Sentences with phrase «develop as thinkers»

African - American students no longer languished in the failing classrooms of White America's schools, but developed as thinkers and leaders in their own liberated space.

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So as the idea developed, about 6 months after doing this kind of exploration where we'd meet continually with a whole bunch of different people, industry thinkers and stuff, it became clear that we could actually start a company around this and we could build the world's first social magazine.
Driven by the Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Team Hunter welcomes community entrepreneurs and industry experts as advisors, consultants and judges interested in supporting students in developing as entrepreneurial thinkers.
I hope, nevertheless, that my comments may indicate why one person at least on this side of the Atlantic (and hence somewhat isolated from the technical expertise, vocabulary, and sometimes apparently frenetic debates of the community of process thinkers) finds in Hartshorne's work «genuine philosophic wisdom,» especially as it develops insights into the logical status and conceptual structure of a theistic understanding of the concept of God.
Although there are great Christian thinkers on politics and powers such as Augustine and Reinhold Niebuhr, they have developed their political thinking in the context of the «pro-Christian» political situation where the political power was not hostile to the Christian church as such.
It was in the attempt to state these profound truths that thinkers within the Christian fellowship, building upon what has been called «the Palestinian experience of God,» came to develop the distinctively Christian conception of God: God as «triune,» God as the unity of three interpenetrating modes of activity.
The outlines of what Rorty calls foundationalism and what Palmer calls objectivism were developed during the seventeenth century by thinkers such as Descartes, Hobbes, and Locke.
Building on this convergence between reason and revelation, such thinkers as Aquinas developed an elaborate virtue ethics to outline what further perfections are possible and desirable for human nature, especially under the aid of grace.
When process thinkers refer to the «classical view of God,» they normally» have in mind the doctrine (s) of God as developed in the Augustinian - Thomistic tradition.
(Acts 4, 12) It may be the case, as this great Hindu thinker intimates, that for some time now a «more critical attitude towards the divinity of Jesus» has been developing among Christian theologians of the West, «who are tending to emphasize more and more his [Jesus»] humanity.»
Due to its understanding of education as the reshaping of a child's soul (in contrast to «discovery» models of education, for example), the method tends to develop thinkers defined by who they are instead of workers defined by what they do....
I am a huge fan of the Tinkerlab Creative Challenges because they develop my children's confidence as thinkers and problem solvers.
Heaven forbid that children who have developed a love of learning rather than be told what to know and when, have been encouraged to use their curiosity rather than been told that it's not relevant to what they are learning, have been given the opportunity to try a variety of different experiences and skills rather than be told that there is no time / money / resources to do that, have been able to use and foster their talents rather than be told to sit still, be quiet and listen to something else instead and who are able to be independent thinkers, confident self - starters and able leaders rather than to «do as the curriculum says» to end up being employable!
Our programs are designed to draw upon and build creative capacities, developing the thinker, the artist, the scientist, the poet, the environmentalist, and the musician that lives within each of us, just as Waldorf educators draw upon and nuture these capacities within each child.
Covering Nobel Prize winners and major innovators, as well as lesser - known but significant scientists who influence our every day, this book's vibrant profiles span centuries of courageous thinkers and illustrate how each one's ideas developed.
A deep - thinker, Melanie adds a calm and measured approach to interacting with our students that's ever so reassuring as they develop.
One of my fears is that when this starts to happen, when the hundreds of thousands or millions of people following these diets develop bad effects, such as colon cancer, and other metabolic distortions, and diverticular disease, conventional thinkers will say: «see we told you all those fad diets don't work and they're gonna be dangerous» they're going to label more rational approaches, like our approach, the Undoctored or the Wheat Belly approach as just a fad, when it's not.
Once I recognised Peter as a creative thinker, my role was to nurture and develop his creative potential using the Expanded Stage model developed by Cropley, shown in Table 1.
What we found in our initial prototypes — launching an innovation lab space, creating a design thinking professional development experience, and running student - facing design challenges for middle - and high - school classes — was that the design thinking process functioned as a kind of oasis for educators, reconnecting them to their creativity and aspirations for helping students develop as deep thinkers and doers, not just as test takers.
As a model for reframing methods and outcomes, design thinking reconnects educators to their creativity and aspirations for helping students develop as deep thinkers and doerAs a model for reframing methods and outcomes, design thinking reconnects educators to their creativity and aspirations for helping students develop as deep thinkers and doeras deep thinkers and doers.
As we work daily to develop the skills of young readers, writers, speakers, listeners, and thinkers, we constantly consider this: What will engage them?
If we want students to develop as independent thinkers, we need to provide the conditions in which they feel free to speak, without worrying about producing a «correct» answer.
Using student inquiries and questions as guidance, teachers develop lessons that engage and excite, teaching their students to be active thinkers rather than passive learners.
But it is just those moments, argues Mary Cowhey, which can help students develop as critical, creative thinkers.
This is exactly how I think gifted students should be developing their talents as thinkers and scientists.
Similarly, that test prep curriculum does not develop students as writers and thinkers.
Utilizes the IB Learner Profile to develop the students as inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open - minded, caring, risk - takers, balanced, and reflective.
If we discard the Common Core and replace that misbegotten venture with developing students as learners and thinkers, principals of all schools — elementary, middle, and high school — can all have the same message at Open House.
The district's mission is to empower students to develop their knowledge, skills, and potential as critical thinkers.
students because, with Common Core, they are not taught to be thoughtful readers and effective writers and to develop as creative and critical thinkers and increasingly independent learners.
It is not just in kindergarten that developing students as learners and thinkers should be the focus rather than the focus being on the mastery of arbitrary standards.
By creating an environment that makes learning the constant and time the variable, uses real - world experiences as learning events, and puts a premium on student maturation and development, the EdVisions model encourages young people to develop into active thinkers who take charge of their own learning.
I hold the view developed by such great economic thinkers as Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, and Murray Rothbard that there are no constants in the science of economics similar to those in the physical sciences.
«Minister St.Ange is well - known among tourism circles as a creative thinker and practitioner who is particularly skilled in helping to develop various countries» tourism potential.
This is partially what lead to Marc being a thinker, writer, and educator on game design, developing the MDA framework (Mechanics, Dynamics, Aesthetics) as a simple tool for creating emergence - centric games.
Motivated by the idea of art acting as an agent for social awareness, Araeen looked to Islamic civilisation and developed a body of work in ode to Islam's thinkers and philosophers.
He is recognized widely as a leading thinker and influencer in the world of electric cars and has been an invited guest of many auto manufacturers at major events, an invited speaker at alt - car conferences, and a consultant to help governmental entities figure out how to develop plug - in infrastructure.
Subsequent entries in prose will include contributions from the world's best thinkers and writers on climate change, as well as interviews with citizens in developing countries most at risk.
You've likely noticed as your children grow and develop that they're incredibly concrete thinkers.
The executive resume developed by us will portray you as a visionary thinker and strategist, and also an implementer with a solid track record of growth in toplines and bottomlines.
Getting noticed by your boss's boss is, for the most part, about building your relationship with your current boss and team, whilst developing a reputation as an expert but also as a big picture thinker within your organisation.
Creative thinker: He / she must have the ability to think effectively, develop ideas in providing solution to problems as they come
SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS * Over 20 years experience as a manager in Food and Beverage * A strategic thinker, great communicator, and hands on manager with a strong consistent record in management * Self - directed and effective in taking initiative and developing new procedures and services that generate significant revenues and exceed corporate objectives * A dedicated and enthusiastic manager, able to motivate employees to...
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