- are determinative in relation to the admissibility of expert opinion evidence.35
This resource was reviewed by members of the RAISE Advisory Partnership (RAP) and determined to be of «High Quality, High Relevance, High Usefulness» to Parent Centers.
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