Sentences with phrase «develop deeper content knowledge»

Much of American education policy focuses on the need for students to develop deeper content knowledge and an ability to apply their knowledge and skills to tasks and situations inside and outside of school.
Even more, some critics suggest that chunked, online lectures boil content down to abstractions that don't help students develop deep content knowledge.

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Keep in mind, content marketers must develop a deep industry knowledge in their category of business.
One of the fundamental beliefs of deeper - learning advocates is that these practices — revising work over and over, with frequent critiques; persisting at long - term projects; dealing with the frustrations of hands - on experimentation — develop not just students» content knowledge and intellectual ability, but their noncognitive capacities as well: what Camille Farrington would call academic perseverance and what others might call grit or resilience.
As schools engage in conversations and planning around Next Generation Learning, it is essential to begin designing opportunities for students to develop transdisciplinarity — but not at the expense of deep content knowledge.
Milton Chen, Senior Fellow at the GLEF, encouraged us to think about developing new technologies that can assess deeper learning — core content skills and knowledge with complex cognitive skills like critical thinking and problem solving.
They just didn't help my students grasp key concepts like fraction operations or develop number sense, and they didn't instill in the children a deep understanding of the meaning behind math or how to apply content knowledge to real - world problems.
The lessons are tied to important content knowledge and skills, and the lesson activities help students develop deep conceptual understanding and connections among concepts rather than surface level understanding and knowledge of disconnected facts.
Teacher leaders with deep content knowledge are able to speak confidently and articulately to content - related issues such as how concepts are developed across grade levels and how students learn the content.
Deeper Learning — Students demonstrate knowledge through six competencies: mastering core academic content, thinking critically and solving complex problems, working collaboratively, communicating effectively, learning how to learn, and developing academic mindsets
Students develop these skills by building deep content knowledge and learning important problem - solving skills.
Use collaborative, cross-curricular projects to develop learners» deep understanding of content areas, connections to applications beyond school, and skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways.
Our review tools are developed by expert educators from across the country with deep content knowledge and expertise in conducting materials reviews.
Teachers who excel must apply deep content knowledge and specialized pedagogical expertise to maximize student learning by developing curricula, planning lessons, analyzing formative data, adjusting plans in response to outcomes from previous lessons, and using different methods of delivering and structuring lessons.
Deeper Learning isn't simply a checklist; it is a set of interrelated competencies that students need in order to develop a true understanding of algebra content and processes that they can use to apply their knowledge to new and unfamiliar challenges in the classroom, in life, and at work.
The OMA urban studies for Palermo will be presented in the spring of 2017 and the curators, called creative mediators, who are developing artistic content based on a deep knowledge of the site, will present their plans for Manifesta 12 in mid-summer 2017.
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