Sentences with phrase «develop acceptable use policies»

As litigation involving the misuse of technology by students and teachers in the US continues to grow, this article relies on examples of American litigation to serve as a cautionary tale for Australian educational leaders and governing boards as they work to develop acceptable use policies (AUPs) to regulate computer use by students and teachers.
In order to realize that potential, however, schools must develop acceptable use policies that reflect both the new opportunities and the need for safety.
Getting Started on the Internet: Developing an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) The Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for Internet use is one of the most important documents a school will produce.

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As stated above, schools should develop a user security policy and embed this within their IT acceptable use policy (AUP).
Legal and educational academic Charles J. Russo shares his insights, including how to develop a good acceptable use policy for your school.
This makes it imperative for governing boards to develop and disseminate comprehensive acceptable use policies for the internet while taking steps to ensure that teachers, students, and their parents understand these rules and the consequences of non-compliance.
Develop comprehensive internet - acceptable use policies.
Developed as part of the association ‟ s Participatory Learning in Schools: Leadership & Policy initiative, the guide helps districts rethink their acceptable use policies.
While carefully - crafted acceptable use policies can be an appropriate solution, this tenet is meant to develop a change in mindset about what it means to be safe in a transparent digital world.
Virginia public schools provide age - appropriate instruction in Internet safety and all of the commonwealth's school divisions are required to develop acceptable Internet use policies.
While companies should be developing their own policies on what use of data is acceptable, the challenge is how do you audit these uses?
Expand training of employees in federally regulated workplaces to include developing a respectful workplace and a collegial environment; using different harassment prevention strategies, such as bystander intervention; understanding the workplace policy on harassment and knowing what behaviours are not acceptable; knowing how to raise complaints of sexual harassment and the subsequent reporting process; the responsibilities of management and the employer; and recognizing inequalities in the workplace, particularly related to gender.
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