Sentences with phrase «detoxifying power»

The phrase "detoxifying power" refers to the ability of something, such as a substance or process, to remove toxins or harmful substances from the body. Full definition
Here are four ways that you can take advantage of the healing / detoxifying power of bentonite clay:
You can add a lemon, lime or cucumber in your water for even more detoxifying power.
In this juice, I bring you the freshness of lemons, the detoxifying power of apples and the alkalizing rehydrating qualities of cucumber.
Thanks to its detoxifying powers and crazy - nutritional benefits, the protein - rich plant is starting to appear in all kinds of foods, from energy bars to powders that are mixed into smoothies.
In this smoothie I combined the health benefits of pear with the soothing properties of ginger and the detoxifying powers of spinach.
It's so refreshing and cleansing, and has those detoxifying powers I need.
Its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and detoxifying powers have been known for quite a while, and recent studies have revealed that this wonder spice is very efficient in treating Alzheimer's and cancer.
This is no small feat, which is why it's nice to help the liver out from time to time with foods that aid its detoxifying powers.
Precisely thanks to those detoxifying powers, the average man has lower glutathione levels than ever.
The problem could also be from excessive caffeine (the tea already has some, but weight loss supplements often add more for a metabolism boost) or from an overload of EGCG and other catechins that give the herb its detoxifying power.
Double the detoxifying power and use self massage as the perfect precursor to a detox bath.
In this smoothie I combined the health benefits of pear with the soothing properties of ginger and the detoxifying powers of spinach.
The detoxifying power of these antioxidants defends cells from free radical damage, which otherwise can lead to serious conditions like atherosclerosis, blood clot formation, and even cancer.
Enjoy these effective ways to regularly enjoy the detoxifying power of oils!
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