Sentences with phrase «devastation something caused»

Kirk's mission is to continue to change kids» lives and bring awareness to bullying and the real devastation it causes.
Some recent tropical cyclones such as Hurricane Katrina (2005), Hurricane Sandy (2012) and Typhoon Haiyan (2013) have received a lot of media coverage due to the tragic destruction and devastation they caused when they struck land.
Every year, hundreds of thousands of children and parents are experiencing the phenomenon of PA / PAS and the resulting devastation it causes.
«Seeing [on live TV] the devastation it caused, I began to wonder, did we get it right in Hawaii?
«Rhipicephalus ticks are among the most studied group of ticks in the world due to their wide global range and the devastation they cause,» Teel said.
I did think melachroming was a good solution until I saw the devastation it caused.
As his argument unfolds, Kramer becomes a crusader, the author of a compassionate polemic that is fiercely against depression and the devastation it causes.
Rarely do we hear about the devastation it causes to credit.
Sadly house fires and the devastation they cause are a fact of life.
Including the devastation it caused to New Orleans, the total property damage from Katrina has been estimated at $ 81 billion.
Life insurance can't stop death, but it can limit the devastation it causes.
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