Sentences with phrase «devastating black death»

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The team hadn't yet gotten radiocarbon dates from this trench, but they thought it might be from the 14th century, a time of devastating infections including the Black Death, which killed half of Europe from 1348 to 1350.
They discovered that the Black Death that devastated Europe between 1347 and 1350 was likely close to the common ancestor of all extant Y. pestis strains, (which likely arose — from the soil bacterium Yersinia pseudotuberculosis — between 1200 and 1340).
Best known as the cause of the Black Death — the epidemic that devastated Asia, Europe, and the Middle East in the 14th century — the plague is an aggressive and deadly disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis.
Although they seemingly have few things in common, a white woman named Hazel and a black woman named Vida are linked by the devastating deaths of their young children.
Societal factors range from the devastating (the Black Death) to the trivial (working class preferences for beer over wine).
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