Sentences with phrase «develop fever»

Do not leave young adults alone if they suddenly develop a fever because they may become seriously ill very quickly...
The rabbit may develop fever and die suddenly.
Dogs that contract West Nile Virus through mosquito bites are likely to develop fever or become lethargic but usually don't become gravely ill.
Cats may develop a fever and become lethargic 48 to 72 hours after experiencing a penetrating bite wound.
Also, some dogs with panosteitis will develop a fever and an increase in their white blood cell count.
Dogs then develop a fever, nasal discharge, coughing, lethargy, vomiting, and diarrhea.
About the seventh day of infection, most dogs develop a fever of 103 - 106F (39.5 - 41 C) and become depressed.
If you develop fever, headache, decreased appetite, enlarged lymph nodes within 1 - 3 weeks of being scratched, contact your physician.
Others may develop fever, loss of appetite, painful joints, lethargy, and vomiting.
Likewise, some dogs may develop a fever, though this is not very common.
Within five days, the virus begins to destroy white blood cells and puppies develop a fever for a day or two.
In a more severe case, a dog will be lethargic, refuse meals, develop a fever and may even develop pneumonia.
Some cats develop a fever, swollen lymph nodes, diarrhea or anemia.
An infected person may develop a fever and feel lethargic.
Infected individuals can even develop fever.
Call the doctor if... • you experience extreme abdominal tenderness, fever or persistent cramping • you have problems urinating • your stitches become extremely tender • your vaginal discharge suddenly becomes bright red and extremely heavy (soaking one large pad in the course of an hour), develops an unpleasant odour or contains clots larger than a quarter • you develop a fever or flu - like symptoms • you feel dizzy or faint, even after you have rested • you develop a hot, inflamed or red area on your leg that is tender to the touch (sign of a possible blood clot)
See your doctor if you develop a fever or rash within weeks of a tick bite.
People with kidney stones can develop fever, though, if a stone is blocking the flow of urine.
If the rash persists beyond a week to 10 days or covers a majority of your body, or if you develop a fever or have trouble breathing, contact your doctor or go to the emergency room.
Researchers reported that patients with neutropenia who received any prophylactic therapy were far less likely than those who did not to develop fever, documented or likely infections, or bloodstream infections.
All mammals can develop fever when they're sick enough, and even cold - blooded animals with infections, such as fish and lizards, will seek warmth to raise their body temperatures.
The patients» colleagues and family members have been advised to monitor their health for 14 days and will be isolated if they develop a fever, Taiwanese authorities said.
«They should ask their doctor before getting pregnant whether they may benefit from taking a fever - reducer such as acetaminophen in the event they develop a fever
Approximately 1 in 5 people who are infected will develop a fever with other symptoms.
The New York City Health Department continues to advise New Yorkers that if they visited one of the affected countries and develop fever or other symptoms within 21 days after leaving that country, they should call 911 right away.
Approximately one in five people who are infected will develop a fever with other symptoms.
Besides the obvious swelling, pain, and redness that come standard issue with a breast infection, your breast may feel warm to the touch and you may develop a fever (usually 101 °F or more) and other flu - like symptoms (such as chills).
Some babies also develop a fever when teething.
If you develop a fever that does not improve with self care, i.e. heat, rest, emptying the breast, you may need to take antibiotics.
And cracked nipples put you at risk for mastitis: If you develop a fever, sore muscles, yellowish discharge, or tenderness in one breast, call your doctor.
Unless you show us a specific research how can I let my child to develop fever to risk his life or normal life?
And so they went through this formal survey and they found that both sexes develop the fever although the intensity of the sensation varies greatly over time.
If you develop a fever or a hot red spot on your breast, call your doctor.
Call right away if you develop a fever at any time, because this could be a sign that you have an infection that requires medication.
If your baby does develop a fever during the teething phase, something else is probably causing the fever and you should contact your doctor.
Contact your health care provider if the pain gets worse, you develop a fever or you notice a pus - like discharge.
You could develop a fever or itchiness or experience postpartum soreness in your back.
Children may also develop a fever.
You may develop a fever and be unusually tired.
The nursing mother will likely start to feel ill and may develop a fever.
See your doctor if at any time you develop a fever, have flu - like symptoms or the lump increases in size or redness.
If the area of the breast around the lump becomes red and warm, or if you develop a fever, see your doctor to check for a breast infection.
If you should develop a fever in the first 6 weeks after giving birth, please notify your healthcare provider.
Your child's pediatrician may prescribe ibuprofen if your baby gets sick or develops a fever.
Within 24 hours my daughter lost almost 10 % of her birth weight, developed a fever from dehydration and had to be removed from my room for monitoring where they gave her supplemental formula.
Contact your pediatrician if your child develops a fever of 100.4 degrees F or more in connection with the congestion.
If your child has pain at the site where the shot was given or develops a fever and feels sick, speak to your child's doctor about giving medicine such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen to relieve symptoms.
If your baby develops a fever or the rash begins oozing or has open sores, be sure to reach out to your health provider.
If your baby develops a fever it may be the sign of an infection of the cord stump.
The danger signals that led to my CS included a * high * heart rate in my son — plus developing fever / infection for me.
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