Sentences with phrase «devastating impact on»

In this cycle, however, because of the GFC, the devastating impact on banks, as well as Dodd - Frank regulations, lenders have been reluctant to lend on real estate, dramatically lowering supply through the cycle.
«These budget cuts would have a devastating impact on millions of the lowest income people across the country,» Yentel said.
Divorce is having a devastating impact on both adults and children.
Trauma can also have a devastating impact on work and relationships.
Excessive anxiety can have a devastating impact on school, work, and relationships and cause significant personal distress.
Affairs often create attachment injuries and have a devastating impact on individuals, couples and families.
The death of a loved one through drug or alcohol misuse can have a devastating impact on the lives of families and friends.
Infidelity causes a very devastating impact on a marriage, and leaves a person questioning their worth, value, sanity, and impacts their self - esteem.
Depression and anxiety can lead to eating disorders or chemical abuse which has a devastating impact on their mental, emotional and physical health.
Divorce can have a devastating impact on your bank account, especially with children involved.
This has a devastating impact on attainment levels, and research shows that only 49 per cent of adopted children reached their expected levels at Key Stage 2, whilst 75 per cent of their peers achieved expected levels.
The opioid crisis has had a devastating impact on families, care professionals and systems across the country.
This would have a devastating impact on women and their families, with systemic barriers putting women of color at disproportionate risk.
It's been well reported that there's a shortage of foster carers and there are huge delays in the court system, consequently many children end up going through multiple moves, which can have a devastating impact on their lives.
An experienced attorney will be able to advise you as to what is relevant or not, and leaving out even the simplest fact or occurrence may have a devastating impact on your case.
Sexual Abuse allegations can have a devastating impact on the family.
Dutton also highlighted the devastating impact on work opportunities of over-incarceration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (an issue also raised by Summer May Finlay in her session talking about the #JustJustice initiative and her recent coverage of the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander suicide prevention conference).
Zealous advocacy is appropriate, professional, and often necessary, whereas zealotry is harmful to clients and their families, has a detrimental effect upon the way people perceive attorneys in general, and can have a devastating impact on our judicial system.
Through his wealth of contacts in South Africa I was put in touch with people who were willing to speak about an issue that is having a devastating impact on the lives of many South Africans.
Negative thinking can have a strong and sometimes devastating impact on all aspects of out lives.
This would have a devastating impact on our country's most vulnerable communities, who already face barriers to getting health care.
«Given the enormous benefit of the new law for women, the House leadership's proposal to repeal it would have a devastating impact on American women and their access to affordable, quality health care.
So called «defunding» would have a devastating impact on the 2.4 million people that rely on Planned Parenthood for care — including 8,118 patients that could be turned away in a single day if Planned Parenthood health centers are forced to close.
Your loss, your trauma, may stem from suicide, homicide, abuse, or other traumatic events, and it has made a lasting, devastating impact on your life.
There is also concern that the abolition of the CDEP program will have a devastating impact on the Indigenous art community.
Living with an insecure husband is not only hard work it can have a devastating impact on your well being and emotional health.
Although many in the cryptocurrency community have outed Tether as a scam, a wholesale collapse of the company could have a devastating impact on the market.
Because OnePlus is working with thinner profit margins compared to other smartphone juggernauts, currency volatility can have a devastating impact on its profit margins.
And that sleeplessness can have a devastating impact on our productivity.
Losing a Key - person or partner can have a devastating impact on a business.
After all in most two income households both incomes are needed, and the sudden absence of one of those paychecks could have a devastating impact on the family budget.
Freezing temperatures and snow accumulation can have a devastating impact on even the most meticulously planned trip, making TripAssure travel protection a welcome companion for holiday travel this year.
Home - based business insurance can help protect you from a significant loss that could have a devastating impact on your business making it an important part of your business plan.
Not being able to work for several months on end can have a devastating impact on a person's health.
Without a commercial general liability insurance policy, you are leaving yourself and your company vulnerable to lawsuits that could have a devastating impact on your business.
Failure to properly cover that parent for those four or five years could have a devastating impact on that families future.
Identifying around 200,000 people, Kenny said: «Emigration has a devastating impact on our economy as we lose the input of people, of talent and energy.
Recent high - profile sexual harassment cases demonstrate the devastating impact on individual employees, as well as the fallout to an organization when a culture of harassment is permitted to exist.
Properly deployed, worldwide freezing orders can have a devastating impact on a defendant who is alleged to have evaded liabilities to a claimant and has hitherto successfully avoided repayment.
His love of sport makes him a passionate personal injury lawyer, as he has seen first hand how car accidents can have a devastating impact on a person's quality of social, sport and work life.
It is this disparity, as well as the potential devastating impact on families of losing their home in foreclosure, that led to the selection of this particular topic for which to offer LiveHelp assistance on the CourtHelp website.
Colonoscopy errors can have a devastating impact on your health.
The claim is that one of the country's worst oil disasters had a devastating impact on the seaweed crops of thousands of Indonesian seaweed farmers, virtually destroying their livelihoods.
Cautions can have a devastating impact on your reputation, current employment or future job prospects, as well as your ability to travel and work abroad.
Charges of domestic assault can have a devastating impact on the accused person.
Without this funding, NJP would have been forced to reduce personnel and client service, with potentially devastating impact on our state's already strained and overwhelmed legal aid system.
In addition to criminal penalties such as fines or incarceration, a conviction for cocaine possession could have a devastating impact on any immigration proceedings you may be involved in.
Moore Blatch clinical negligence expert Denise Deakin comments: «Sadly, Colin's case is not an isolated incident; there are other people that have been affected in the same way, leaving a huge and devastating impact on both the individual and their families.»
Any criminal conviction can have a devastating impact on your life.
Misdiagnoses can have a devastating impact on a victim, so it is critical to demonstrate the full scope of the injuries.
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