Sentences with phrase «develop cystitis»

Sometimes stones can be felt in the bladder on physical exam.Some cats will develop cystitis with no apparent underlying cause.
I have fed my cats and dogs this food and cats all developed cystitis, and one cat had kidney failure.
Yes, most dogs can «hold it» for a day, but this increases their odds of developing cystitis and urinary tract infections.

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Up to 40 percent of treated patients, however, go on to develop some degree of hemorrhagic cystitis, a debilitating condition characterized by severe inflammation in the bladder that can lead to tremendous pain, life - threatening bleeding, and frequent, urgent urination.
I developed interstitial cystitis when I was 20 years old.
I seem to have developed symptoms of cystitis.
They occur when your pet develops a chronic urinary tract infection (bacterial cystitis) with certain bacteria that have the power to make the urine less acid.
In cases where the individual is unable to adapt it may develop chronic stress leading to behaviour that represents a problem for the owner, such as urine spraying or inappropriate urination, or stress - related disease such as idiopathic cystitis.
Cats with recurrent bouts of bladder inflammation (cystitis) are at increased risk of developing a urethral obstruction.
But when they eat only (or primarily) dry foods, cats can develop problems such as bladder stones, bladder irritation or cystitis, constipation and early - onset kidney disease.
Female pigs are more prone to cystitis (bladder infection) then are male guinea pigs and often stones develop in association with a bladder infection.
Cats that don't get enough fluid intake can develop bladder crystals, bladder stones and even bladder inflammation called cystitis.
Cats are sensitive to stress, so much so that some cats develop physical problems (such as idiopathic cystitis) in response.
Amitriptyline was developed out of a need in human medicine for anti-anxiety medications in the treatment of mental illness though, in humans, it has gained some popularity for the treatment of chronic pain syndromes, especially interstitial cystitis.
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