Sentences with phrase «develop meaningful game»

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Perhaps these two entrepreneurs can come together to develop an application for this new technology that's more meaningful than revolutionizing the video game world.
Also, ideally children first learn about reading by being read to a lot, so they have a sense of the whole game, and as they develop their decoding skills they soon practice on simple small - scale texts that nonetheless try to be interesting and meaningful.
According to Lammert, the team wanted «to design and develop games that thoughtfully present the player with elegant, meaningful, and realized worlds.»
The winning combination is to continue lowering the cost to entry, publishing AAA games from Western / Japanese publishers in China, Introducing locally developed Chinese games that are free to play or low cost and finally to continue innovating in the digital space with a meaningful PS Plus subscription that offers you similar functionality to that of Android «TV Gaming» devices.
Generally, it also shows the right direction to develop games with meaningful stories and emotions.
Stephen Totilo ran three seperate segments on the MTV Multiplayer blog - one about our innovative integration of explosive barrels (no kidding), one about the PC game market and a third one about the challenges we've been facing building real meaningful investment in characters who are mechanically and procedurally developed in the narrative design.
I think that Dawn of War, Company of Heroes, and slower games like Valkyria Chronicles introduce interesting, meaningful choices into the way players grow and develop their armies.
To Sherry, videogames were ugly, confusing and boistrous, but once Lorne had promised they could not only design a graphically beautiful, intuitively controlled game with a captivating and meaningful story, but also get it funded, developed and published, Sherry agreed to the idea.
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