Sentences with phrase «determining initial applications»

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Determining the feasibility of a patent does not have to be costly if you are willing to step back and conduct some initial and critical research before you invest yourself deeply into the patent application process.
That Whitehead sometimes thought of the initial data as having the virtual unity of a unified datum is indicated in this discussion of the fourth categoreal obligation: «The mental pole is the subject determining its own ideal of itself by reference to eternal principles of valuation autonomously modified in their application to its own physical objective datum» (PR 248 / 380F).
For tracer injections into the visual Wulst, application coordinates were determined relative to the prominent bifurcation of the Y - sinus [27] as an initial reference.
WSCUC has reviewed the application and determined that the University is eligible to proceed with an application for Candidacy and Initial Accreditation.
Since the UNITY Visa Secured Card has an initial deposit that controls your limit that would be determined by you at the time you submit your application.
The online application takes approximately 40 to 60 minutes to complete and initial approval is often determined at that time.
When you apply for a P2P loan through a marketplace lender, the lender will perform the initial underwriting of your application and determine whether they can post your loan offer on their platform.
When they process the initial application, Chase solely looks at the total number of credit card inquiries within the previous 24 months and doesn't «drill down» to determine if they are for a primary or authorized user credit card.
As such, they determined the merits of initial applications for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).
Our lawyers work with national and international companies to determine device classification and help clients navigate the process from initial application through to approval and subsequent sale.
From the initial application onward, an attorney can assist with everything from determining the «alleged onset date» of your disability to collecting and submitting medical evidence at the reconsideration and hearing levels if the initial decision must be appealed.
The court held that the application of this section can only come into play after the arbitrator has determined his jurisdiction — not at the initial stage.
If it is determined that fraud or misrepresentation has been committed during the initial application process, the life insurance company has a legitimate right to deny the claim.
Following Genesis Vision's voluntary application for ICO certification with Financial Commission, a rigorous review of its planned ICO — including its business and proposed platform was conducted to determined if it met set of requirements established by Financial Commission's newly formed Initial Coin Offering Certification Committee (ICC) division.
These laws determine if companies are allowed to ask questions related to a candidate's criminal history on the initial application.
Conduct preliminary screening of applicants to determine eligibility for further consideration, including review of applications and resumes, initial phone screening
Determine salary requirements of desirable applicants when such information isn't listed on the initial application.
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